#!/usr/bin/env node /** * This script takes a dump file, obtained via the /project/:project_id/dump * endpoint and feeds it to the update translator to how updates are transfomed * into changes sent to v1 history. */ import fs from 'fs' import * as UpdateTranslator from '../app/js/UpdateTranslator.js' import * as SyncManager from '../app/js/SyncManager.js' import * as HistoryStoreManager from '../app/js/HistoryStoreManager.js' const { filename } = parseArgs() const { projectId, updates, chunk } = parseDumpFile(filename) function expandResyncProjectStructure(chunk, update) { HistoryStoreManager._mocks.getMostRecentChunk = function ( projectId, projectHistoryId, callback ) { callback(null, chunk) } SyncManager.expandSyncUpdates( projectId, 99999, // dummy history id [update], cb => cb(), // extend lock (err, result) => { console.log('err', err, 'result', JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)) process.exit() } ) } function expandUpdates(updates) { const wrappedUpdates = updates.map(update => ({ update })) UpdateTranslator.convertToChanges( projectId, wrappedUpdates, (err, changes) => { if (err != null) { error(err) } console.log(JSON.stringify(changes, null, 2)) } ) } if (updates[0].resyncProjectStructure) { expandResyncProjectStructure(chunk, updates[0]) } else { expandUpdates(updates) } function parseArgs() { const args = process.argv.slice(2) if (args.length !== 1) { console.log('Usage: debug_translate_updates.js DUMP_FILE') process.exit(1) } const filename = args[0] return { filename } } function parseDumpFile(filename) { const json = fs.readFileSync(filename) const { project_id: projectId, updates, chunk } = JSON.parse(json) return { projectId, updates, chunk } } function error(err) { console.error(err) process.exit(1) }