const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const path = require('path') const sinon = require('sinon') const { expect } = require('chai') const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb') const Errors = require('../../../../app/src/Features/Errors/Errors') const MODULE_PATH = path.join( __dirname, '../../../../app/src/Features/Project/ProjectListController' ) describe('ProjectListController', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.project_id = ObjectId('abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef') this.user = { _id: ObjectId('123456123456123456123456'), email: '', first_name: 'bjkdsjfk', features: {}, emails: [{ email: '' }], lastLoginIp: '', } this.users = { 'user-1': { first_name: 'James', }, 'user-2': { first_name: 'Henry', }, } this.users[this.user._id] = this.user // Owner this.usersArr = Object.entries(this.users).map(([key, value]) => ({ _id: key, ...value, })) this.tags = [ { name: 1, project_ids: ['1', '2', '3'] }, { name: 2, project_ids: ['a', '1'] }, { name: 3, project_ids: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] }, ] this.notifications = [ { _id: '1', user_id: '2', templateKey: '3', messageOpts: '4', key: '5', }, ] this.settings = { siteUrl: '', } this.LimitationsManager = { promises: { userIsMemberOfGroupSubscription: sinon.stub().resolves(false), }, } this.TagsHandler = { promises: { getAllTags: sinon.stub().resolves(this.tags), }, } this.NotificationsHandler = { promises: { getUserNotifications: sinon.stub().resolves(this.notifications), }, } this.UserModel = { findById: sinon.stub().resolves(this.user), } this.UserPrimaryEmailCheckHandler = { requiresPrimaryEmailCheck: sinon.stub().returns(false), } this.ProjectGetter = { promises: { findAllUsersProjects: sinon.stub(), }, } this.ProjectHelper = { isArchived: sinon.stub(), isTrashed: sinon.stub(), } this.SessionManager = { getLoggedInUserId: sinon.stub().returns(this.user._id), } this.UserController = { logout: sinon.stub(), } this.UserGetter = { promises: { getUsers: sinon.stub().resolves(this.usersArr), getUserFullEmails: sinon.stub().resolves([]), }, } this.Features = { hasFeature: sinon.stub(), } this.Metrics = { inc: sinon.stub(), } this.SplitTestHandler = { promises: { getAssignment: sinon.stub().resolves({ variant: 'default' }), }, } this.SubscriptionViewModelBuilder = { promises: { getBestSubscription: sinon.stub().resolves({ type: 'free' }), }, } this.SurveyHandler = { promises: { getSurvey: sinon.stub().resolves({}), }, } this.NotificationBuilder = { promises: { ipMatcherAffiliation: sinon.stub().returns({ create: sinon.stub() }), }, } this.ProjectListController = SandboxedModule.require(MODULE_PATH, { requires: { mongodb: { ObjectId }, '@overleaf/settings': this.settings, '@overleaf/metrics': this.Metrics, '../SplitTests/SplitTestHandler': this.SplitTestHandler, '../User/UserController': this.UserController, './ProjectHelper': this.ProjectHelper, '../Subscription/LimitationsManager': this.LimitationsManager, '../Tags/TagsHandler': this.TagsHandler, '../Notifications/NotificationsHandler': this.NotificationsHandler, '../../models/User': { User: this.UserModel }, './ProjectGetter': this.ProjectGetter, '../Authentication/SessionManager': this.SessionManager, '../../infrastructure/Features': this.Features, '../User/UserGetter': this.UserGetter, '../Subscription/SubscriptionViewModelBuilder': this.SubscriptionViewModelBuilder, '../../infrastructure/Modules': { promises: { hooks: { fire: sinon.stub().resolves([]) }, }, }, '../Survey/SurveyHandler': this.SurveyHandler, '../User/UserPrimaryEmailCheckHandler': this.UserPrimaryEmailCheckHandler, '../Notifications/NotificationsBuilder': this.NotificationBuilder, }, }) this.req = { query: {}, params: { Project_id: this.project_id, }, headers: {}, session: { user: this.user, }, body: {}, i18n: { translate() {}, }, } this.res = {} }) describe('projectListPage', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.projects = [ { _id: 1, lastUpdated: 1, owner_ref: 'user-1' }, { _id: 2, lastUpdated: 2, owner_ref: 'user-2', lastUpdatedBy: 'user-1', }, ] this.readAndWrite = [{ _id: 5, lastUpdated: 5, owner_ref: 'user-1' }] this.readOnly = [{ _id: 3, lastUpdated: 3, owner_ref: 'user-1' }] this.tokenReadAndWrite = [{ _id: 6, lastUpdated: 5, owner_ref: 'user-4' }] this.tokenReadOnly = [{ _id: 7, lastUpdated: 4, owner_ref: 'user-5' }] this.allProjects = { owned: this.projects, readAndWrite: this.readAndWrite, readOnly: this.readOnly, tokenReadAndWrite: this.tokenReadAndWrite, tokenReadOnly: this.tokenReadOnly, } this.ProjectGetter.promises.findAllUsersProjects.resolves( this.allProjects ) }) it('should render the project/list-react page', function (done) { this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { pageName.should.equal('project/list-react') done() } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it('should send the tags', function (done) { this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { opts.tags.length.should.equal(this.tags.length) done() } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it('should create trigger ip matcher notifications', function (done) { this.settings.overleaf = true this.req.ip = '' this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { this.NotificationBuilder.promises.ipMatcherAffiliation.called.should.equal( true ) done() } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it('should send the projects', function (done) { this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { opts.prefetchedProjectsBlob.projects.length.should.equal( this.projects.length + this.readAndWrite.length + this.readOnly.length + this.tokenReadAndWrite.length + this.tokenReadOnly.length ) done() } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it('should send the user', function (done) { this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { opts.user.should.deep.equal(this.user) done() } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it('should inject the users', function (done) { this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { const projects = opts.prefetchedProjectsBlob.projects projects .filter(p => === '1')[0] .owner.firstName.should.equal( this.users[this.projects.filter(p => p._id === 1)[0].owner_ref] .first_name ) projects .filter(p => === '2')[0] .owner.firstName.should.equal( this.users[this.projects.filter(p => p._id === 2)[0].owner_ref] .first_name ) projects .filter(p => === '2')[0] .lastUpdatedBy.firstName.should.equal( this.users[this.projects.filter(p => p._id === 2)[0].lastUpdatedBy] .first_name ) done() } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it("should send the user's best subscription when saas feature present", function (done) { this.Features.hasFeature.withArgs('saas').returns(true) this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { expect(opts.usersBestSubscription).to.deep.include({ type: 'free' }) done() } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it('should not return a best subscription without saas feature', function (done) { this.Features.hasFeature.withArgs('saas').returns(false) this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { expect(opts.usersBestSubscription) done() } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) describe('With Institution SSO feature', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { this.institutionEmail = '' this.institutionName = 'Overleaf' this.Features.hasFeature.withArgs('saml').returns(true) this.Features.hasFeature.withArgs('affiliations').returns(true) this.Features.hasFeature.withArgs('overleaf-integration').returns(true) done() }) it('should show institution SSO available notification for confirmed domains', function () { this.UserGetter.promises.getUserFullEmails.resolves([ { email: '', affiliation: { institution: { id: 1, confirmed: true, name: 'Overleaf', ssoBeta: false, ssoEnabled: true, }, }, }, ]) this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { expect(opts.notificationsInstitution).to.deep.include({ email: this.institutionEmail, institutionId: 1, institutionName: this.institutionName, templateKey: 'notification_institution_sso_available', }) } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it('should show a linked notification', function () { this.req.session.saml = { institutionEmail: this.institutionEmail, linked: { hasEntitlement: false, universityName: this.institutionName, }, } this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { expect(opts.notificationsInstitution).to.deep.include({ email: this.institutionEmail, institutionName: this.institutionName, templateKey: 'notification_institution_sso_linked', }) } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it('should show a linked another email notification', function () { // when they request to link an email but the institution returns // a different email this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { expect(opts.notificationsInstitution).to.deep.include({ institutionEmail: this.institutionEmail, requestedEmail: '', templateKey: 'notification_institution_sso_non_canonical', }) } this.req.session.saml = { emailNonCanonical: this.institutionEmail, institutionEmail: this.institutionEmail, requestedEmail: '', linked: { hasEntitlement: false, universityName: this.institutionName, }, } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it('should show a notification when intent was to register via SSO but account existed', function () { this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { expect(opts.notificationsInstitution).to.deep.include({ email: this.institutionEmail, templateKey: 'notification_institution_sso_already_registered', }) } this.req.session.saml = { institutionEmail: this.institutionEmail, linked: { hasEntitlement: false, universityName: 'Overleaf', }, registerIntercept: { id: 1, name: 'Example University', }, } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it('should not show a register notification if the flow was abandoned', function () { // could initially start to register with an SSO email and then // abandon flow and login with an existing non-institution SSO email this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { expect(opts.notificationsInstitution).to.deep.not.include({ email: '', templateKey: 'notification_institution_sso_already_registered', }) } this.req.session.saml = { registerIntercept: { id: 1, name: 'Example University', }, } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it('should show error notification', function () { this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { expect(opts.notificationsInstitution.length).to.equal(1) expect(opts.notificationsInstitution[0].templateKey).to.equal( 'notification_institution_sso_error' ) expect(opts.notificationsInstitution[0].error) Errors.SAMLAlreadyLinkedError ) } this.req.session.saml = { institutionEmail: this.institutionEmail, error: new Errors.SAMLAlreadyLinkedError(), } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) describe('for an unconfirmed domain for an SSO institution', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { this.UserGetter.promises.getUserFullEmails.resolves([ { email: '', affiliation: { institution: { id: 1, confirmed: false, name: 'Overleaf', ssoBeta: false, ssoEnabled: true, }, }, }, ]) done() }) it('should not show institution SSO available notification', function () { this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { expect(opts.notificationsInstitution.length).to.equal(0) } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) }) describe('when linking/logging in initiated on institution side', function () { it('should not show a linked another email notification', function () { // this is only used when initated on Overleaf, // because we keep track of the requested email they tried to link this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { expect(opts.notificationsInstitution).to.not.deep.include({ institutionEmail: this.institutionEmail, requestedEmail: undefined, templateKey: 'notification_institution_sso_non_canonical', }) } this.req.session.saml = { emailNonCanonical: this.institutionEmail, institutionEmail: this.institutionEmail, linked: { hasEntitlement: false, universityName: this.institutionName, }, } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) }) describe('Institution with SSO beta testable', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { this.UserGetter.promises.getUserFullEmails.resolves([ { email: '', affiliation: { institution: { id: 2, confirmed: true, name: 'Beta University', ssoBeta: true, ssoEnabled: false, }, }, }, ]) done() }) it('should show institution SSO available notification when on a beta testing session', function () { this.req.session.samlBeta = true this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { expect(opts.notificationsInstitution).to.deep.include({ email: '', institutionId: 2, institutionName: 'Beta University', templateKey: 'notification_institution_sso_available', }) } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it('should not show institution SSO available notification when not on a beta testing session', function () { this.req.session.samlBeta = false this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { expect(opts.notificationsInstitution).to.deep.not.include({ email: '', institutionId: 1, institutionName: 'Overleaf', templateKey: 'notification_institution_sso_available', }) } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) }) }) describe('Without Institution SSO feature', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { this.Features.hasFeature.withArgs('saml').returns(false) done() }) it('should not show institution sso available notification', function () { this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { expect(opts.notificationsInstitution).to.deep.not.include({ email: '', institutionId: 1, institutionName: 'Overleaf', templateKey: 'notification_institution_sso_available', }) } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) }) }) describe('projectListReactPage with duplicate projects', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.projects = [ { _id: 1, lastUpdated: 1, owner_ref: 'user-1' }, { _id: 2, lastUpdated: 2, owner_ref: 'user-2' }, ] this.readAndWrite = [{ _id: 5, lastUpdated: 5, owner_ref: 'user-1' }] this.readOnly = [{ _id: 3, lastUpdated: 3, owner_ref: 'user-1' }] this.tokenReadAndWrite = [{ _id: 6, lastUpdated: 5, owner_ref: 'user-4' }] this.tokenReadOnly = [ { _id: 6, lastUpdated: 5, owner_ref: 'user-4' }, // Also in tokenReadAndWrite { _id: 7, lastUpdated: 4, owner_ref: 'user-5' }, ] this.allProjects = { owned: this.projects, readAndWrite: this.readAndWrite, readOnly: this.readOnly, tokenReadAndWrite: this.tokenReadAndWrite, tokenReadOnly: this.tokenReadOnly, } this.ProjectGetter.promises.findAllUsersProjects.resolves( this.allProjects ) }) it('should render the project/list-react page', function (done) { this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { pageName.should.equal('project/list-react') done() } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) it('should omit one of the projects', function (done) { this.res.render = (pageName, opts) => { opts.prefetchedProjectsBlob.projects.length.should.equal( this.projects.length + this.readAndWrite.length + this.readOnly.length + this.tokenReadAndWrite.length + this.tokenReadOnly.length - 1 ) done() } this.ProjectListController.projectListPage(this.req, this.res) }) }) })