sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/Compile/ClsiStateManager.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') describe "ClsiStateManager", -> beforeEach -> @ClsiStateManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "settings-sharelatex": @settings = {} "../Project/ProjectEntityHandler": @ProjectEntityHandler = {} "logger-sharelatex": @logger = { log: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub(), warn: sinon.stub() } @project = "project" @options = {"draft":true,"isAutoCompile":false} @callback = sinon.stub() describe "computeHash", -> beforeEach (done) -> @docs = [ {path: "/main.tex", doc: {_id: "doc-id-1"}} {path: "/folder/sub.tex", doc: {_id: "doc-id-2"}} ] @files = [ {path: "/figure.pdf", file: {_id: "file-id-1", rev: 123, created: "aaaaaa"}} {path: "/folder/fig2.pdf", file: {_id: "file-id-2", rev: 456, created: "bbbbbb"}} ] @ProjectEntityHandler.getAllEntitiesFromProject = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @docs, @files) @ClsiStateManager.computeHash @project, @options, (err, hash) => @hash0 = hash done() describe "with a sample project", -> beforeEach -> @ClsiStateManager.computeHash @project, @options, @callback it "should call the callback with a hash value", -> @callback .calledWith(null, "21b1ab73aa3892bec452baf8ffa0956179e1880f") .should.equal true describe "when the files and docs are in a different order", -> beforeEach -> [@docs[0], @docs[1]] = [@docs[1], @docs[0]] [@files[0], @files[1]] = [@files[1], @files[0]] @ClsiStateManager.computeHash @project, @options, @callback it "should call the callback with the same hash value", -> @callback .calledWith(null, @hash0) .should.equal true describe "when a doc is renamed", -> beforeEach (done) -> @docs[0].path = "/new.tex" @ClsiStateManager.computeHash @project, @options, (err, hash) => @hash1 = hash done() it "should call the callback with a different hash value", -> @callback .neverCalledWith(null, @hash0) .should.equal true describe "when a file is renamed", -> beforeEach (done) -> @files[0].path = "/newfigure.pdf" @ClsiStateManager.computeHash @project, @options, (err, hash) => @hash1 = hash done() it "should call the callback with a different hash value", -> @callback .neverCalledWith(null, @hash0) .should.equal true describe "when a doc is added", -> beforeEach (done) -> @docs.push { path: "/newdoc.tex", doc: {_id: "newdoc-id"}} @ClsiStateManager.computeHash @project, @options, (err, hash) => @hash1 = hash done() it "should call the callback with a different hash value", -> @callback .neverCalledWith(null, @hash0) .should.equal true describe "when a file is added", -> beforeEach (done) -> @files.push { path: "/newfile.tex", file: {_id: "newfile-id", rev: 123}} @ClsiStateManager.computeHash @project, @options, (err, hash) => @hash1 = hash done() it "should call the callback with a different hash value", -> @callback .neverCalledWith(null, @hash0) .should.equal true describe "when a doc is removed", -> beforeEach (done) -> @docs.pop() @ClsiStateManager.computeHash @project, @options, (err, hash) => @hash1 = hash done() it "should call the callback with a different hash value", -> @callback .neverCalledWith(null, @hash0) .should.equal true describe "when a file is removed", -> beforeEach (done) -> @files.pop() @ClsiStateManager.computeHash @project, @options, (err, hash) => @hash1 = hash done() it "should call the callback with a different hash value", -> @callback .neverCalledWith(null, @hash0) .should.equal true describe "when a file's revision is updated", -> beforeEach (done) -> @files[0].file.rev++ @ClsiStateManager.computeHash @project, @options, (err, hash) => @hash1 = hash done() it "should call the callback with a different hash value", -> @callback .neverCalledWith(null, @hash0) .should.equal true describe "when a file's date is updated", -> beforeEach (done) -> @files[0].file.created = "zzzzzz" @ClsiStateManager.computeHash @project, @options, (err, hash) => @hash1 = hash done() it "should call the callback with a different hash value", -> @callback .neverCalledWith(null, @hash0) .should.equal true describe "when the compile options are changed", -> beforeEach (done) -> @options.draft = !@options.draft @ClsiStateManager.computeHash @project, @options, (err, hash) => @hash1 = hash done() it "should call the callback with a different hash value", -> @callback .neverCalledWith(null, @hash0) .should.equal true describe "when the isAutoCompile option is changed", -> beforeEach () -> @options.isAutoCompile = !@options.isAutoCompile @ClsiStateManager.computeHash @project, @options, @callback it "should call the callback with the same hash value", -> @callback .calledWith(null, @hash0) .should.equal true