import { memo, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react' import { Button, Alert } from 'react-bootstrap' import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' import Icon from '../../../shared/components/icon' import { sendMB } from '../../../infrastructure/event-tracking' import usePersistedState from '../../../shared/hooks/use-persisted-state' import { useDetachCompileContext as useCompileContext } from '../../../shared/context/detach-compile-context' import { useProjectContext } from '../../../shared/context/project-context' const SAY_THANKS_TIMEOUT = 10 * 1000 function FasterCompilesFeedbackContent() { const { clsiServerId, deliveryLatencies, pdfFile, pdfUrl } = useCompileContext() const { _id: projectId } = useProjectContext() const [incrementalCompiles, setIncrementalCompiles] = useState(0) const [hasRatedProject, setHasRatedProject] = usePersistedState( `faster-compiles-feedback:${projectId}`, false, true ) const [dismiss, setDismiss] = usePersistedState( 'faster-compiles-feedback:dismiss', false, true ) const [sayThanks, setSayThanks] = useState(false) const lastClsiServerId = useRef(undefined) const lastPdfUrl = useRef(undefined) useEffect(() => { if ( !pdfUrl || !lastPdfUrl.current || clsiServerId !== lastClsiServerId.current ) { // Reset history after // - clearing cache / server error (both reset pdfUrl) // - initial compile after reset of pdfUrl // - switching the clsi server, aka we get a _slow_ full compile. setIncrementalCompiles(0) lastClsiServerId.current = clsiServerId } else { setIncrementalCompiles(n => n + 1) } lastPdfUrl.current = pdfUrl }, [clsiServerId, lastPdfUrl, pdfUrl, setIncrementalCompiles]) function submitFeedback(feedback = '') { sendMB('faster-compiles-feedback', { projectId, server: clsiServerId?.includes('-c2d-') ? 'faster' : 'normal', feedback, pdfSize: pdfFile?.size, ...deliveryLatencies, }) setHasRatedProject(true) setSayThanks(true) window.setTimeout(() => { setSayThanks(false) }, SAY_THANKS_TIMEOUT) } function dismissFeedback() { sendMB('faster-compiles-feedback-dismiss') setDismiss(true) } const { t } = useTranslation() // Hide the feedback prompt in all these cases: // - the initial compile (0), its always perceived as _slow_. // - the first incremental compile (1), its always _faster_ than ^. // - the user has dismissed the prompt // - the user has rated compile speed already (say thanks if needed) switch (true) { case sayThanks: return ( setSayThanks(false)} > {t('faster_compiles_feedback_thanks')} ) case dismiss || hasRatedProject: return null case incrementalCompiles > 1: return ( {t('faster_compiles_feedback_question')}
{['slower', 'same', 'faster'].map(feedback => ( ))}
) default: return null } } function FasterCompilesFeedback() { const { showFasterCompilesFeedbackUI } = useCompileContext() if (!showFasterCompilesFeedbackUI) { return null } return } export default memo(FasterCompilesFeedback)