SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') assert = require('chai').assert require('chai').should() sinon = require('sinon') modulePath = require('path').join __dirname, '../../../../app/js/Features/Notifications/NotificationsHandler.js' _ = require('underscore') describe 'NotificationsHandler', -> user_id = "123nd3ijdks" notification_id = "123njdskj9jlk" notificationUrl = "notification.sharelatex.testing" beforeEach -> @request = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1) @handler = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "settings-sharelatex": apis:{notifications:{url:notificationUrl}} "request":@request 'logger-sharelatex': log:-> err:-> describe "getUserNotifications", -> it 'should get unread notifications', (done)-> stubbedNotifications = [{_id: notification_id, user_id: user_id}] @request.callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode:200}, stubbedNotifications) @handler.getUserNotifications user_id, (err, unreadNotifications)=> stubbedNotifications.should.deep.equal unreadNotifications getOpts = uri: "#{notificationUrl}/user/#{user_id}" json:true timeout:1000 method: "GET" @request.calledWith(getOpts).should.equal true done() it 'should return empty arrays if there are no notifications', -> @request.callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode:200}, null) @handler.getUserNotifications user_id, (err, unreadNotifications)=> unreadNotifications.length.should.equal 0 describe "markAsRead", -> beforeEach -> @key = "some key here" it 'should send a delete request when a delete has been received to mark a notification', (done)-> @handler.markAsReadWithKey user_id, @key, => opts = uri: "#{notificationUrl}/user/#{user_id}" json: key:@key timeout:1000 method: "DELETE" @request.calledWith(opts).should.equal true done() describe "createNotification", -> beforeEach -> @key = "some key here" @messageOpts = {value:12344} @templateKey = "renderThisHtml" @expiry = null @forceCreate = false it "should post the message over", (done)-> @handler.createNotification user_id, @key, @templateKey, @messageOpts, @expiry, @forceCreate, => args = @request.args[0][0] args.uri.should.equal "#{notificationUrl}/user/#{user_id}" args.timeout.should.equal 1000 expectedJson = {key:@key, templateKey:@templateKey, messageOpts:@messageOpts} assert.deepEqual(args.json, expectedJson) done() describe 'when expiry date is supplied', -> beforeEach -> @key = "some key here" @messageOpts = {value:12344} @templateKey = "renderThisHtml" @expiry = new Date() @forceCreate = false it 'should post the message over with expiry field', (done) -> @handler.createNotification user_id, @key, @templateKey, @messageOpts, @expiry, @forceCreate, => args = @request.args[0][0] args.uri.should.equal "#{notificationUrl}/user/#{user_id}" args.timeout.should.equal 1000 expectedJson = {key:@key, templateKey:@templateKey, messageOpts:@messageOpts, expires: @expiry} assert.deepEqual(args.json, expectedJson) done() describe 'when forceCreate is true', -> beforeEach -> @key = "some key here" @messageOpts = {value:12344} @templateKey = "renderThisHtml" @expiry = null @forceCreate = true it 'should add a forceCreate=true flag to the payload', (done) -> @handler.createNotification user_id, @key, @templateKey, @messageOpts, @expiry, @forceCreate, => args = @request.args[0][0] args.uri.should.equal "#{notificationUrl}/user/#{user_id}" args.timeout.should.equal 1000 expectedJson = {key:@key, templateKey:@templateKey, messageOpts:@messageOpts, forceCreate: @forceCreate} assert.deepEqual(args.json, expectedJson) done() describe "markAsReadByKeyOnly", -> beforeEach -> @key = "some key here" it 'should send a delete request when a delete has been received to mark a notification', (done)-> @handler.markAsReadByKeyOnly @key, => opts = uri: "#{notificationUrl}/key/#{@key}" timeout:1000 method: "DELETE" @request.calledWith(opts).should.equal true done()