// Script to add feature overrides // // A feature override is appended to the user's featuresOverride list if they do // not already have the feature. The features are refreshed after adding the // override. // // If the script detects that the user would have the feature just by refreshing // then it skips adding the override and just refreshes the users features -- // this is to minimise the creation of unnecessary overrides. // // Usage: // // $ node scripts/add_feature_override.js --commit --note 'text description' --expires 2022-01-01 --override JSONFILE --ids IDFILE // // --commit do the update, remove this option for dry-run testing // --note text description [optional] // --expires expiry date for override [optional] // --skip-existing don't create the override for users who already have the feature (e.g. via a subscription) // // IDFILE: file containing list of user ids, one per line // JSONFILE: file containing JSON of the desired feature overrides e.g. {"symbolPalette": true} // // The feature override is specified with JSON to allow types to be set as string/number/boolean. // It is contained in a file to avoid any issues with shell quoting. const minimist = require('minimist') const fs = require('fs') const { ObjectId, waitForDb } = require('../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb') const pLimit = require('p-limit') const FeaturesUpdater = require('../app/src/Features/Subscription/FeaturesUpdater') const FeaturesHelper = require('../app/src/Features/Subscription/FeaturesHelper') const UserFeaturesUpdater = require('../app/src/Features/Subscription/UserFeaturesUpdater') const UserGetter = require('../app/src/Features/User/UserGetter') const processLogger = { failed: [], success: [], skipped: [], printSummary: () => { console.log( { success: processLogger.success, failed: processLogger.failed, skipped: processLogger.skipped, }, `\nDONE. ${processLogger.success.length} successful. ${processLogger.skipped.length} skipped. ${processLogger.failed.length} failed to update.` ) }, } function _validateUserIdList(userIds) { userIds.forEach(userId => { if (!ObjectId.isValid(userId)) throw new Error(`user ID not valid: ${userId}`) }) } async function _handleUser(userId) { console.log('updating user', userId) const user = await UserGetter.promises.getUser(userId, { features: 1, featuresOverrides: 1, }) if (!user) { console.log(userId, 'does not exist, failed') processLogger.failed.push(userId) return } const desiredFeatures = OVERRIDE.features // Does the user have the requested features already? if ( SKIP_EXISTING && FeaturesHelper.isFeatureSetBetter(user.features, desiredFeatures) ) { console.log( userId, `already has ${JSON.stringify(desiredFeatures)}, skipping` ) processLogger.skipped.push(userId) return } // Would the user have the requested feature if the features were refreshed? const freshFeatures = await FeaturesUpdater.promises.computeFeatures(userId) if ( SKIP_EXISTING && FeaturesHelper.isFeatureSetBetter(freshFeatures, desiredFeatures) ) { console.log( userId, `would have ${JSON.stringify( desiredFeatures )} if refreshed, skipping override` ) } else { // create the override (if not in dry-run mode) if (COMMIT) { await UserFeaturesUpdater.promises.createFeaturesOverride( userId, OVERRIDE ) } } if (!COMMIT) { // not saving features; nothing else to do return } const refreshResult = await FeaturesUpdater.promises.refreshFeatures( userId, 'add-feature-override-script' ) const featureSetIncludesNewFeatures = FeaturesHelper.isFeatureSetBetter( refreshResult.features, desiredFeatures ) if (featureSetIncludesNewFeatures) { // features added successfully processLogger.success.push(userId) } else { console.log('FEATURE NOT ADDED', refreshResult) processLogger.failed.push(userId) } } const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)) const CONCURRENCY = argv.async ? argv.async : 10 const overridesFilename = argv.override const expires = argv.expires const note = argv.note const SKIP_EXISTING = argv['skip-existing'] || false const COMMIT = argv.commit !== undefined if (!COMMIT) { console.warn('Doing dry run without --commit') } const idsFilename = argv.ids if (!idsFilename) throw new Error('missing ids list filename') const usersFile = fs.readFileSync(idsFilename, 'utf8') const userIds = usersFile .trim() .split('\n') .map(id => id.trim()) const overridesFile = fs.readFileSync(overridesFilename, 'utf8') const features = JSON.parse(overridesFile) const OVERRIDE = { features } if (note) { OVERRIDE.note = note } if (expires) { OVERRIDE.expiresAt = new Date(expires) } async function processUsers(userIds) { console.log('---Starting add feature override script---') console.log('Will update users to have', OVERRIDE) console.log( SKIP_EXISTING ? 'Users with this feature already will be skipped' : 'Every user in file will get feature override' ) await waitForDb() _validateUserIdList(userIds) console.log(`---Starting to process ${userIds.length} users---`) const limit = pLimit(CONCURRENCY) const results = await Promise.allSettled( userIds.map(userId => limit(() => _handleUser(new ObjectId(userId)))) ) results.forEach((result, idx) => { if (result.status !== 'fulfilled') { console.log(userIds[idx], 'failed', result.reason) processLogger.failed.push(userIds[idx]) } }) processLogger.printSummary() process.exit() } processUsers(userIds)