import { search as _search, setSearchQuery, getSearchQuery, openSearchPanel, SearchQuery, searchPanelOpen, searchKeymap, highlightSelectionMatches, togglePanel, } from '@codemirror/search' import { Decoration, EditorView, keymap, ViewPlugin } from '@codemirror/view' import { Annotation, Compartment, EditorSelection, EditorState, SelectionRange, StateEffect, StateField, TransactionSpec, } from '@codemirror/state' const restoreSearchQueryAnnotation = Annotation.define() const selectNextMatch = (query: SearchQuery, state: EditorState) => { if (!query.valid) { return false } let cursor = query.getCursor(state.doc, state.selection.main.from) let result = if (result.done) { cursor = query.getCursor(state.doc) result = } return result.done ? null : result.value } const storedSelectionEffect = StateEffect.define() const storedSelectionState = StateField.define({ create() { return null }, update(value, tr) { if (value) { value = } for (const effect of tr.effects) { if ( { value = effect.value } else if ( && effect.value === false) { value = null // clear the stored selection when closing the search panel } } return value }, provide(f) { return [ EditorView.decorations.from(f, selection => { if (!selection) { return Decoration.none } const decorations = selection.ranges .filter(range => !range.empty) .map(range => Decoration.mark({ class: 'ol-cm-stored-selection', }).range(range.from, ) return Decoration.set(decorations) }), ] }, }) export const getStoredSelection = (state: EditorState) => state.field(storedSelectionState) export const setStoredSelection = (selection: EditorSelection | null) => { return { effects: [ storedSelectionEffect.of(selection), // TODO: only disable selection highlighting if the current selection is a search match highlightSelectionMatchesConf.reconfigure( selection ? [] : highlightSelectionMatchesExtension ), ], } } const highlightSelectionMatchesConf = new Compartment() const highlightSelectionMatchesExtension = highlightSelectionMatches({ wholeWords: true, }) // store the search query for use when switching between files // TODO: move this into EditorContext? let searchQuery: SearchQuery | null const scrollToMatch = (range: SelectionRange, view: EditorView) => { const coords = { from: view.coordsAtPos(range.from), to: view.coordsAtPos(, } const scrollRect = view.scrollDOM.getBoundingClientRect() const strategy = (coords.from && < || ( && > scrollRect.bottom) ? 'center' : 'nearest' return EditorView.scrollIntoView(range, { y: strategy, }) } /** * A collection of extensions related to the search feature. */ export const search = () => { let open = false return [ // keymap for search keymap.of(searchKeymap), // highlight text which matches the current selection highlightSelectionMatchesConf.of(highlightSelectionMatchesExtension), // a stored selection for use in "within selection" searches storedSelectionState, /** * The CodeMirror `search` extension, configured to create a custom panel element * and to scroll the search match into the centre of the viewport when needed. */ _search({ literal: true, // centre the search match if it was outside the visible area scrollToMatch, createPanel: () => { const dom = document.createElement('div') dom.className = 'ol-cm-search' return { dom, mount() { open = true // focus the search input when the panel is already open const searchInput = dom.querySelector('[main-field]') if (searchInput) { searchInput.focus() } }, destroy() { window.setTimeout(() => { open = false // in a timeout, so the view plugin below can run its destroy method first }, 0) }, } }, }), // restore a stored search and re-open the search panel ViewPlugin.define(view => { if (searchQuery) { const _searchQuery = searchQuery window.setTimeout(() => { openSearchPanel(view) view.dispatch({ effects: setSearchQuery.of(_searchQuery), annotations: restoreSearchQueryAnnotation.of(true), }) }, 0) } return { destroy() { // persist the current search query if the panel is open searchQuery = open ? getSearchQuery(view.state) : null }, } }), // select a match while searching EditorView.updateListener.of(update => { // if the search panel wasn't open, don't select a match if (!searchPanelOpen(update.startState)) { return } for (const tr of update.transactions) { // avoid changing the selection and viewport when switching between files if (tr.annotation(restoreSearchQueryAnnotation)) { continue } for (const effect of tr.effects) { if ( { const query = effect.value if (!query) return // The rest of this messes up searching in Vim, which is handled by // the Vim extension, so bail out here in Vim mode. Happily, the // Vim extension sticks an extra property on the query value that // can be checked if ('forVim' in query) return const next = selectNextMatch(query, tr.state) if (next) { // select a match if possible const spec: TransactionSpec = { selection: { anchor: next.from, head: }, userEvent: '', } // scroll into view if not opening the panel if (searchPanelOpen(tr.startState)) { spec.effects = scrollToMatch( EditorSelection.range(next.from,, update.view ) } update.view.dispatch(spec) } else { // clear the selection if the query became invalid const prevQuery = getSearchQuery(tr.startState) if (prevQuery.valid) { const { from } = tr.startState.selection.main update.view.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: from }, }) } } } } } }), searchFormTheme, ] } const searchFormTheme = EditorView.theme({ '.ol-cm-search-form': { padding: '10px', display: 'flex', gap: '10px', background: 'var(--ol-blue-gray-1)', '--ol-cm-search-form-focus-shadow': 'inset 0 1px 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 8%), 0 0 8px rgb(102 175 233 / 60%)', '--ol-cm-search-form-error-shadow': 'inset 0 1px 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 8%), 0 0 8px var(--input-shadow-danger-color)', }, '.ol-cm-search-controls': { display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: 'auto auto', gridTemplateRows: 'auto auto', gap: '10px', }, '.ol-cm-search-form-row': { display: 'flex', gap: '10px', justifyContent: 'space-between', }, '.ol-cm-search-form-group': { display: 'flex', gap: '10px', alignItems: 'center', }, '.ol-cm-search-input-group': { border: '1px solid var(--input-border)', borderRadius: '20px', background: 'white', width: '100%', maxWidth: '25em', '& input[type="text"]': { background: 'none', boxShadow: 'none', }, '& input[type="text"]:focus': { outline: 'none', boxShadow: 'none', }, '& .btn.btn': { background: 'var(--ol-blue-gray-0)', color: 'var(--ol-blue-gray-3)', borderRadius: '50%', height: '2em', display: 'inline-flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', width: '2em', marginRight: '3px', '&.checked': { color: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'var(--ol-blue)', }, '&:active': { boxShadow: 'none', }, }, '&:focus-within': { borderColor: 'var(--input-border-focus)', boxShadow: 'var(--ol-cm-search-form-focus-shadow)', }, }, '.ol-cm-search-input-group.ol-cm-search-input-error': { '&:focus-within': { borderColor: 'var(--input-border-danger)', boxShadow: 'var(--ol-cm-search-form-error-shadow)', }, }, '.input-group .ol-cm-search-form-input': { border: 'none', }, '.ol-cm-search-input-button': { background: '#fff', color: 'inherit', border: 'none', }, '.ol-cm-search-input-button.focused': { borderColor: 'var(--input-border-focus)', boxShadow: 'var(--ol-cm-search-form-focus-shadow)', }, '.ol-cm-search-form-button-group': { flexShrink: 0, }, '.ol-cm-search-form-position': { flexShrink: 0, color: 'var(--ol-blue-gray-4)', }, '.ol-cm-search-hidden-inputs': { position: 'absolute', left: '-10000px', }, '.ol-cm-search-form-close': { flex: 1, }, '.ol-cm-search-replace-input': { order: 3, }, '.ol-cm-search-replace-buttons': { order: 4, }, '.ol-cm-stored-selection': { background: 'rgba(125, 125, 125, 0.1)', paddingTop: 'var(--half-leading)', paddingBottom: 'var(--half-leading)', }, // set the default "match" style '.cm-selectionMatch, .cm-searchMatch': { backgroundColor: 'transparent', outlineOffset: '-1px', paddingTop: 'var(--half-leading)', paddingBottom: 'var(--half-leading)', }, // make sure selectionMatch inside searchMatch doesn't have a background colour '.cm-searchMatch .cm-selectionMatch': { backgroundColor: 'transparent !important', }, })