define [ "libraries" "modules/recursionHelper" "modules/errorCatcher" "modules/localStorage" "utils/underscore" ], () -> App = angular.module("SharelatexApp", [ "ui.bootstrap" "autocomplete" "RecursionHelper" "ng-context-menu" "underscore" "ngSanitize" "ipCookie" "mvdSixpack" "ErrorCatcher" "localStorage" "ngTagsInput" "" ]).config ($qProvider, sixpackProvider, $httpProvider, uiSelectConfig) -> $qProvider.errorOnUnhandledRejections(false) uiSelectConfig.spinnerClass = 'fa fa-refresh ui-select-spin' sixpackProvider.setOptions({ debug: false baseUrl: window.sharelatex.sixpackDomain client_id: window.user_id }) MathJax?.Hub?.Config( messageStyle: "none" imageFont:null "HTML-CSS": availableFonts: ["TeX"] # MathJax's automatic font scaling does not work well when we render math # that isn't yet on the page, so we disable it and set a global font # scale factor scale: 110 matchFontHeight: false TeX: equationNumbers: { autoNumber: "AMS" } useLabelIDs: false skipStartupTypeset: true tex2jax: processEscapes: true # Dollar delimiters are added by the mathjax directive inlineMath: [ ["\\(","\\)"] ] displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ["\\[","\\]"] ] ) ($templateCache) -> # UI Select templates are hard-coded and use Glyphicon icons (which we don't import). # The line below simply overrides the hard-coded template with our own, which is # basically the same but using Font Awesome icons. $templateCache.put "bootstrap/match.tpl.html", "
" sl_debugging = window.location?.search?.match(/debug=true/)? window.sl_console = log: (args...) -> console.log(args...) if sl_debugging return App