const fs = require('fs') const Path = require('path') const { execSync } = require('child_process') const EN_JSON = Path.join(__dirname, '../../locales/en.json') const CHECK = process.argv.includes('--check') const SYNC_NON_EN = process.argv.includes('--sync-non-en') const COUNT_SUFFIXES = [ '_plural', '_zero', '_one', '_two', '_few', '_many', '_other', ] async function main() { const locales = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(EN_JSON, 'utf-8')) const src = execSync( // - find all the app source files in web // - exclude data files // - exclude list of locales used in frontend // - exclude locales files // - exclude public assets // - exclude third-party dependencies // - exclude scripts // - exclude tests // - read all the source files ` find . -type f \ -not -path './data/*' \ -not -path './frontend/extracted-translations.json' \ -not -path './locales/*' \ -not -path './public/*' \ -not -path '*/node_modules/*' \ -not -path '*/scripts/*' \ -not -path '*/tests/*' \ | xargs cat `, { // run from services/web directory cwd: Path.join(__dirname, '../../'), // 1GB maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 1024, // Docs: // Entries are [stdin, stdout, stderr] stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'inherit'], } ).toString() const found = new Set([ // Month names 'january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december', // Notifications created in third-party-datastore 'dropbox_email_not_verified', 'dropbox_unlinked_because_access_denied', 'dropbox_unlinked_because_full', // Actually used without the spurious space. // TODO: fix the space and upload the changed locales 'the_file_supplied_is_of_an_unsupported_type ', ]) const matcher = new RegExp( `\\b(${Object.keys(locales) // Sort by length in descending order to match long, compound keys with // special characters (space or -) before short ones. // Examples: // - `\b(x|x-and-y)\b` will match `t('x-and-y')` as 'x'. // This is leaving 'x-and-y' as seemingly unused. Doh! // - `\b(x-and-y|x)\b` will match `t('x-and-y')` as 'x-and-y'. Yay! .sort((a, b) => (a.length < b.length ? 1 : -1)) .join('|')})\\b`, 'g' ) let m while ((m = matcher.exec(src))) { found.add(m[0]) for (const suffix of COUNT_SUFFIXES) { found.add(m[0] + suffix) } } const unusedKeys = [] for (const key of Object.keys(locales)) { if (!found.has(key)) { unusedKeys.push(key) } } if (SYNC_NON_EN) { if (CHECK) { throw new Error('--check is incompatible with --sync-non-en') } const LOCALES = Path.join(__dirname, '../../locales') for (const name of await fs.promises.readdir(LOCALES)) { if (name === '') continue if (name === 'en.json') continue const path = Path.join(LOCALES, name) const locales = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(path, 'utf-8')) for (const key of Object.keys(locales)) { if (!found.has(key)) { delete locales[key] } } const sorted = JSON.stringify(locales, Object.keys(locales).sort(), 2) + '\n' await fs.promises.writeFile(path, sorted) } } if (unusedKeys.length === 0) { return } console.warn('---') console.warn( `Found ${unusedKeys.length} unused translations keys:\n${unusedKeys .map(s => ` - '${s}'`) .join('\n')}` ) console.warn('---') if (CHECK) { console.warn('---') console.warn( 'Try running:\n\n', ' web$ make cleanup_unused_locales', '\n' ) console.warn('---') throw new Error('found unused translations keys') } console.log('Deleting unused translations keys') for (const key of unusedKeys) { delete locales[key] } const sorted = JSON.stringify(locales, Object.keys(locales).sort(), 2) + '\n' await fs.promises.writeFile(EN_JSON, sorted) } main().catch(error => { console.error(error) process.exit(1) })