import getMeta from '../../../utils/meta' import HumanReadableLogs from '../../../ide/human-readable-logs/HumanReadableLogs' import BibLogParser from '../../../ide/log-parser/bib-log-parser' import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid' import { enablePdfCaching } from './pdf-caching-flags' import { fetchFromCompileDomain } from './fetchFromCompileDomain' // Warnings that may disappear after a second LaTeX pass const TRANSIENT_WARNING_REGEX = /^(Reference|Citation).+undefined on input line/ export function handleOutputFiles(outputFiles, projectId, data) { const outputFile = outputFiles.get('output.pdf') if (!outputFile) return null // build the URL for viewing the PDF in the preview UI const params = new URLSearchParams({ compileGroup: data.compileGroup, }) if (data.clsiServerId) { params.set('clsiserverid', data.clsiServerId) } if (enablePdfCaching) { // Tag traffic that uses the pdf caching logic. params.set('enable_pdf_caching', 'true') } outputFile.pdfUrl = `${buildURL( outputFile, data.pdfDownloadDomain )}?${params}` // build the URL for downloading the PDF params.set('popupDownload', 'true') // save PDF download as file outputFile.pdfDownloadUrl = `/download/project/${projectId}/build/${}/output/output.pdf?${params}` return outputFile } export const handleLogFiles = async (outputFiles, data, signal) => { const result = { log: null, logEntries: { errors: [], warnings: [], typesetting: [], }, } function accumulateResults(newEntries, type) { for (const key in result.logEntries) { if (newEntries[key]) { for (const entry of newEntries[key]) { if (type) { entry.type = newEntries.type } if (entry.file) { entry.file = normalizeFilePath(entry.file) } entry.key = uuid() } result.logEntries[key].push(...newEntries[key]) } } } const logFile = outputFiles.get('output.log') if (logFile) { try { const response = await fetchFromCompileDomain( buildURL(logFile, data.pdfDownloadDomain), { signal } ) result.log = await response.text() let { errors, warnings, typesetting } = HumanReadableLogs.parse( result.log, { ignoreDuplicates: true, oldRegexes: getMeta('ol-splitTestVariants')?.['latex-log-parser'] !== 'new', } ) if (data.status === 'stopped-on-first-error') { // Hide warnings that could disappear after a second pass warnings = warnings.filter(warning => !isTransientWarning(warning)) } accumulateResults({ errors, warnings, typesetting }) } catch (e) { console.warn(e) // ignore failure to fetch/parse the log file, but log a warning } } const blgFile = outputFiles.get('output.blg') if (blgFile) { try { const response = await fetchFromCompileDomain( buildURL(blgFile, data.pdfDownloadDomain), { signal } ) const log = await response.text() try { const { errors, warnings } = new BibLogParser(log, { maxErrors: 100, }).parse() accumulateResults({ errors, warnings }, 'BibTeX:') } catch (e) { // BibLog parsing errors are ignored } } catch (e) { console.warn(e) // ignore failure to fetch/parse the log file, but log a warning } } result.logEntries.all = [ ...result.logEntries.errors, ...result.logEntries.warnings, ...result.logEntries.typesetting, ] return result } export function buildLogEntryAnnotations(entries, fileTreeManager) { const rootDocDirname = fileTreeManager.getRootDocDirname() const logEntryAnnotations = {} for (const entry of entries) { if (entry.file) { entry.file = normalizeFilePath(entry.file, rootDocDirname) const entity = fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(entry.file) if (entity) { if (!( in logEntryAnnotations)) { logEntryAnnotations[] = [] } logEntryAnnotations[].push({ row: entry.line - 1, type: entry.level === 'error' ? 'error' : 'warning', text: entry.message, source: 'compile', // NOTE: this is used in Ace for filtering the annotations }) } } } return logEntryAnnotations } function buildURL(file, pdfDownloadDomain) { if ( && pdfDownloadDomain) { // Downloads from the compiles domain must include a build id. // The build id is used implicitly for access control. return `${pdfDownloadDomain}${file.url}` } // Go through web instead, which uses mongo for checking project access. return `${window.origin}${file.url}` } function normalizeFilePath(path, rootDocDirname) { path = path.replace(/\/\//g, '/') path = path.replace( /^.*\/compiles\/[0-9a-f]{24}(-[0-9a-f]{24})?\/(\.\/)?/, '' ) path = path.replace(/^\/compile\//, '') if (rootDocDirname) { path = path.replace(/^\.\//, rootDocDirname + '/') } return path } function isTransientWarning(warning) { return TRANSIENT_WARNING_REGEX.test(warning.message) }