const Path = require('path') module.exports = { // Options are passed to Sequelize. // See for details mysql: { clsi: { database: 'clsi', username: 'clsi', dialect: 'sqlite', storage: process.env.SQLITE_PATH || Path.resolve(__dirname, '../db/db.sqlite'), pool: { max: 1, min: 1 }, retry: { max: 10 } } }, compileSizeLimit: process.env.COMPILE_SIZE_LIMIT || '7mb', processLifespanLimitMs: parseInt(process.env.PROCESS_LIFE_SPAN_LIMIT_MS) || 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000 * 2, path: { compilesDir: Path.resolve(__dirname, '../compiles'), clsiCacheDir: Path.resolve(__dirname, '../cache'), synctexBaseDir(projectId) { return Path.join(this.compilesDir, projectId) } }, internal: { clsi: { port: 3013, host: process.env.LISTEN_ADDRESS || 'localhost' }, load_balancer_agent: { report_load: true, load_port: 3048, local_port: 3049 } }, apis: { clsi: { url: `http://${process.env.CLSI_HOST || 'localhost'}:3013` } }, smokeTest: process.env.SMOKE_TEST || false, project_cache_length_ms: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, parallelFileDownloads: process.env.FILESTORE_PARALLEL_FILE_DOWNLOADS || 1, parallelSqlQueryLimit: process.env.FILESTORE_PARALLEL_SQL_QUERY_LIMIT || 1, filestoreDomainOveride: process.env.FILESTORE_DOMAIN_OVERRIDE, texliveImageNameOveride: process.env.TEX_LIVE_IMAGE_NAME_OVERRIDE, texliveOpenoutAny: process.env.TEXLIVE_OPENOUT_ANY, sentry: { dsn: process.env.SENTRY_DSN } } if (process.env.ALLOWED_COMPILE_GROUPS) { try { module.exports.allowedCompileGroups = process.env.ALLOWED_COMPILE_GROUPS.split( ' ' ) } catch (error) { console.error(error, 'could not apply allowed compile group setting') process.exit(1) } } if (process.env.ALLOWED_IMAGE_NAMES_FLAT) { try { module.exports.allowedImageNamesFlat = process.env.ALLOWED_IMAGE_NAMES_FLAT.split( ' ' ) } catch (error) { console.error(error, 'could not apply allowed image names setting') process.exit(1) } } if (process.env.DOCKER_RUNNER) { let seccompProfilePath module.exports.clsi = { dockerRunner: process.env.DOCKER_RUNNER === 'true', docker: { runtime: process.env.DOCKER_RUNTIME, image: process.env.TEXLIVE_IMAGE || '', env: { HOME: '/tmp' }, socketPath: '/var/run/docker.sock', user: process.env.TEXLIVE_IMAGE_USER || 'tex' }, optimiseInDocker: true, expireProjectAfterIdleMs: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, checkProjectsIntervalMs: 10 * 60 * 1000 } try { // Override individual docker settings using path-based keys, e.g.: // compileGroupDockerConfigs = { // priority: { 'HostConfig.CpuShares': 100 } // beta: { '', 'value'} // } const compileGroupConfig = JSON.parse( process.env.COMPILE_GROUP_DOCKER_CONFIGS || '{}' ) // Automatically clean up wordcount and synctex containers const defaultCompileGroupConfig = { wordcount: { 'HostConfig.AutoRemove': true }, synctex: { 'HostConfig.AutoRemove': true } } module.exports.clsi.docker.compileGroupConfig = Object.assign( defaultCompileGroupConfig, compileGroupConfig ) } catch (error) { console.error(error, 'could not apply compile group docker configs') process.exit(1) } try { seccompProfilePath = Path.resolve(__dirname, '../seccomp/clsi-profile.json') module.exports.clsi.docker.seccomp_profile = JSON.stringify( JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync(seccompProfilePath)) ) } catch (error) { console.error( error, `could not load seccomp profile from ${seccompProfilePath}` ) process.exit(1) } module.exports.path.synctexBaseDir = () => '/compile' module.exports.path.sandboxedCompilesHostDir = process.env.COMPILES_HOST_DIR module.exports.path.synctexBinHostPath = process.env.SYNCTEX_BIN_HOST_PATH }