define [ "./util" "history/VersionDetailView" "libs/mustache" "libs/backbone" ], (util, VersionDetailView)-> VersionListView = Backbone.View.extend template: $("#versionListTemplate").html() events: "scroll" : "loadUntilFull" initialize: -> @itemViews = [] @atEndOfCollection = false self = this @collection.on "add", (model) -> self.addItem model @collection.on "reset", (collection) -> self.addItem model for model in collection.models @render() @hideLoading() render: -> @$el.html Mustache.to_html @template @$el.css overflow: "scroll" this addItem: (model) -> view = new VersionListItemView(model : model) @itemViews.push view index = @collection.indexOf(model) elementAtIndex = @$("#version-list").children()[index] view.$el.insertBefore(elementAtIndex) listShorterThanContainer: -> @$el.height() > @$("#version-list").height() atEndOfListView: -> @$el.scrollTop() + @$el.height() >= @$("#version-list").height() - 30 loadUntilFull: (e, callback) -> if (@listShorterThanContainer() or @atEndOfListView()) and not @atEndOfCollection and not @loading @showLoading() @hideEmptyMessage() @collection.fetchNextBatch error: => @hideLoading() @atEndOfCollection = true @showEmptyMessageIfCollectionEmpty() callback() if callback? success: => @hideLoading() @loadUntilFull(e, callback) else callback() if callback? showEmptyMessageIfCollectionEmpty: ()-> if @collection.isEmpty() @$(".empty-message").show() else @$(".empty-message").hide() hideEmptyMessage: () -> @$(".empty-message").hide() showLoading: -> @loading = true @$(".loading").show() hideLoading: -> @loading = false @$(".loading").hide() VersionListItemView = Backbone.View.extend tagName: "li" events: "click a": "showVersionDetail" template : $("#versionListItemTemplate").html() initialize: -> @render() render: -> @$el.html Mustache.to_html(@template, @modelView()) return this modelView: -> modelView = @model.toJSON() = util.formatDate( return modelView showVersionDetail: -> $("#versionListArea .active").removeClass "active" @$el.addClass "active" @model.fetch success: (model) -> view = new VersionDetailView(model: model) view.render() return VersionListView