/* Hand-written tokenizer for LaTeX. */ import { ExternalTokenizer, ContextTracker } from '@lezer/lr' import { LiteralArgContent, SpaceDelimitedLiteralArgContent, VerbContent, VerbatimContent, LstInlineContent, Begin, End, KnownEnvironment, MathDelimiter, Csname, TrailingWhitespaceOnly, TrailingContent, RefCtrlSeq, RefStarrableCtrlSeq, CiteCtrlSeq, CiteStarrableCtrlSeq, LabelCtrlSeq, MathTextCtrlSeq, HboxCtrlSeq, TitleCtrlSeq, AuthorCtrlSeq, AffilCtrlSeq, AffiliationCtrlSeq, DocumentClassCtrlSeq, UsePackageCtrlSeq, HrefCtrlSeq, UrlCtrlSeq, VerbCtrlSeq, LstInlineCtrlSeq, IncludeGraphicsCtrlSeq, CaptionCtrlSeq, DefCtrlSeq, LeftCtrlSeq, RightCtrlSeq, NewCommandCtrlSeq, RenewCommandCtrlSeq, NewEnvironmentCtrlSeq, RenewEnvironmentCtrlSeq, DocumentEnvName, TabularEnvName, EquationEnvName, EquationArrayEnvName, VerbatimEnvName, TikzPictureEnvName, FigureEnvName, OpenParenCtrlSym, CloseParenCtrlSym, OpenBracketCtrlSym, CloseBracketCtrlSym, LineBreakCtrlSym, // Sectioning commands BookCtrlSeq, PartCtrlSeq, ChapterCtrlSeq, SectionCtrlSeq, SubSectionCtrlSeq, SubSubSectionCtrlSeq, ParagraphCtrlSeq, SubParagraphCtrlSeq, InputCtrlSeq, IncludeCtrlSeq, ItemCtrlSeq, NewTheoremCtrlSeq, TheoremStyleCtrlSeq, BibliographyCtrlSeq, BibliographyStyleCtrlSeq, CenteringCtrlSeq, ListEnvName, MaketitleCtrlSeq, TextColorCtrlSeq, ColorBoxCtrlSeq, HLineCtrlSeq, TopRuleCtrlSeq, MidRuleCtrlSeq, BottomRuleCtrlSeq, TableEnvName, MultiColumnCtrlSeq, } from './latex.terms.mjs' function nameChar(ch) { // we accept A-Z a-z 0-9 * + @ in environment names return ( (ch >= 65 && ch <= 90) || (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) || (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57) || ch === 42 || ch === 43 || ch === 64 ) } // match [a-zA-Z] function alphaChar(ch) { return (ch >= 65 && ch <= 90) || (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) } let cachedName = null let cachedInput = null let cachedPos = 0 function envNameAfter(input, offset) { const pos = input.pos + offset if (cachedInput === input && cachedPos === pos) { return cachedName } if (input.peek(offset) !== '{'.charCodeAt(0)) return offset++ let name = '' for (;;) { const next = input.peek(offset) if (!nameChar(next)) break name += String.fromCharCode(next) offset++ } cachedInput = input cachedPos = pos return (cachedName = name || null) } function ElementContext(name, parent) { this.name = name this.parent = parent this.hash = parent ? parent.hash : 0 for (let i = 0; i < name.length; i++) this.hash += (this.hash << 4) + name.charCodeAt(i) + (name.charCodeAt(i) << 8) } export const elementContext = new ContextTracker({ start: null, shift(context, term, stack, input) { return term === Begin ? new ElementContext(envNameAfter(input, '\\begin'.length) || '', context) : context }, reduce(context, term) { return term === KnownEnvironment && context ? context.parent : context }, reuse(context, node, _stack, input) { const type = node.type.id return type === Begin ? new ElementContext(envNameAfter(input, 0) || '', context) : context }, hash(context) { return context ? context.hash : 0 }, strict: false, }) // tokenizer for \verb|...| commands export const verbTokenizer = new ExternalTokenizer( (input, stack) => { if (input.next === '*'.charCodeAt(0)) input.advance() const delimiter = input.next if (delimiter === -1) return // hit end of file if (/\s|\*/.test(String.fromCharCode(delimiter))) return // invalid delimiter input.advance() for (;;) { const next = input.next if (next === -1 || next === CHAR_NEWLINE) return input.advance() if (next === delimiter) break } return input.acceptToken(VerbContent) }, { contextual: false } ) // tokenizer for \lstinline|...| commands export const lstinlineTokenizer = new ExternalTokenizer( (input, stack) => { let delimiter = input.next if (delimiter === -1) return // hit end of file if (/\s/.test(String.fromCharCode(delimiter))) { return // invalid delimiter } if (delimiter === CHAR_OPEN_BRACE) { delimiter = CHAR_CLOSE_BRACE } input.advance() for (;;) { const next = input.next if (next === -1 || next === CHAR_NEWLINE) return input.advance() if (next === delimiter) break } return input.acceptToken(LstInlineContent) }, { contextual: false } ) const matchForward = (input, expected, offset = 0) => { for (let i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { if (String.fromCharCode(input.peek(offset + i)) !== expected[i]) { return false } } return true } // tokenizer for \begin{verbatim}...\end{verbatim} environments export const verbatimTokenizer = new ExternalTokenizer( (input, stack) => { const delimiter = '\\end{' + stack.context.name + '}' for (let offset = 0; ; offset++) { const next = input.peek(offset) if (next === -1 || matchForward(input, delimiter, offset)) { return input.acceptToken(VerbatimContent, offset) } } }, { contextual: false } ) // tokenizer for \href{...} and similar commands export const literalArgTokenizer = new ExternalTokenizer( input => { for (let offset = 0; ; offset++) { const next = input.peek(offset) if (next === -1 || next === CHAR_CLOSE_BRACE) { return input.acceptToken(LiteralArgContent, offset) } } }, { contextual: false } ) // tokenizer for literal content delimited by whitespace, such as in `\input foo.tex` export const spaceDelimitedLiteralArgTokenizer = new ExternalTokenizer( input => { for (let offset = 0; ; offset++) { const next = input.peek(offset) if (next === -1 || next === CHAR_SPACE || next === CHAR_NEWLINE) { return input.acceptToken(SpaceDelimitedLiteralArgContent, offset) } } }, { contextual: false } ) // helper function to look up charCodes function _char(s) { return s.charCodeAt(0) } // Allowed delimiters, from the LaTeX manual, table 3.10 // ( ) [ ] / | \{ \} \| and additional names below // The empty delimiter . is also allowed const CHAR_SLASH = _char('/') const CHAR_PIPE = _char('|') const CHAR_OPEN_PAREN = _char('(') const CHAR_CLOSE_PAREN = _char(')') const CHAR_OPEN_BRACKET = _char('[') const CHAR_CLOSE_BRACKET = _char(']') const CHAR_FULL_STOP = _char('.') const CHAR_BACKSLASH = _char('\\') const CHAR_OPEN_BRACE = _char('{') const CHAR_CLOSE_BRACE = _char('}') const ALLOWED_DELIMITER_NAMES = [ 'lfloor', 'rfloor', 'lceil', 'rceil', 'langle', 'rangle', 'backslash', 'uparrow', 'downarrow', 'Uparrow', 'Downarrow', 'updownarrow', 'Updownarrow', 'lvert', 'rvert', 'lVert', 'rVert', ] // Given a list of allowed command names, return those with leading characters that are the same as the matchString function findPartialMatches(list, matchString) { const size = matchString.length return list.filter( entry => entry.length >= size && entry.substring(0, size) === matchString ) } // tokenizer for \leftX ... \rightX delimiter tokens export const mathDelimiterTokenizer = new ExternalTokenizer( (input, stack) => { let content = '' let offset = 0 let end = -1 // look at the first character, we only accept the following /|()[]. let next = input.peek(offset) if (next === -1) { return } if ( next === CHAR_SLASH || next === CHAR_PIPE || next === CHAR_OPEN_PAREN || next === CHAR_CLOSE_PAREN || next === CHAR_OPEN_BRACKET || next === CHAR_CLOSE_BRACKET || next === CHAR_FULL_STOP ) { return input.acceptToken(MathDelimiter, 1) } // reject anything else not starting with a backslash, // we only accept control symbols or control sequences if (next !== CHAR_BACKSLASH) { return } // look at the second character, we only accept \{ and \} and \| as control symbols offset++ next = input.peek(offset) if (next === -1) { return } if ( next === CHAR_OPEN_BRACE || next === CHAR_CLOSE_BRACE || next === CHAR_PIPE ) { return input.acceptToken(MathDelimiter, 2) } // We haven't matched any symbols, so now try matching command names. // Is this character a potential match to the remaining allowed delimiter names? content = String.fromCharCode(next) let candidates = findPartialMatches(ALLOWED_DELIMITER_NAMES, content) if (!candidates.length) return // we have some candidates, look at subsequent characters offset++ for (;;) { const next = input.peek(offset) // stop when we reach the end of file or a non-alphabetic character if (next === -1 || !nameChar(next)) { end = offset - 1 break } content += String.fromCharCode(next) // find how many candidates remain with the new input candidates = findPartialMatches(candidates, content) if (!candidates.length) return // no matches remaining end = offset offset++ } if (!candidates.includes(content)) return // not a valid delimiter // accept the content as a valid delimiter return input.acceptToken(MathDelimiter, end + 1) }, { contextual: false } ) const CHAR_AT_SYMBOL = _char('@') export const csnameTokenizer = new ExternalTokenizer((input, stack) => { let offset = 0 let end = -1 // look at the first character, we are looking for acceptable control sequence names // including @ signs, \\[a-zA-Z@]+ const next = input.peek(offset) if (next === -1) { return } // reject anything not starting with a backslash, // we only accept control sequences if (next !== CHAR_BACKSLASH) { return } offset++ for (;;) { const next = input.peek(offset) // stop when we reach the end of file or a non-csname character if (next === -1 || !(alphaChar(next) || next === CHAR_AT_SYMBOL)) { end = offset - 1 break } end = offset offset++ } if (end === -1) return // accept the content as a valid control sequence return input.acceptToken(Csname, end + 1) }) const CHAR_SPACE = _char(' ') const CHAR_NEWLINE = _char('\n') const END_DOCUMENT_MARK = '\\end{document}'.split('').reverse() export const trailingContentTokenizer = new ExternalTokenizer( (input, stack) => { if (input.next === -1) return // no trailing content // Look back for end-document mark, bail out if any characters do not match for (let i = 1; i < END_DOCUMENT_MARK.length + 1; i++) { if (String.fromCharCode(input.peek(-i)) !== END_DOCUMENT_MARK[i - 1]) { return } } while (input.next === CHAR_SPACE || input.next === CHAR_NEWLINE) { const next = input.advance() if (next === -1) return input.acceptToken(TrailingWhitespaceOnly) // trailing whitespace only } // accept the all content up to the end of the document while (input.advance() !== -1) { // } return input.acceptToken(TrailingContent) } ) const refCommands = new Set([ '\\fullref', '\\Vref', '\\autopageref', '\\autoref', '\\eqref', '\\labelcpageref', '\\labelcref', '\\lcnamecref', '\\lcnamecrefs', '\\namecref', '\\nameCref', '\\namecrefs', '\\nameCrefs', '\\thnameref', '\\thref', '\\titleref', '\\vrefrange', '\\Crefrange', '\\Crefrang', '\\fref', '\\pref', '\\tref', '\\Aref', '\\Bref', '\\Pref', '\\Sref', '\\vref', '\\nameref', ]) const refStarrableCommands = new Set([ '\\vpageref', '\\vref', '\\zcpageref', '\\zcref', '\\zfullref', '\\zref', '\\zvpageref', '\\zvref', '\\cref', '\\Cref', '\\pageref', '\\ref', '\\Ref', '\\zpageref', '\\ztitleref', '\\vpagerefrange', '\\zvpagerefrange', '\\zvrefrange', '\\crefrange', ]) const citeCommands = new Set([ '\\autocites', '\\Autocites', '\\Cite', '\\citeA', '\\citealp', '\\Citealp', '\\citealt', '\\Citealt', '\\citeauthorNP', '\\citeauthorp', '\\Citeauthorp', '\\citeauthort', '\\Citeauthort', '\\citeNP', '\\citenum', '\\cites', '\\Cites', '\\citeurl', '\\citeyearpar', '\\defcitealias', '\\fnotecite', '\\footcite', '\\footcitetext', '\\footfullcite', '\\footnotecites', '\\Footnotecites', '\\fullcite', '\\fullciteA', '\\fullciteauthor', '\\fullciteauthorNP', '\\maskcite', '\\maskciteA', '\\maskcitealp', '\\maskCitealp', '\\maskcitealt', '\\maskCitealt', '\\maskciteauthor', '\\maskciteauthorNP', '\\maskciteauthorp', '\\maskCiteauthorp', '\\maskciteauthort', '\\maskCiteauthort', '\\maskciteNP', '\\maskcitenum', '\\maskcitep', '\\maskCitep', '\\maskcitepalias', '\\maskcitet', '\\maskCitet', '\\maskcitetalias', '\\maskciteyear', '\\maskciteyearNP', '\\maskciteyearpar', '\\maskfullcite', '\\maskfullciteA', '\\maskfullciteauthor', '\\maskfullciteauthorNP', '\\masknocite', '\\maskshortcite', '\\maskshortciteA', '\\maskshortciteauthor', '\\maskshortciteauthorNP', '\\maskshortciteNP', '\\mautocite', '\\Mautocite', '\\mcite', '\\Mcite', '\\mfootcite', '\\mfootcitetext', '\\mparencite', '\\Mparencite', '\\msupercite', '\\mtextcite', '\\Mtextcite', '\\nocite', '\\nocitemeta', '\\notecite', '\\Parencite', '\\parencites', '\\Parencites', '\\pnotecite', '\\shortcite', '\\shortciteA', '\\shortciteauthor', '\\shortciteauthorNP', '\\shortciteNP', '\\smartcite', '\\Smartcite', '\\smartcites', '\\Smartcites', '\\supercite', '\\supercites', '\\textcite', '\\Textcite', '\\textcites', '\\Textcites', ]) const citeStarredCommands = new Set([ '\\cite', '\\citeauthor', '\\Citeauthor', '\\citedate', '\\citep', '\\citepalias', '\\Citep', '\\citetitle', '\\citeyear', '\\parencite', '\\citet', '\\citetalias', '\\autocite', '\\Autocite', ]) const labelCommands = new Set(['\\label', '\\thlabel', '\\zlabel']) const mathTextCommands = new Set(['\\text', '\\tag', '\\textrm', '\\intertext']) const otherKnowncommands = { '\\hbox': HboxCtrlSeq, '\\title': TitleCtrlSeq, '\\author': AuthorCtrlSeq, '\\affil': AffilCtrlSeq, '\\affiliation': AffiliationCtrlSeq, '\\documentclass': DocumentClassCtrlSeq, '\\usepackage': UsePackageCtrlSeq, '\\href': HrefCtrlSeq, '\\url': UrlCtrlSeq, '\\verb': VerbCtrlSeq, '\\lstinline': LstInlineCtrlSeq, '\\includegraphics': IncludeGraphicsCtrlSeq, '\\caption': CaptionCtrlSeq, '\\def': DefCtrlSeq, '\\left': LeftCtrlSeq, '\\right': RightCtrlSeq, '\\newcommand': NewCommandCtrlSeq, '\\renewcommand': RenewCommandCtrlSeq, '\\newenvironment': NewEnvironmentCtrlSeq, '\\renewenvironment': RenewEnvironmentCtrlSeq, '\\book': BookCtrlSeq, '\\part': PartCtrlSeq, '\\addpart': PartCtrlSeq, '\\chapter': ChapterCtrlSeq, '\\addchap': ChapterCtrlSeq, '\\section': SectionCtrlSeq, '\\addseq': SectionCtrlSeq, '\\subsection': SubSectionCtrlSeq, '\\subsubsection': SubSubSectionCtrlSeq, '\\paragraph': ParagraphCtrlSeq, '\\subparagraph': SubParagraphCtrlSeq, '\\input': InputCtrlSeq, '\\include': IncludeCtrlSeq, '\\item': ItemCtrlSeq, '\\centering': CenteringCtrlSeq, '\\newtheorem': NewTheoremCtrlSeq, '\\theoremstyle': TheoremStyleCtrlSeq, '\\bibliography': BibliographyCtrlSeq, '\\bibliographystyle': BibliographyStyleCtrlSeq, '\\maketitle': MaketitleCtrlSeq, '\\textcolor': TextColorCtrlSeq, '\\colorbox': ColorBoxCtrlSeq, '\\hline': HLineCtrlSeq, '\\toprule': TopRuleCtrlSeq, '\\midrule': MidRuleCtrlSeq, '\\bottomrule': BottomRuleCtrlSeq, '\\multicolumn': MultiColumnCtrlSeq, } // specializer for control sequences // return new tokens for specific control sequences export const specializeCtrlSeq = (name, terms) => { if (name === '\\begin') return Begin if (name === '\\end') return End if (refCommands.has(name)) { return RefCtrlSeq } if (refStarrableCommands.has(name)) { return RefStarrableCtrlSeq } if (citeCommands.has(name)) { return CiteCtrlSeq } if (citeStarredCommands.has(name)) { return CiteStarrableCtrlSeq } if (labelCommands.has(name)) { return LabelCtrlSeq } if (mathTextCommands.has(name)) { return MathTextCtrlSeq } return otherKnowncommands[name] || -1 } const tabularEnvNames = new Set([ 'tabular', 'xltabular', 'tabularx', 'longtable', ]) const equationEnvNames = new Set([ 'equation', 'equation*', 'displaymath', 'displaymath*', 'math', 'math*', 'multline', 'multline*', 'matrix', 'tikzcd', ]) const equationArrayEnvNames = new Set([ 'array', 'eqnarray', 'eqnarray*', 'align', 'align*', 'alignat', 'alignat*', 'flalign', 'flalign*', 'gather', 'gather*', 'pmatrix', 'pmatrix*', 'bmatrix', 'bmatrix*', 'Bmatrix', 'Bmatrix*', 'vmatrix', 'vmatrix*', 'Vmatrix', 'Vmatrix*', 'smallmatrix', 'smallmatrix*', 'split', 'split*', 'gathered', 'gathered*', 'aligned', 'aligned*', 'alignedat', 'alignedat*', 'cases', 'cases*', 'dcases', 'dcases*', 'rcases', 'rcases*', 'IEEEeqnarray', 'IEEEeqnarray*', ]) const verbatimEnvNames = new Set([ 'verbatim', 'boxedverbatim', 'lstlisting', 'minted', 'Verbatim', 'lstlisting', 'codeexample', 'comment', ]) const otherKnownEnvNames = { document: DocumentEnvName, tikzpicture: TikzPictureEnvName, figure: FigureEnvName, 'figure*': FigureEnvName, subfigure: FigureEnvName, enumerate: ListEnvName, itemize: ListEnvName, table: TableEnvName, description: ListEnvName, } export const specializeEnvName = (name, terms) => { if (tabularEnvNames.has(name)) { return TabularEnvName } if (equationEnvNames.has(name)) { return EquationEnvName } if (equationArrayEnvNames.has(name)) { return EquationArrayEnvName } if (verbatimEnvNames.has(name)) { return VerbatimEnvName } return otherKnownEnvNames[name] || -1 } const otherKnownCtrlSyms = { '\\(': OpenParenCtrlSym, '\\)': CloseParenCtrlSym, '\\[': OpenBracketCtrlSym, '\\]': CloseBracketCtrlSym, '\\\\': LineBreakCtrlSym, } export const specializeCtrlSym = (name, terms) => { return otherKnownCtrlSyms[name] || -1 }