sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') assert = require("assert") should = chai.should() modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/User/UserCreator.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') describe "UserCreator", -> beforeEach -> self = @ @user = {_id:"12390i", ace: {}} = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(0) @UserModel = class Project constructor: -> return self.user @UserGetter = getUserByMainEmail: sinon.stub() @addAffiliation = sinon.stub().yields() @UserCreator = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "../../models/User": User:@UserModel "logger-sharelatex":{ log: sinon.stub(), err: sinon.stub() } 'metrics-sharelatex': {timeAsyncMethod: ()->} "../Institutions/InstitutionsAPI": addAffiliation: @addAffiliation @email = "" describe "createNewUser", -> it "should take the opts and put them in the model", (done)-> opts = email:@email holdingAccount:true @UserCreator.createNewUser opts, (err, user)=> assert.equal, @email assert.equal user.holdingAccount, true assert.equal user.first_name, "bob.oswald" done() it "should use the start of the email if the first name is empty string", (done)-> opts = email:@email holdingAccount:true first_name:"" @UserCreator.createNewUser opts, (err, user)=> assert.equal, @email assert.equal user.holdingAccount, true assert.equal user.first_name, "bob.oswald" done() it "should use the first name if passed", (done)-> opts = email:@email holdingAccount:true first_name:"fiiirstname" @UserCreator.createNewUser opts, (err, user)=> assert.equal, @email assert.equal user.holdingAccount, true assert.equal user.first_name, "fiiirstname" done() it "should use the last name if passed", (done)-> opts = email:@email holdingAccount:true last_name:"lastNammmmeee" @UserCreator.createNewUser opts, (err, user)=> assert.equal, @email assert.equal user.holdingAccount, true assert.equal user.last_name, "lastNammmmeee" done() it "should set emails attribute", (done)-> @UserCreator.createNewUser email: @email, (err, user)=> @email user.emails.length.should.equal 1 user.emails[0].email.should.equal @email user.emails[0] 'date' done() it "should add affiliation in background", (done)-> @UserCreator.createNewUser email: @email, (err, user) => # addaffiliation should not be called before the callback but only after # a tick of the event loop sinon.assert.notCalled(@addAffiliation) process.nextTick () => sinon.assert.calledWith(@addAffiliation, user._id, done() it "should not add affiliation if skipping", (done)-> attributes = email: @email options = skip_affiliation: true @UserCreator.createNewUser attributes, options, (err, user) => process.nextTick () => sinon.assert.notCalled(@addAffiliation) done()