import { Annotation, Compartment } from '@codemirror/state' import { EditorView, ViewPlugin } from '@codemirror/view' import { themeOptionsChange } from './theme' import { sourceOnly } from './visual/visual' import { round } from 'lodash' import { hasLanguageLoadedEffect } from './language' import { fontLoad, hasFontLoadedEffect } from './font-load' const themeConf = new Compartment() const changeHalfLeadingAnnotation = Annotation.define() function firstVisibleNonSpacePos(view: EditorView) { for (const range of view.visibleRanges) { const match = /\S/.exec(view.state.sliceDoc(range.from, if (match) { return range.from + match.index } } return null } function measureHalfLeading(view: EditorView) { const pos = firstVisibleNonSpacePos(view) if (pos === null) { return 0 } const coords = view.coordsAtPos(pos) if (!coords) { return 0 } const inlineBoxHeight = coords.bottom - // Rounding prevents gaps appearing in some situations return round((view.defaultLineHeight - inlineBoxHeight) / 2, 2) } function createTheme(halfLeading: number) { return EditorView.contentAttributes.of({ style: `--half-leading: ${halfLeading}px`, }) } /** * A custom extension which measures the height of the first non-space position and provides a CSS variable via an editor theme, * used for extending elements over the whole line height using padding. */ const plugin = ViewPlugin.define( view => { let halfLeading = 0 const measureRequest = { read: () => { return measureHalfLeading(view) }, write: (newHalfLeading: number) => { if (newHalfLeading !== halfLeading) { halfLeading = newHalfLeading window.setTimeout(() => view.dispatch({ effects: themeConf.reconfigure(createTheme(newHalfLeading)), annotations: changeHalfLeadingAnnotation.of(true), }) ) } }, } return { update(update) { // Ignore any update triggered by this plugin if ( update.transactions.some(tr => tr.annotation(changeHalfLeadingAnnotation) ) ) { return } if ( hasFontLoadedEffect(update) || (update.geometryChanged && !update.docChanged) || update.transactions.some(tr => tr.annotation(themeOptionsChange)) || hasLanguageLoadedEffect(update) ) { view.requestMeasure(measureRequest) } }, } }, { provide: () => [themeConf.of(createTheme(0))], } ) export const inlineBackground = (visual: boolean) => { return sourceOnly(visual, [fontLoad, plugin]) }