Path = require('path') # These credentials are used for authenticating api requests # between services that may need to go over public channels httpAuthUser = "sharelatex" httpAuthPass = "CRYPTO_RANDOM" # Randomly generated for you httpAuthUsers = {} httpAuthUsers[httpAuthUser] = httpAuthPass DATA_DIR = '/var/lib/sharelatex/data' TMP_DIR = '/var/lib/sharelatex/tmp' settings = # Databases # --------- # ShareLaTeX's main persistant data store is MongoDB ( # Documentation about the URL connection string format can be found at: # # # # The following works out of the box with Mongo's default settings: mongo: url : process.env["SHARELATEX_MONGO_URL"] or 'mongodb://dockerhost/sharelatex' # Redis is used in ShareLaTeX for high volume queries, like real-time # editing, and session management. # # The following config will work with Redis's default settings: redis: web: redisConfig = host: process.env["SHARELATEX_REDIS_HOST"] or "dockerhost" port: process.env["SHARELATEX_REDIS_PORT"] or "6379" password: process.env["SHARELATEX_REDIS_PASS"] or "" fairy: redisConfig # The compile server (the clsi) uses a SQL database to cache files and # meta-data. sqllite is the default, and the load is low enough that this will # be fine in production (we use sqllite at # # If you want to configure a different database, see the Sequelize documentation # for available options: # # # mysql: clsi: database: "clsi" username: "clsi" password: "" dialect: "sqlite" storage: Path.join(DATA_DIR, "db.sqlite") # File storage # ------------ # ShareLaTeX can store binary files like images either locally or in Amazon # S3. The default is locally: filestore: backend: "fs" stores: user_files: Path.join(DATA_DIR, "user_files") template_files: Path.join(DATA_DIR, "template_files") # To use Amazon S3 as a storage backend, comment out the above config, and # uncomment the following, filling in your key, secret, and bucket name: # # filestore: # backend: "s3" # stores: # user_files: "BUCKET_NAME" # s3: # key: "AWS_KEY" # secret: "AWS_SECRET" # # Local disk caching # ------------------ path: # If we ever need to write something to disk (e.g. incoming requests # that need processing but may be too big for memory), then write # them to disk here: dumpFolder: Path.join(TMP_DIR, "dumpFolder") # Where to write uploads before they are processed uploadFolder: Path.join(TMP_DIR, "uploads") # Where to write the project to disk before running LaTeX on it compilesDir: Path.join(DATA_DIR, "compiles") # Where to cache downloaded URLs for the CLSI clsiCacheDir: Path.join(DATA_DIR, "cache") # Server Config # ------------- # Where your instance of ShareLaTeX can be found publicly. This is used # when emails are sent out and in generated links: siteUrl: siteUrl = process.env["SHARELATEX_SITE_URL"] or 'http://localhost' # The name this is used to describe your ShareLaTeX Installation appName: process.env["SHARELATEX_APP_NAME"] or "ShareLaTeX (Community Edition)" nav: title: process.env["SHARELATEX_NAV_TITLE"] or process.env["SHARELATEX_APP_NAME"] or "ShareLaTeX Comunity Edition" # The email address which users will be directed to as the main point of # contact for this installation of ShareLaTeX. adminEmail: process.env["SHARELATEX_ADMIN_EMAIL"] or "" # If provided, a sessionSecret is used to sign cookies so that they cannot be # spoofed. This is recommended. security: sessionSecret: process.env["SHARELATEX_SESSION_SECRET"] or "CRYPTO_RANDOM" # This was randomly generated for you # These credentials are used for authenticating api requests # between services that may need to go over public channels httpAuthUsers: httpAuthUsers # Should javascript assets be served minified or not. Note that you will # need to run `grunt compile:minify` within the web-sharelatex directory # to generate these. useMinifiedJs: true # Should static assets be sent with a header to tell the browser to cache # them. This should be false in development where changes are being made, # but should be set to true in production. cacheStaticAssets: true # If you are running ShareLaTeX over https, set this to true to send the # cookie with a secure flag (recommended). secureCookie: process.env["SHARELATEX_SECURE_COOKIE"]? # If you are running ShareLaTeX behind a proxy (like Apache, Nginx, etc) # then set this to true to allow it to correctly detect the forwarded IP # address and http/https protocol information. behindProxy: process.env["SHARELATEX_BEHIND_PROXY"] or false # Spell Check Languages # --------------------- # # You must have the corresponding aspell dictionary installed to # be able to use a language. Run `grunt check:aspell` to check which # dictionaries you have installed. These should be set for the `code` for # each language. languages: [{ "code":"en", "name":"English (American)" },{ "code":"en_GB", "name":"English (British)" },{ "code":"af", "name":"Africaans" },{ "code":"am", "name":"Amharic" },{ "code":"ar", "name":"Arabic" },{ "code":"hy", "name":"Armenian" },{ "code":"gl", "name":"Galician" },{ "code":"eu", "name":"Basque" },{ "code":"bn", "name":"Bengali" },{ "code":"br", "name":"Breton" },{ "code":"bg", "name":"Bulgarian" },{ "code":"ca", "name":"Catalan" },{ "code":"hr", "name":"Croatian" },{ "code":"cs", "name":"Czech" },{ "code":"da", "name":"Danish" },{ "code":"nl", "name":"Dutch" },{ "code":"eo", "name":"Esperanto" },{ "code":"et", "name":"Estonian" },{ "code":"fo", "name":"Faroese" },{ "code":"fr", "name":"French" },{ "code":"de", "name":"German" },{ "code":"el", "name":"Greek" },{ "code":"gu", "name":"Gujarati" },{ "code":"he", "name":"Hebrew" },{ "code":"hi", "name":"Hindi" },{ "code":"hu", "name":"Hungarian" },{ "code":"is", "name":"Icelandic" },{ "code":"id", "name":"Indonesian" },{ "code":"ga", "name":"Irish" },{ "code":"it", "name":"Italian" },{ "code":"kn", "name":"Kannada" },{ "code":"kk", "name":"Kazakh" },{ "code":"ku", "name":"Kurdish" },{ "code":"lv", "name":"Latvian" },{ "code":"lt", "name":"Lithuanian" },{ "code":"ml", "name":"Malayalam" },{ "code":"mr", "name":"Marathi" },{ "code":"nr", "name":"Ndebele" },{ "code":"ns", "name":"Northern Sotho" },{ "code":"no", "name":"Norwegian" },{ "code":"or", "name":"Oriya" },{ "code":"fa", "name":"Persian" },{ "code":"pl", "name":"Polish" },{ "code":"pt_BR", "name":"Portuguese (Brazilian)" },{ "code":"pt_PT", "name":"Portuguese (European)" },{ "code":"pa", "name":"Punjabi" },{ "code":"ro", "name":"Romanian" },{ "code":"ru", "name":"Russian" },{ "code":"sk", "name":"Slovak" },{ "code":"sl", "name":"Slovenian" },{ "code":"st", "name":"Southern Sotho" },{ "code":"es", "name":"Spanish" },{ "code":"ss", "name":"Swazi" },{ "code":"sv", "name":"Swedish" },{ "code":"tl", "name":"Tagalog" },{ "code":"ta", "name":"Tamil" },{ "code":"te", "name":"Telugu" },{ "code":"ts", "name":"Tsonga" },{ "code":"tn", "name":"Tswana" },{ "code":"uk", "name":"Ukrainian" },{ "code":"hsb", "name":"Upper Sorbian" },{ "code":"uz", "name":"Uzbek" },{ "code":"cy", "name":"Welsh" },{ "code":"xh", "name":"Xhosa" },{ "code":"zu", "name":"Zulu" } ] # Service locations # ----------------- # ShareLaTeX is comprised of many small services, which each expose # an HTTP API running on a different port. Generally you # can leave these as they are unless you have some other services # running which conflict, or want to run the web process on port 80. # internal: # web: # port: webPort = 3000 # host: "localhost" # documentupdater: # port: docUpdaterPort = 3003 # host: "localhost" # filestore: # port: filestorePort = 3009 # host: "localhost" # chat: # port: chatPort = 3010 # host: "localhost" # tags: # port: tagsPort = 3012 # host: "localhost" # clsi: # port: clsiPort = 3013 # host: "localhost" # trackchanges: # port: trackchangesPort = 3015 # host: "localhost" # docstore: # port: docstorePort = 3016 # host: "localhost" # spelling: # port: spellingPort = 3005 # host: "localhost" # templates: # port: templatesPort = 3007 # host: "localhost" # If you change the above config, or run some services on remote servers, # you need to tell the other services where to find them: apis: web: url: "http://localhost:3000" user: httpAuthUser pass: httpAuthPass # documentupdater: # url : "http://localhost:#{docUpdaterPort}" # clsi: # url: "http://localhost:#{clsiPort}" # filestore: # url: "http://localhost:#{filestorePort}" # trackchanges: # url: "http://localhost:#{trackchangesPort}" # docstore: # url: "http://localhost:#{docstorePort}" # tags: # url: "http://localhost:#{tagsPort}" # spelling: # url: "http://localhost:#{spellingPort}" # chat: # url: "http://localhost:#{chatPort}" # templates: # url: "http://localhost:#{templatesPort}" #### OPTIONAL CONFIGERABLE SETTINGS # Sending Email # ------------- # # You must configure a mail server to be able to send invite emails from # ShareLaTeX. The config settings are passed to nodemailer. See the nodemailer # documentation for available options: # # if process.env["SHARELATEX_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS"] = fromAddress: process.env["SHARELATEX_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS"] replyTo: process.env["SHARELATEX_EMAIL_REPLY_TO"] or "" parameters: #AWS Creds AWSAccessKeyID: process.env["SHARELATEX_EMAIL_AWS_SES_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] AWSSecretKey: process.env["SHARELATEX_EMAIL_AWS_SES_SECRET_KEY"] #SMTP Creds host: process.env["SHARELATEX_EMAIL_SMTP_HOST"] port: process.env["SHARELATEX_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT"], secure: process.env["SHARELATEX_EMAIL_SMTP_SECURE"] auth: user: process.env["SHARELATEX_EMAIL_SMTP_USER"] pass: process.env["SHARELATEX_EMAIL_SMTP_PASS"] # Password Settings # ----------- # These restrict the passwords users can use when registering # opts are from if process.env["SHARELATEX_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_PATTERN"] or process.env["SHARELATEX_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_MIN_LENGTH"] or process.env["SHARELATEX_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_MAX_LENGTH"] settings.passwordStrengthOptions = pattern: process.env["SHARELATEX_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_PATTERN"] or "aA$3" length: {min:process.env["SHARELATEX_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_MIN_LENGTH"] or 8, max: process.env["SHARELATEX_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_MAX_LENGTH"] or 50} ####################### # ShareLaTeX Server Pro ####################### # LDAP - SERVER PRO ONLY # ---------- # Settings below use a working LDAP test server kindly provided by # When testing with use username = einstein and password = password if process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_HOST"] settings.ldap = host: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_HOST"] dn: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_DN"] baseSearch: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_BASE_SEARCH"] filter: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_FILTER"] failMessage: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_FAIL_MESSAGE"] or 'LDAP User Fail' fieldName: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_FIELD_NAME"] or 'LDAP User' placeholder: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_PLACEHOLDER"] or 'LDAP User ID' emailAtt: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_EMAIL_ATT"] or 'mail' anonymous: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_ANONYMOUS"] or false adminDN: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_ADMIN_DN"] adminPW: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_ADMIN_PW"] starttls: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_TLS"] or false tlsOptions: rejectUnauthorized: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_TLS_OPTS_REJECT_UNAUTH"] or false ca: process.env["SHARELATEX_LDAP_TLS_OPTS_CA_PATH"] # e.g.'/etc/ldap/ca_certs.pem' # Compiler # -------- if process.env["DOCKER_IN_DOCKER"] clsi: commandRunner: "docker-runner-sharelatex" docker: image: "sharelatex-texlive" env: PATH: process.env["COMPILER_PATH"] or "/usr/local/texlive/2015/bin/x86_64-linux:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" user: "tex" # Templates # --------- if process.env["SHARELATEX_TEMPLATES_USER_ID"] templates: mountPointUrl: "/templates" user_id: process.env["SHARELATEX_TEMPLATES_USER_ID"] # With lots of incoming and outgoing HTTP connections to different services, # sometimes long running, it is a good idea to increase the default number # of sockets that Node will hold open. http = require('http') http.globalAgent.maxSockets = 300 https = require('https') https.globalAgent.maxSockets = 300 module.exports = settings