import { EditorState, Line, Range, RangeSet, StateEffect, StateField, } from '@codemirror/state' import { Decoration, DecorationSet, EditorView, hoverTooltip, Tooltip, WidgetType, } from '@codemirror/view' import { Highlight, HighlightType } from '../services/types/doc' export const setHighlightsEffect = StateEffect.define() function highlightToMarker(highlight: Highlight) { const className = highlight.type === 'addition' ? 'ol-cm-addition-marker' : 'ol-cm-deletion-marker' const { from, to } = highlight.range return Decoration.mark({ class: className, attributes: { style: `--hue: ${highlight.hue}`, }, }).range(from, to) } type LineStatus = { line: Line highlights: Highlight[] empty: boolean changeType: HighlightType | 'mixed' } type LineStatuses = Map function highlightedLines(highlights: Highlight[], state: EditorState) { const lineStatuses = new Map() for (const highlight of highlights) { const fromLine = state.doc.lineAt(highlight.range.from).number const toLine = state.doc.lineAt( for (let lineNum = fromLine; lineNum <= toLine; ++lineNum) { const status = lineStatuses.get(lineNum) if (status) { status.highlights.push(highlight) if (status.changeType !== highlight.type) { status.changeType = 'mixed' } } else { const line = state.doc.line(lineNum) lineStatuses.set(lineNum, { line, highlights: [highlight], empty: line.length === 0, changeType: highlight.type, }) } } } return lineStatuses } const theme = EditorView.baseTheme({ '.ol-cm-addition-marker': { paddingTop: 'var(--half-leading)', paddingBottom: 'var(--half-leading)', backgroundColor: 'hsl(var(--hue), 70%, 85%)', }, '.ol-cm-deletion-marker': { textDecoration: 'line-through', color: 'hsl(var(--hue), 70%, 40%)', }, '.cm-tooltip-hover': { backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderWidth: 0, }, '.ol-cm-highlight-tooltip': { backgroundColor: 'hsl(var(--hue), 70%, 50%)', borderRadius: '4px', padding: '4px', color: '#fff', }, '.ol-cm-empty-line-addition-marker': { padding: 'var(--half-leading) 2px', }, }) const tooltip = (view: EditorView, pos: number, side: any): Tooltip | null => { const highlights = view.state.field(highlightDecorationsField).highlights const highlight = highlights.find(highlight => { const { from, to } = highlight.range return !( pos < from || pos > to || (pos === from && side < 0) || (pos === to && side > 0) ) }) if (!highlight) { return null } return { pos: highlight.range.from, end:, above: true, create: () => { const dom = document.createElement('div') dom.classList.add('ol-cm-highlight-tooltip')'--hue', highlight.hue.toString()) dom.textContent = highlight.label return { dom } }, } } class EmptyLineAdditionMarkerWidget extends WidgetType { constructor(readonly hue: number) { super() } toDOM(view: EditorView): HTMLElement { const element = document.createElement('span') element.className = 'ol-cm-empty-line-addition-marker ol-cm-addition-marker''--hue', this.hue.toString()) return element } } class EmptyLineDeletionMarkerWidget extends WidgetType { constructor(readonly hue: number) { super() } toDOM(view: EditorView): HTMLElement { const element = document.createElement('span') element.className = 'ol-cm-empty-line-deletion-marker ol-deletion-marker''--hue', this.hue.toString()) element.textContent = ' ' return element } } function createMarkers(highlights: Highlight[]) { return RangeSet.of( => highlightToMarker(highlight))) } function createEmptyLineHighlightMarkers(lineStatuses: LineStatuses) { const markers: Range[] = [] for (const lineStatus of lineStatuses.values()) { if (lineStatus.line.length === 0) { const highlight = lineStatus.highlights[0] const widget = highlight.type === 'addition' ? new EmptyLineAdditionMarkerWidget(highlight.hue) : new EmptyLineDeletionMarkerWidget(highlight.hue) // In order to make the hover tooltip appear for every empty line, // position the widget after the position if this is the first empty line // in a group or before it otherwise. Always using a value of 1 would // mean that the last empty line in a group of more than one would not // trigger the hover tooltip. const side = lineStatuses.get(lineStatus.line.number - 1)?.highlights[0]?.type === highlight.type ? -1 : 1 markers.push( Decoration.widget({ widget, side, }).range(lineStatus.line.from) ) } } return RangeSet.of(markers) } type HighlightDecorations = { highlights: Highlight[] highlightMarkers: DecorationSet emptyLineHighlightMarkers: DecorationSet } export const highlightDecorationsField = StateField.define({ create() { return { highlights: [], highlightMarkers: Decoration.none, emptyLineHighlightMarkers: Decoration.none, } }, update(highlightMarkers, tr) { for (const effect of tr.effects) { if ( { const highlights = effect.value const lineStatuses = highlightedLines(highlights, tr.state) const highlightMarkers = createMarkers(highlights) const emptyLineHighlightMarkers = createEmptyLineHighlightMarkers(lineStatuses) return { highlights, highlightMarkers, emptyLineHighlightMarkers, } } } return highlightMarkers }, provide: field => [ EditorView.decorations.from(field, value => value.highlightMarkers), EditorView.decorations.from( field, value => value.emptyLineHighlightMarkers ), theme, hoverTooltip(tooltip, { hoverTime: 0 }), ], }) export function highlights() { return highlightDecorationsField }