version: '2.2' services: sharelatex: restart: always # Server Pro users: # image: image: sharelatex/sharelatex container_name: sharelatex depends_on: mongo: condition: service_healthy redis: condition: service_started ports: - 80:80 stop_grace_period: 60s volumes: - ~/sharelatex_data:/var/lib/overleaf ######################################################################## #### Server Pro: Uncomment the following line to mount the docker #### #### socket, required for Sibling Containers to work #### ######################################################################## # - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock environment: OVERLEAF_APP_NAME: Overleaf Community Edition OVERLEAF_MONGO_URL: mongodb://mongo/sharelatex # Same property, unfortunately with different names in # different locations OVERLEAF_REDIS_HOST: redis REDIS_HOST: redis ENABLED_LINKED_FILE_TYPES: 'project_file,project_output_file' # Enables Thumbnail generation using ImageMagick ENABLE_CONVERSIONS: 'true' # Disables email confirmation requirement EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_DISABLED: 'true' # temporary fix for LuaLaTex compiles # see TEXMFVAR: /var/lib/overleaf/tmp/texmf-var ## Set for SSL via nginx-proxy #VIRTUAL_HOST: # OVERLEAF_SITE_URL: # OVERLEAF_NAV_TITLE: Overleaf Community Edition # OVERLEAF_HEADER_IMAGE_URL: # OVERLEAF_ADMIN_EMAIL: # OVERLEAF_LEFT_FOOTER: '[{"text": "Another page I want to link to can be found here"} ]' # OVERLEAF_RIGHT_FOOTER: '[{"text": "Hello I am on the Right"} ]' # OVERLEAF_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: "" # OVERLEAF_EMAIL_AWS_SES_ACCESS_KEY_ID: # OVERLEAF_EMAIL_AWS_SES_SECRET_KEY: # OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_HOST: # OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT: 587 # OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_SECURE: false # OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_USER: # OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_PASS: # OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTH: true # OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_IGNORE_TLS: false # OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_NAME: '' # OVERLEAF_EMAIL_SMTP_LOGGER: true # OVERLEAF_CUSTOM_EMAIL_FOOTER: "This system is run by department x" # ENABLE_CRON_RESOURCE_DELETION: true ################ ## Server Pro ## ################ ## Sandboxed Compiles: SANDBOXED_COMPILES: 'true' SANDBOXED_COMPILES_SIBLING_CONTAINERS: 'true' ### Bind-mount source for /var/lib/overleaf/data/compiles inside the container. SANDBOXED_COMPILES_HOST_DIR: '/home/user/sharelatex_data/data/compiles' ## Works with test LDAP server shown at bottom of docker compose # OVERLEAF_LDAP_URL: 'ldap://ldap:389' # OVERLEAF_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE: 'ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com' # OVERLEAF_LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER: '(uid={{username}})' # OVERLEAF_LDAP_BIND_DN: 'cn=admin,dc=planetexpress,dc=com' # OVERLEAF_LDAP_BIND_CREDENTIALS: 'GoodNewsEveryone' # OVERLEAF_LDAP_EMAIL_ATT: 'mail' # OVERLEAF_LDAP_NAME_ATT: 'cn' # OVERLEAF_LDAP_LAST_NAME_ATT: 'sn' # OVERLEAF_LDAP_UPDATE_USER_DETAILS_ON_LOGIN: 'true' # OVERLEAF_TEMPLATES_USER_ID: "578773160210479700917ee5" # OVERLEAF_NEW_PROJECT_TEMPLATE_LINKS: '[ {"name":"All Templates","url":"/templates/all"}]' # OVERLEAF_PROXY_LEARN: "true" mongo: restart: always image: mongo:5.0 container_name: mongo command: '--replSet overleaf' volumes: - ~/mongo_data:/data/db - ./mongodb-init-replica-set.js:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/mongodb-init-replica-set.js environment: MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE: sharelatex extra_hosts: # Required when using the automatic database setup for initializing the replica set. # This override is not needed when running the setup after starting up mongo. - mongo: healthcheck: test: echo 'db.stats().ok' | mongo localhost:27017/test --quiet interval: 10s timeout: 10s retries: 5 redis: restart: always image: redis:6.2 container_name: redis volumes: - ~/redis_data:/data # ldap: # restart: always # image: rroemhild/test-openldap # container_name: ldap # See for documentation on how to configure the nginx-proxy container, # and for an example of some recommended # settings. We recommend using a properly managed nginx instance outside of the Overleaf Server Pro setup, # but the example here can be used if you'd prefer to run everything with docker-compose # nginx-proxy: # image: jwilder/nginx-proxy # container_name: nginx-proxy # ports: # - "80:80" # - "443:443" # volumes: # - /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro # - /home/overleaf/tmp:/etc/nginx/certs