/* eslint-disable camelcase, handle-callback-err, no-unused-vars, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ let PackManager const async = require('async') const _ = require('underscore') const { db, ObjectId, BSON } = require('./mongojs') const logger = require('logger-sharelatex') const LockManager = require('./LockManager') const MongoAWS = require('./MongoAWS') const Metrics = require('metrics-sharelatex') const ProjectIterator = require('./ProjectIterator') const Settings = require('settings-sharelatex') const keys = Settings.redis.lock.key_schema // Sharejs operations are stored in a 'pack' object // // e.g. a single sharejs update looks like // // { // "doc_id" : 549dae9e0a2a615c0c7f0c98, // "project_id" : 549dae9c0a2a615c0c7f0c8c, // "op" : [ {"p" : 6981, "d" : "?" } ], // "meta" : { "user_id" : 52933..., "start_ts" : 1422310693931, "end_ts" : 1422310693931 }, // "v" : 17082 // } // // and a pack looks like this // // { // "doc_id" : 549dae9e0a2a615c0c7f0c98, // "project_id" : 549dae9c0a2a615c0c7f0c8c, // "pack" : [ U1, U2, U3, ...., UN], // "meta" : { "user_id" : 52933..., "start_ts" : 1422310693931, "end_ts" : 1422310693931 }, // "v" : 17082 // "v_end" : ... // } // // where U1, U2, U3, .... are single updates stripped of their // doc_id and project_id fields (which are the same for all the // updates in the pack). // // The pack itself has v and meta fields, this makes it possible to // treat packs and single updates in a similar way. // // The v field of the pack itself is from the first entry U1, the // v_end field from UN. The meta.end_ts field of the pack itself is // from the last entry UN, the meta.start_ts field from U1. const DAYS = 24 * 3600 * 1000 // one day in milliseconds module.exports = PackManager = { MAX_SIZE: 1024 * 1024, // make these configurable parameters MAX_COUNT: 1024, insertCompressedUpdates( project_id, doc_id, lastUpdate, newUpdates, temporary, callback ) { if (callback == null) { callback = function(error) {} } if (newUpdates.length === 0) { return callback() } // never append permanent ops to a pack that will expire if ( (lastUpdate != null ? lastUpdate.expiresAt : undefined) != null && !temporary ) { lastUpdate = null } const updatesToFlush = [] const updatesRemaining = newUpdates.slice() let n = (lastUpdate != null ? lastUpdate.n : undefined) || 0 let sz = (lastUpdate != null ? lastUpdate.sz : undefined) || 0 while ( updatesRemaining.length && n < PackManager.MAX_COUNT && sz < PackManager.MAX_SIZE ) { const nextUpdate = updatesRemaining[0] const nextUpdateSize = BSON.calculateObjectSize(nextUpdate) if (nextUpdateSize + sz > PackManager.MAX_SIZE && n > 0) { break } n++ sz += nextUpdateSize updatesToFlush.push(updatesRemaining.shift()) } return PackManager.flushCompressedUpdates( project_id, doc_id, lastUpdate, updatesToFlush, temporary, function(error) { if (error != null) { return callback(error) } return PackManager.insertCompressedUpdates( project_id, doc_id, null, updatesRemaining, temporary, callback ) } ) }, flushCompressedUpdates( project_id, doc_id, lastUpdate, newUpdates, temporary, callback ) { if (callback == null) { callback = function(error) {} } if (newUpdates.length === 0) { return callback() } let canAppend = false // check if it is safe to append to an existing pack if (lastUpdate != null) { if (!temporary && lastUpdate.expiresAt == null) { // permanent pack appends to permanent pack canAppend = true } const age = Date.now() - (lastUpdate.meta != null ? lastUpdate.meta.start_ts : undefined) if (temporary && lastUpdate.expiresAt != null && age < 1 * DAYS) { // temporary pack appends to temporary pack if same day canAppend = true } } if (canAppend) { return PackManager.appendUpdatesToExistingPack( project_id, doc_id, lastUpdate, newUpdates, temporary, callback ) } else { return PackManager.insertUpdatesIntoNewPack( project_id, doc_id, newUpdates, temporary, callback ) } }, insertUpdatesIntoNewPack( project_id, doc_id, newUpdates, temporary, callback ) { if (callback == null) { callback = function(error) {} } const first = newUpdates[0] const last = newUpdates[newUpdates.length - 1] const n = newUpdates.length const sz = BSON.calculateObjectSize(newUpdates) const newPack = { project_id: ObjectId(project_id.toString()), doc_id: ObjectId(doc_id.toString()), pack: newUpdates, n, sz, meta: { start_ts: first.meta.start_ts, end_ts: last.meta.end_ts }, v: first.v, v_end: last.v, temporary } if (temporary) { newPack.expiresAt = new Date(Date.now() + 7 * DAYS) newPack.last_checked = new Date(Date.now() + 30 * DAYS) // never check temporary packs } logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, newUpdates }, 'inserting updates into new pack' ) return db.docHistory.save(newPack, function(err, result) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } Metrics.inc(`insert-pack-${temporary ? 'temporary' : 'permanent'}`) if (temporary) { return callback() } else { return PackManager.updateIndex(project_id, doc_id, callback) } }) }, appendUpdatesToExistingPack( project_id, doc_id, lastUpdate, newUpdates, temporary, callback ) { if (callback == null) { callback = function(error) {} } const first = newUpdates[0] const last = newUpdates[newUpdates.length - 1] const n = newUpdates.length const sz = BSON.calculateObjectSize(newUpdates) const query = { _id: lastUpdate._id, project_id: ObjectId(project_id.toString()), doc_id: ObjectId(doc_id.toString()), pack: { $exists: true } } const update = { $push: { pack: { $each: newUpdates } }, $inc: { n: n, sz: sz }, $set: { 'meta.end_ts': last.meta.end_ts, v_end: last.v } } if (lastUpdate.expiresAt && temporary) { update.$set.expiresAt = new Date(Date.now() + 7 * DAYS) } logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, lastUpdate, newUpdates }, 'appending updates to existing pack' ) Metrics.inc(`append-pack-${temporary ? 'temporary' : 'permanent'}`) return db.docHistory.findAndModify( { query, update, new: true, fields: { meta: 1, v_end: 1 } }, callback ) }, // Retrieve all changes for a document getOpsByVersionRange(project_id, doc_id, fromVersion, toVersion, callback) { if (callback == null) { callback = function(error, updates) {} } return PackManager.loadPacksByVersionRange( project_id, doc_id, fromVersion, toVersion, function(error) { const query = { doc_id: ObjectId(doc_id.toString()) } if (toVersion != null) { query.v = { $lte: toVersion } } if (fromVersion != null) { query.v_end = { $gte: fromVersion } } // console.log "query:", query return db.docHistory.find(query).sort({ v: -1 }, function(err, result) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } // console.log "getOpsByVersionRange:", err, result const updates = [] const opInRange = function(op, from, to) { if (fromVersion != null && op.v < fromVersion) { return false } if (toVersion != null && op.v > toVersion) { return false } return true } for (const docHistory of Array.from(result)) { // console.log 'adding', docHistory.pack for (const op of Array.from(docHistory.pack.reverse())) { if (opInRange(op, fromVersion, toVersion)) { op.project_id = docHistory.project_id op.doc_id = docHistory.doc_id // console.log "added op", op.v, fromVersion, toVersion updates.push(op) } } } return callback(null, updates) }) } ) }, loadPacksByVersionRange( project_id, doc_id, fromVersion, toVersion, callback ) { return PackManager.getIndex(doc_id, function(err, indexResult) { let pack if (err != null) { return callback(err) } const indexPacks = (indexResult != null ? indexResult.packs : undefined) || [] const packInRange = function(pack, from, to) { if (fromVersion != null && pack.v_end < fromVersion) { return false } if (toVersion != null && pack.v > toVersion) { return false } return true } const neededIds = (() => { const result = [] for (pack of Array.from(indexPacks)) { if (packInRange(pack, fromVersion, toVersion)) { result.push(pack._id) } } return result })() if (neededIds.length) { return PackManager.fetchPacksIfNeeded( project_id, doc_id, neededIds, callback ) } else { return callback() } }) }, fetchPacksIfNeeded(project_id, doc_id, pack_ids, callback) { let id return db.docHistory.find( { _id: { $in: (() => { const result = [] for (id of Array.from(pack_ids)) { result.push(ObjectId(id)) } return result })() } }, { _id: 1 }, function(err, loadedPacks) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } const allPackIds = (() => { const result1 = [] for (id of Array.from(pack_ids)) { result1.push(id.toString()) } return result1 })() const loadedPackIds = Array.from(loadedPacks).map(pack => pack._id.toString() ) const packIdsToFetch = _.difference(allPackIds, loadedPackIds) logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, loadedPackIds, allPackIds, packIdsToFetch }, 'analysed packs' ) if (packIdsToFetch.length === 0) { return callback() } return async.eachLimit( packIdsToFetch, 4, (pack_id, cb) => MongoAWS.unArchivePack(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, cb), function(err) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } logger.log({ project_id, doc_id }, 'done unarchiving') return callback() } ) } ) }, // Retrieve all changes across a project makeProjectIterator(project_id, before, callback) { // get all the docHistory Entries return db.docHistory .find({ project_id: ObjectId(project_id) }, { pack: false }) .sort({ 'meta.end_ts': -1 }, function(err, packs) { let pack if (err != null) { return callback(err) } const allPacks = [] const seenIds = {} for (pack of Array.from(packs)) { allPacks.push(pack) seenIds[pack._id] = true } return db.docHistoryIndex.find( { project_id: ObjectId(project_id) }, function(err, indexes) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } for (const index of Array.from(indexes)) { for (pack of Array.from(index.packs)) { if (!seenIds[pack._id]) { pack.project_id = index.project_id pack.doc_id = index._id pack.fromIndex = true allPacks.push(pack) seenIds[pack._id] = true } } } return callback( null, new ProjectIterator(allPacks, before, PackManager.getPackById) ) } ) }) }, getPackById(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback) { return db.docHistory.findOne({ _id: pack_id }, function(err, pack) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (pack == null) { return MongoAWS.unArchivePack(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback) } else if (pack.expiresAt != null && pack.temporary === false) { // we only need to touch the TTL when listing the changes in the project // because diffs on individual documents are always done after that return PackManager.increaseTTL(pack, callback) // only do this for cached packs, not temporary ones to avoid older packs // being kept longer than newer ones (which messes up the last update version) } else { return callback(null, pack) } }) }, increaseTTL(pack, callback) { if (pack.expiresAt < new Date(Date.now() + 6 * DAYS)) { // update cache expiry since we are using this pack return db.docHistory.findAndModify( { query: { _id: pack._id }, update: { $set: { expiresAt: new Date(Date.now() + 7 * DAYS) } } }, err => callback(err, pack) ) } else { return callback(null, pack) } }, // Manage docHistoryIndex collection getIndex(doc_id, callback) { return db.docHistoryIndex.findOne( { _id: ObjectId(doc_id.toString()) }, callback ) }, getPackFromIndex(doc_id, pack_id, callback) { return db.docHistoryIndex.findOne( { _id: ObjectId(doc_id.toString()), 'packs._id': pack_id }, { 'packs.$': 1 }, callback ) }, getLastPackFromIndex(doc_id, callback) { return db.docHistoryIndex.findOne( { _id: ObjectId(doc_id.toString()) }, { packs: { $slice: -1 } }, function(err, indexPack) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (indexPack == null) { return callback() } return callback(null, indexPack[0]) } ) }, getIndexWithKeys(doc_id, callback) { return PackManager.getIndex(doc_id, function(err, index) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (index == null) { return callback() } for (const pack of Array.from( (index != null ? index.packs : undefined) || [] )) { index[pack._id] = pack } return callback(null, index) }) }, initialiseIndex(project_id, doc_id, callback) { return PackManager.findCompletedPacks(project_id, doc_id, function( err, packs ) { // console.log 'err', err, 'packs', packs, packs?.length if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (packs == null) { return callback() } return PackManager.insertPacksIntoIndexWithLock( project_id, doc_id, packs, callback ) }) }, updateIndex(project_id, doc_id, callback) { // find all packs prior to current pack return PackManager.findUnindexedPacks(project_id, doc_id, function( err, newPacks ) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (newPacks == null || newPacks.length === 0) { return callback() } return PackManager.insertPacksIntoIndexWithLock( project_id, doc_id, newPacks, function(err) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, newPacks }, 'added new packs to index' ) return callback() } ) }) }, findCompletedPacks(project_id, doc_id, callback) { const query = { doc_id: ObjectId(doc_id.toString()), expiresAt: { $exists: false } } return db.docHistory .find(query, { pack: false }) .sort({ v: 1 }, function(err, packs) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (packs == null) { return callback() } if (!(packs != null ? packs.length : undefined)) { return callback() } const last = packs.pop() // discard the last pack, if it's still in progress if (last.finalised) { packs.push(last) } // it's finalised so we push it back to archive it return callback(null, packs) }) }, findPacks(project_id, doc_id, callback) { const query = { doc_id: ObjectId(doc_id.toString()), expiresAt: { $exists: false } } return db.docHistory .find(query, { pack: false }) .sort({ v: 1 }, function(err, packs) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (packs == null) { return callback() } if (!(packs != null ? packs.length : undefined)) { return callback() } return callback(null, packs) }) }, findUnindexedPacks(project_id, doc_id, callback) { return PackManager.getIndexWithKeys(doc_id, function(err, indexResult) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } return PackManager.findCompletedPacks(project_id, doc_id, function( err, historyPacks ) { let pack if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (historyPacks == null) { return callback() } // select only the new packs not already in the index let newPacks = (() => { const result = [] for (pack of Array.from(historyPacks)) { if ( (indexResult != null ? indexResult[pack._id] : undefined) == null ) { result.push(pack) } } return result })() newPacks = (() => { const result1 = [] for (pack of Array.from(newPacks)) { result1.push( _.omit( pack, 'doc_id', 'project_id', 'n', 'sz', 'last_checked', 'finalised' ) ) } return result1 })() if (newPacks.length) { logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, n: newPacks.length }, 'found new packs' ) } return callback(null, newPacks) }) }) }, insertPacksIntoIndexWithLock(project_id, doc_id, newPacks, callback) { return LockManager.runWithLock( keys.historyIndexLock({ doc_id }), releaseLock => PackManager._insertPacksIntoIndex( project_id, doc_id, newPacks, releaseLock ), callback ) }, _insertPacksIntoIndex(project_id, doc_id, newPacks, callback) { return db.docHistoryIndex.findAndModify( { query: { _id: ObjectId(doc_id.toString()) }, update: { $setOnInsert: { project_id: ObjectId(project_id.toString()) }, $push: { packs: { $each: newPacks, $sort: { v: 1 } } } }, upsert: true }, callback ) }, // Archiving packs to S3 archivePack(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback) { const clearFlagOnError = function(err, cb) { if (err != null) { // clear the inS3 flag on error return PackManager.clearPackAsArchiveInProgress( project_id, doc_id, pack_id, function(err2) { if (err2 != null) { return cb(err2) } return cb(err) } ) } else { return cb() } } return async.series( [ cb => PackManager.checkArchiveNotInProgress( project_id, doc_id, pack_id, cb ), cb => PackManager.markPackAsArchiveInProgress( project_id, doc_id, pack_id, cb ), cb => MongoAWS.archivePack(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, err => clearFlagOnError(err, cb) ), cb => PackManager.checkArchivedPack(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, err => clearFlagOnError(err, cb) ), cb => PackManager.markPackAsArchived(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, cb), cb => PackManager.setTTLOnArchivedPack( project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback ) ], callback ) }, checkArchivedPack(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback) { return db.docHistory.findOne({ _id: pack_id }, function(err, pack) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (pack == null) { return callback(new Error('pack not found')) } return MongoAWS.readArchivedPack(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, function( err, result ) { delete result.last_checked delete pack.last_checked // need to compare ids as ObjectIds with .equals() for (const key of ['_id', 'project_id', 'doc_id']) { if (result[key].equals(pack[key])) { result[key] = pack[key] } } for (let i = 0; i < result.pack.length; i++) { const op = result.pack[i] if (op._id != null && op._id.equals(pack.pack[i]._id)) { op._id = pack.pack[i]._id } } if (_.isEqual(pack, result)) { return callback() } else { logger.err( { pack, result, jsondiff: JSON.stringify(pack) === JSON.stringify(result) }, 'difference when comparing packs' ) return callback( new Error('pack retrieved from s3 does not match pack in mongo') ) } }) }) }, // Extra methods to test archive/unarchive for a doc_id pushOldPacks(project_id, doc_id, callback) { return PackManager.findPacks(project_id, doc_id, function(err, packs) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (!(packs != null ? packs.length : undefined)) { return callback() } return PackManager.processOldPack( project_id, doc_id, packs[0]._id, callback ) }) }, pullOldPacks(project_id, doc_id, callback) { return PackManager.loadPacksByVersionRange( project_id, doc_id, null, null, callback ) }, // Processing old packs via worker processOldPack(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback) { const markAsChecked = err => PackManager.markPackAsChecked(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, function( err2 ) { if (err2 != null) { return callback(err2) } return callback(err) }) logger.log({ project_id, doc_id }, 'processing old packs') return db.docHistory.findOne({ _id: pack_id }, function(err, pack) { if (err != null) { return markAsChecked(err) } if (pack == null) { return markAsChecked() } if (pack.expiresAt != null) { return callback() } // return directly return PackManager.finaliseIfNeeded( project_id, doc_id, pack._id, pack, function(err) { if (err != null) { return markAsChecked(err) } return PackManager.updateIndexIfNeeded(project_id, doc_id, function( err ) { if (err != null) { return markAsChecked(err) } return PackManager.findUnarchivedPacks(project_id, doc_id, function( err, unarchivedPacks ) { if (err != null) { return markAsChecked(err) } if ( !(unarchivedPacks != null ? unarchivedPacks.length : undefined) ) { logger.log({ project_id, doc_id }, 'no packs need archiving') return markAsChecked() } return async.eachSeries( unarchivedPacks, (pack, cb) => PackManager.archivePack(project_id, doc_id, pack._id, cb), function(err) { if (err != null) { return markAsChecked(err) } logger.log({ project_id, doc_id }, 'done processing') return markAsChecked() } ) }) }) } ) }) }, finaliseIfNeeded(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, pack, callback) { const sz = pack.sz / (1024 * 1024) // in fractions of a megabyte const n = pack.n / 1024 // in fraction of 1024 ops const age = (Date.now() - pack.meta.end_ts) / DAYS if (age < 30) { // always keep if less than 1 month old logger.log({ project_id, doc_id, pack_id, age }, 'less than 30 days old') return callback() } // compute an archiving threshold which decreases for each month of age const archive_threshold = 30 / age if (sz > archive_threshold || n > archive_threshold || age > 90) { logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, pack_id, age, archive_threshold, sz, n }, 'meets archive threshold' ) return PackManager.markPackAsFinalisedWithLock( project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback ) } else { logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, pack_id, age, archive_threshold, sz, n }, 'does not meet archive threshold' ) return callback() } }, markPackAsFinalisedWithLock(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback) { return LockManager.runWithLock( keys.historyLock({ doc_id }), releaseLock => PackManager._markPackAsFinalised( project_id, doc_id, pack_id, releaseLock ), callback ) }, _markPackAsFinalised(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback) { logger.log({ project_id, doc_id, pack_id }, 'marking pack as finalised') return db.docHistory.findAndModify( { query: { _id: pack_id }, update: { $set: { finalised: true } } }, callback ) }, updateIndexIfNeeded(project_id, doc_id, callback) { logger.log({ project_id, doc_id }, 'archiving old packs') return PackManager.getIndexWithKeys(doc_id, function(err, index) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (index == null) { return PackManager.initialiseIndex(project_id, doc_id, callback) } else { return PackManager.updateIndex(project_id, doc_id, callback) } }) }, markPackAsChecked(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback) { logger.log({ project_id, doc_id, pack_id }, 'marking pack as checked') return db.docHistory.findAndModify( { query: { _id: pack_id }, update: { $currentDate: { last_checked: true } } }, callback ) }, findUnarchivedPacks(project_id, doc_id, callback) { return PackManager.getIndex(doc_id, function(err, indexResult) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } const indexPacks = (indexResult != null ? indexResult.packs : undefined) || [] const unArchivedPacks = (() => { const result = [] for (const pack of Array.from(indexPacks)) { if (pack.inS3 == null) { result.push(pack) } } return result })() if (unArchivedPacks.length) { logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, n: unArchivedPacks.length }, 'find unarchived packs' ) } return callback(null, unArchivedPacks) }) }, // Archive locking flags checkArchiveNotInProgress(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback) { logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, pack_id }, 'checking if archive in progress' ) return PackManager.getPackFromIndex(doc_id, pack_id, function(err, result) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (result == null) { return callback(new Error('pack not found in index')) } if (result.inS3) { return callback(new Error('pack archiving already done')) } else if (result.inS3 != null) { return callback(new Error('pack archiving already in progress')) } else { return callback() } }) }, markPackAsArchiveInProgress(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback) { logger.log( { project_id, doc_id }, 'marking pack as archive in progress status' ) return db.docHistoryIndex.findAndModify( { query: { _id: ObjectId(doc_id.toString()), packs: { $elemMatch: { _id: pack_id, inS3: { $exists: false } } } }, fields: { 'packs.$': 1 }, update: { $set: { 'packs.$.inS3': false } } }, function(err, result) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (result == null) { return callback(new Error('archive is already in progress')) } logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, pack_id }, 'marked as archive in progress' ) return callback() } ) }, clearPackAsArchiveInProgress(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback) { logger.log( { project_id, doc_id, pack_id }, 'clearing as archive in progress' ) return db.docHistoryIndex.findAndModify( { query: { _id: ObjectId(doc_id.toString()), packs: { $elemMatch: { _id: pack_id, inS3: false } } }, fields: { 'packs.$': 1 }, update: { $unset: { 'packs.$.inS3': true } } }, callback ) }, markPackAsArchived(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback) { logger.log({ project_id, doc_id, pack_id }, 'marking pack as archived') return db.docHistoryIndex.findAndModify( { query: { _id: ObjectId(doc_id.toString()), packs: { $elemMatch: { _id: pack_id, inS3: false } } }, fields: { 'packs.$': 1 }, update: { $set: { 'packs.$.inS3': true } } }, function(err, result) { if (err != null) { return callback(err) } if (result == null) { return callback(new Error('archive is not marked as progress')) } logger.log({ project_id, doc_id, pack_id }, 'marked as archived') return callback() } ) }, setTTLOnArchivedPack(project_id, doc_id, pack_id, callback) { return db.docHistory.findAndModify( { query: { _id: pack_id }, update: { $set: { expiresAt: new Date(Date.now() + 1 * DAYS) } } }, function(err) { logger.log({ project_id, doc_id, pack_id }, 'set expiry on pack') return callback() } ) } } // _getOneDayInFutureWithRandomDelay: -> // thirtyMins = 1000 * 60 * 30 // randomThirtyMinMax = Math.ceil(Math.random() * thirtyMins) // return new Date(Date.now() + randomThirtyMinMax + 1*DAYS)