module.exports = RequestParser = VALID_COMPILERS: ["pdflatex", "latex", "xelatex", "lualatex"] MAX_TIMEOUT: 60 parse: (body, callback = (error, data) ->) -> response = {} if !body.compile? return callback "top level object should have a compile attribute" compile = body.compile compile.options ||= {} try response.compiler = @_parseAttribute "compiler", compile.options.compiler, validValues: @VALID_COMPILERS default: "pdflatex" type: "string" response.timeout = @_parseAttribute "timeout", compile.options.timeout default: RequestParser.MAX_TIMEOUT type: "number" if response.timeout > RequestParser.MAX_TIMEOUT response.timeout = RequestParser.MAX_TIMEOUT response.timeout = response.timeout * 1000 # milliseconds response.resources = (@_parseResource(resource) for resource in (compile.resources or [])) response.rootResourcePath = @_parseAttribute "rootResourcePath", compile.rootResourcePath default: "main.tex" type: "string" catch error return callback error callback null, response _parseResource: (resource) -> if !resource.path? or typeof resource.path != "string" throw "all resources should have a path attribute" if resource.modified? modified = new Date(resource.modified) if isNaN(modified.getTime()) throw "resource modified date could not be understood: #{resource.modified}" if !resource.url? and !resource.content? throw "all resources should have either a url or content attribute" if resource.content? and typeof resource.content != "string" throw "content attribute should be a string" if resource.url? and typeof resource.url != "string" throw "url attribute should be a string" return { path: resource.path modified: modified url: resource.url content: resource.content } _parseAttribute: (name, attribute, options) -> if attribute? if options.validValues? if options.validValues.indexOf(attribute) == -1 throw "#{name} attribute should be one of: #{options.validValues.join(", ")}" if options.type? if typeof attribute != options.type throw "#{name} attribute should be a #{options.type}" else return options.default if options.default? throw "Default not implemented" return attribute