const fs = require('fs') const Path = require('path') const { expect } = require('chai') const MODULE_PATH = '../../../app/js/ContentCacheManager' describe('ContentCacheManager', function () { let contentDir, pdfPath let ContentCacheManager, files, Settings before(function () { Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') ContentCacheManager = require(MODULE_PATH) }) let contentRanges, newContentRanges, reclaimed async function run(filePath, size) { const result = await ContentCacheManager.promises.update( contentDir, filePath, size ) let newlyReclaimed ;[contentRanges, newContentRanges, newlyReclaimed] = result reclaimed += newlyReclaimed const fileNames = await fs.promises.readdir(contentDir) files = {} for (const fileName of fileNames) { const path = Path.join(contentDir, fileName) files[path] = await fs.promises.readFile(path) } } before(function () { contentDir = '/app/output/602cee6f6460fca0ba7921e6/content/1797a7f48f9-5abc1998509dea1f' pdfPath = '/app/output/602cee6f6460fca0ba7921e6/generated-files/1797a7f48ea-8ac6805139f43351/output.pdf' reclaimed = 0 Settings.pdfCachingMinChunkSize = 1024 }) before(async function () { await fs.promises.rmdir(contentDir, { recursive: true }) await fs.promises.mkdir(contentDir, { recursive: true }) await fs.promises.mkdir(Path.dirname(pdfPath), { recursive: true }) }) describe('minimal', function () { const PATH_MINIMAL = 'test/acceptance/fixtures/minimal.pdf' const OBJECT_ID_1 = '9 0 ' const HASH_LARGE = 'd7cfc73ad2fba4578a437517923e3714927bbf35e63ea88bd93c7a8076cf1fcd' const OBJECT_ID_2 = '10 0 ' const HASH_SMALL = '896749b8343851b0dc385f71616916a7ba0434fcfb56d1fc7e27cd139eaa2f71' function getChunkPath(hash) { return Path.join('test/unit/js/snapshots/minimalCompile/chunks', hash) } let MINIMAL_SIZE, RANGE_1, RANGE_2, h1, h2, START_1, START_2, END_1, END_2 before(async function () { await fs.promises.copyFile(PATH_MINIMAL, pdfPath) const MINIMAL = await fs.promises.readFile(PATH_MINIMAL) MINIMAL_SIZE = (await fs.promises.stat(PATH_MINIMAL)).size RANGE_1 = await fs.promises.readFile(getChunkPath(HASH_LARGE)) RANGE_2 = await fs.promises.readFile(getChunkPath(HASH_SMALL)) h1 = HASH_LARGE h2 = HASH_SMALL START_1 = MINIMAL.indexOf(RANGE_1) END_1 = START_1 + RANGE_1.byteLength START_2 = MINIMAL.indexOf(RANGE_2) END_2 = START_2 + RANGE_2.byteLength }) async function runWithMinimal() { await run(pdfPath, MINIMAL_SIZE) } describe('with two ranges qualifying', function () { before(function () { Settings.pdfCachingMinChunkSize = 500 }) before(async function () { await runWithMinimal() }) it('should produce two ranges', function () { expect(contentRanges).to.have.length(2) }) it('should find the correct offsets', function () { expect(contentRanges).to.deep.equal([ { objectId: OBJECT_ID_1, start: START_1, end: END_1, hash: h1, }, { objectId: OBJECT_ID_2, start: START_2, end: END_2, hash: h2, }, ]) }) it('should store the contents', function () { expect(files).to.deep.equal({ [Path.join(contentDir, h1)]: RANGE_1, [Path.join(contentDir, h2)]: RANGE_2, [Path.join(contentDir, '.state.v0.json')]: Buffer.from( JSON.stringify({ hashAge: [ [h1, 0], [h2, 0], ], hashSize: [ [h1, RANGE_1.byteLength], [h2, RANGE_2.byteLength], ], }) ), }) }) it('should mark all ranges as new', function () { expect(contentRanges).to.deep.equal(newContentRanges) }) describe('when re-running with one range too small', function () { before(function () { Settings.pdfCachingMinChunkSize = 1024 }) before(async function () { await runWithMinimal() }) it('should produce one range', function () { expect(contentRanges).to.have.length(1) }) it('should find the correct offsets', function () { expect(contentRanges).to.deep.equal([ { objectId: OBJECT_ID_1, start: START_1, end: END_1, hash: h1, }, ]) }) it('should update the age of the 2nd range', function () { expect(files).to.deep.equal({ [Path.join(contentDir, h1)]: RANGE_1, [Path.join(contentDir, h2)]: RANGE_2, [Path.join(contentDir, '.state.v0.json')]: Buffer.from( JSON.stringify({ hashAge: [ [h1, 0], [h2, 1], ], hashSize: [ [h1, RANGE_1.byteLength], [h2, RANGE_2.byteLength], ], }) ), }) }) it('should find no new ranges', function () { expect(newContentRanges).to.deep.equal([]) }) describe('when re-running 5 more times', function () { for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { before(async function () { await runWithMinimal() }) } it('should still produce one range', function () { expect(contentRanges).to.have.length(1) }) it('should still find the correct offsets', function () { expect(contentRanges).to.deep.equal([ { objectId: OBJECT_ID_1, start: START_1, end: END_1, hash: h1, }, ]) }) it('should delete the 2nd range', function () { expect(files).to.deep.equal({ [Path.join(contentDir, h1)]: RANGE_1, [Path.join(contentDir, '.state.v0.json')]: Buffer.from( JSON.stringify({ hashAge: [[h1, 0]], hashSize: [[h1, RANGE_1.byteLength]], }) ), }) }) it('should find no new ranges', function () { expect(newContentRanges).to.deep.equal([]) }) it('should yield the reclaimed space', function () { expect(reclaimed).to.equal(RANGE_2.byteLength) }) }) }) }) }) })