fs = require "fs" Path = require "path" ResourceWriter = require "./ResourceWriter" logger = require "logger-sharelatex" # for \tikzexternalize to work the main file needs to match the # jobname. Since we set the -jobname to output, we have to create a # copy of the main file as 'output.tex'. module.exports = TikzManager = needsOutputFile: (rootResourcePath, resources) -> # if there's already an output.tex file, we don't want to touch it for resource in resources if resource.path is "output.tex" return false # if there's no output.tex, see if we are using tikz/pgf in the main file for resource in resources if resource.path is rootResourcePath return TikzManager._includesTikz (resource) # otherwise false return false _includesTikz: (resource) -> # check if we are using tikz externalize content = resource.content?.slice(0,65536) if content?.indexOf("\\tikzexternalize") >= 0 return true else return false injectOutputFile: (compileDir, mainFile, callback = (error) ->) -> ResourceWriter.checkPath compileDir, mainFile, (error, path) -> return callback(error) if error? fs.readFile path, "utf8", (error, content) -> return callback(error) if error? logger.log compileDir: compileDir, mainFile: mainFile, "copied file to ouput.tex for tikz" # use wx flag to ensure that output file does not already exist fs.writeFile Path.join(compileDir, "output.tex"), content, {flag:'wx'}, callback