/* eslint-disable no-undef, max-len */ define(['../base', 'libs/passfield'], function(App) { App.directive('complexPassword', () => ({ require: ['^asyncForm', 'ngModel'], link(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { PassField.Config.blackList = [] const defaultPasswordOpts = { pattern: '', length: { min: 6, max: 72 }, allowEmpty: false, allowAnyChars: false, isMasked: true, showToggle: false, showGenerate: false, showTip: false, showWarn: false, checkMode: PassField.CheckModes.STRICT, chars: { digits: '1234567890', letters: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', letters_up: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', symbols: '@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{};:<>/?!£€.,' } } const opts = _.defaults( window.passwordStrengthOptions || {}, defaultPasswordOpts ) if (opts.length.min === 1) { // this allows basically anything to be a valid password opts.acceptRate = 0 } if (opts.length.max > 72) { // there is a hard limit of 71 characters in the password at the backend opts.length.max = 72 } if (opts.length.max > 0) { // PassField's notion of 'max' is non-inclusive opts.length.max += 1 } const passField = new PassField.Field('passwordField', opts) const [asyncFormCtrl, ngModelCtrl] = Array.from(ctrl) ngModelCtrl.$parsers.unshift(function(modelValue) { let isValid = passField.validatePass() const email = asyncFormCtrl.getEmail() || window.usersEmail if (!isValid) { scope.complexPasswordErrorMessage = passField.getPassValidationMessage() } else if (typeof email === 'string' && email !== '') { const startOfEmail = email.split('@')[0] if ( modelValue.indexOf(email) !== -1 || modelValue.indexOf(startOfEmail) !== -1 ) { isValid = false scope.complexPasswordErrorMessage = 'Password can not contain email address' } } if (opts.length.max != null && modelValue.length >= opts.length.max) { isValid = false scope.complexPasswordErrorMessage = `Maximum password length ${opts .length.max - 1} exceeded` } if (opts.length.min != null && modelValue.length < opts.length.min) { isValid = false scope.complexPasswordErrorMessage = `Password too short, minimum ${ opts.length.min }` } ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('complexPassword', isValid) return modelValue }) } })) })