import { EditorView } from '@codemirror/view' import { Annotation, Compartment, TransactionSpec } from '@codemirror/state' import { syntaxHighlighting } from '@codemirror/language' import { classHighlighter } from './class-highlighter' const optionsThemeConf = new Compartment() const selectedThemeConf = new Compartment() export const themeOptionsChange = Annotation.define() export type FontFamily = 'monaco' | 'lucida' export type LineHeight = 'compact' | 'normal' | 'wide' export type OverallTheme = '' | 'light-' type Options = { fontSize: number fontFamily: FontFamily lineHeight: LineHeight overallTheme: OverallTheme } export const theme = (options: Options) => [ baseTheme, staticTheme, syntaxHighlighting(classHighlighter), optionsThemeConf.of(createThemeFromOptions(options)), selectedThemeConf.of([]), ] export const setOptionsTheme = (options: Options): TransactionSpec => { return { effects: optionsThemeConf.reconfigure(createThemeFromOptions(options)), annotations: themeOptionsChange.of(true), } } export const setEditorTheme = async ( editorTheme: string ): Promise => { const theme = await loadSelectedTheme(editorTheme) return { effects: selectedThemeConf.reconfigure(theme), } } const svgUrl = (content: string) => `url('"),url("")', backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat, repeat-x', backgroundPosition: 'center center, top left', color: 'transparent', border: '1px solid black', borderRadius: '2px', }, // align the lint icons with the line numbers '.cm-gutter-lint .cm-gutterElement': { padding: '0.3em', }, // reset the default style for the lint gutter error marker, which uses :before '.cm-lint-marker-error:before': { content: 'normal', }, // set a new icon for the lint gutter error marker '.cm-lint-marker-error': { content: svgUrl( `` ), }, // set a new icon for the lint gutter warning marker '.cm-lint-marker-warning': { content: svgUrl( `` ), }, }) const loadSelectedTheme = async (editorTheme: string) => { if (!editorTheme) { editorTheme = 'textmate' // use the default theme if unset } const { theme, highlightStyle, dark } = await import( /* webpackChunkName: "cm6-theme" */ `../themes/cm6/${editorTheme}.json` ) return [ EditorView.theme(theme, { dark }), EditorView.theme(highlightStyle, { dark }), ] }