define [ "base" "services/algolia-search" ], (App) -> App.controller "SearchWikiController", ($scope, algoliaSearch, _, $modal) -> $scope.hits = [] $scope.clearSearchText = -> $scope.searchQueryText = "" updateHits [] $scope.safeApply = (fn)-> phase = $scope.$root.$$phase if(phase == '$apply' || phase == '$digest') $scope.$eval(fn) else $scope.$apply(fn) buildHitViewModel = (hit)-> page_underscored = hit.pageName.replace(/\s/g,'_') section_underscored = hit.sectionName.replace(/\s/g,'_') content = hit._highlightResult.content.value # Replace many new lines content = content.replace(/\n\n+/g, "\n\n") lines = content.split("\n") # Only show the lines that have a highlighted match matching_lines = [] for line in lines if !line.match(/^\[edit\]/) content += line + "\n" if line.match(//) matching_lines.push line content = matching_lines.join("\n...\n") result = name : hit._highlightResult.pageName.value + " - " + hit._highlightResult.sectionName.value url :"/learn/#{page_underscored}##{section_underscored}" content: content return result updateHits = (hits)-> $scope.safeApply -> $scope.hits = hits $ = -> query = $scope.searchQueryText if !query? or query.length == 0 updateHits [] return algoliaSearch.searchWiki query, (err, response)-> if response.hits.length == 0 updateHits [] else hits = response.hits, buildHitViewModel updateHits hits $scope.showMissingTemplateModal = () -> modalInstance = $ templateUrl: "missingWikiPageModal" controller: "MissingWikiPageController" ) App.controller 'MissingWikiPageController', ($scope, $modalInstance) -> $scope.form = {} $scope.sent = false $scope.sending = false $scope.contactUs = -> if !$scope.form.message? console.log "message not set" return $scope.sending = true ticketNumber = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(32) params = email: $ or "" message: $scope.form.message or "" subject: "new wiki page sujection - [#{ticketNumber}]" labels: "support wiki" Groove.createTicket params, (err, json)-> $scope.sent = true $scope.$apply() $scope.close = () -> $modalInstance.close()