define [ "utils/Modal" "libs/fineuploader" ], (Modal) -> class FileUploadManager constructor: (@ide) -> @ide.on "afterJoinProject", () => if @ide.isAllowedToDoIt "readAndWrite" $('button#upload-file').click (e)=> @showUploadDialog() showUploadDialog: (folder_id, callback = (error, entity_ids) ->) -> uploaderEl = $("
") modal = new Modal title: "Upload file" el: uploaderEl buttons: [{ text: "Close" }] uploadCount = 0 entity_ids = [] new qq.FineUploader element: uploaderEl[0] disabledCancelForFormUploads: true maxConnections: 1 request: endpoint: "/Project/#{}/upload" params: folder_id: folder_id _csrf: csrfToken paramsInBody: false forceMultipart: true callbacks: onUpload: () -> uploadCount++ onComplete: (error, name, response) -> setTimeout (() -> uploadCount-- entity_ids.push response.entity_id if uploadCount == 0 and response? and response.success modal.remove() callback null, entity_ids ), 250 text: waitingForResponse: "Inserting file..." failUpload: "Upload failed, sorry :(" uploadButton: "Select file(s)" template: """
or drag file(s) {dropProcessingText}
Hint: Press and hold the Control (Ctrl) key to select multiple files
""" $(".qq-uploader input").addClass("js-file-uploader")