define [ "moment" "base" "modules/localStorage" ], (moment, App) -> CACHE_KEY = "mbEvents" # keep track of how many heartbeats we've sent so we can calculate how # long wait until the next one heartbeatsSent = 0 nextHeartbeat = new Date() send = (category, action, attributes = {})-> ga('send', 'event', category, action) event_name = "#{action}-#{category}" Intercom?("trackEvent", event_name, attributes) App.factory "event_tracking", ($http, localStorage) -> _getEventCache = () -> eventCache = localStorage CACHE_KEY # Initialize as an empy object if the event cache is still empty. if !eventCache? eventCache = {} localStorage CACHE_KEY, eventCache return eventCache _eventInCache = (key) -> curCache = _getEventCache() curCache[key] || false _addEventToCache = (key) -> curCache = _getEventCache() curCache[key] = true localStorage CACHE_KEY, curCache _sendEditingSessionHeartbeat = () -> $http({ url: "/editingSession/#{window.project_id}", method: "PUT", headers: { "X-CSRF-Token": window.csrfToken } }) return { send: (category, action, label, value)-> ga('send', 'event', category, action, label, value) sendGAOnce: (category, action, label, value) -> if ! _eventInCache(action) _addEventToCache(action) @send category, action, label, value editingSessionHeartbeat: () -> return unless nextHeartbeat <= new Date() _sendEditingSessionHeartbeat() heartbeatsSent++ # send two first heartbeats at 0 and 30s then increase the backoff time # 1min per call until we reach 5 min backoffSecs = if heartbeatsSent <= 2 30 else if heartbeatsSent <= 6 (heartbeatsSent - 2) * 60 else 300 nextHeartbeat = moment().add(backoffSecs, 'seconds').toDate() sendMB: (key, segmentation = {}) -> $http { url: "/event/#{key}", method: "POST", data: segmentation headers: { "X-CSRF-Token": window.csrfToken } } sendMBSampled: (key, segmentation) -> @sendMB key, segmentation if Math.random() < .01 sendMBOnce: (key, segmentation) -> if ! _eventInCache(key) _addEventToCache(key) @sendMB key, segmentation eventInCache: (key) -> _eventInCache(key) } #header $('.navbar a').on "click", (e)-> href = $("href") if href? ga('send', 'event', 'navigation', 'top menu bar', href)