const Stream = require('node:stream') const bunyan = require('bunyan') const GCPManager = require('./gcp-manager') const SentryManager = require('./sentry-manager') const Serializers = require('./serializers') const { FileLogLevelChecker, GCEMetadataLogLevelChecker, } = require('./log-level-checker') const LoggingManager = { /** * @param {string} name - The name of the logger */ initialize(name) { this.isProduction = (process.env.NODE_ENV || '').toLowerCase() === 'production' this.defaultLevel = process.env.LOG_LEVEL || (this.isProduction ? 'info' : 'debug') this.loggerName = name this.logger = bunyan.createLogger({ name, serializers: { err: Serializers.err, error: Serializers.err, req: Serializers.req, res: Serializers.res, }, streams: [this._getOutputStreamConfig()], }) this._setupRingBuffer() this._setupLogLevelChecker() return this }, initializeErrorReporting(dsn, options) { this.sentryManager = new SentryManager() }, /** * @param {Record|string} attributes - Attributes to log (nice serialization for err, req, res) * @param {string} [message] - Optional message * @signature `debug(attributes, message)` * @signature `debug(message)` */ debug(attributes, message, ...args) { return this.logger.debug(attributes, message, ...args) }, /** * @param {Record|string} attributes - Attributes to log (nice serialization for err, req, res) * @param {string} [message] * @signature `info(attributes, message)` * @signature `info(message)` */ info(attributes, message, ...args) { return, message, ...args) }, /** * @param {Record} attributes - Attributes to log (nice serialization for err, req, res) * @param {string} [message] */ error(attributes, message, ...args) { if (this.ringBuffer !== null && Array.isArray(this.ringBuffer.records)) { attributes.logBuffer = this.ringBuffer.records.filter(function (record) { return record.level !== 50 }) } this.logger.error(attributes, message, ...Array.from(args)) if (this.sentryManager) { this.sentryManager.captureExceptionRateLimited(attributes, message) } }, /** * Alias to the error method. * @param {Record} attributes - Attributes to log (nice serialization for err, req, res) * @param {string} [message] */ err(attributes, message, ...args) { return this.error(attributes, message, ...args) }, /** * @param {Record|string} attributes - Attributes to log (nice serialization for err, req, res) * @param {string} [message] * @signature `warn(attributes, message)` * @signature `warn(message)` */ warn(attributes, message, ...args) { return this.logger.warn(attributes, message, ...args) }, /** * @param {Record} attributes - Attributes to log (nice serialization for err, req, res) * @param {string} [message] */ fatal(attributes, message) { this.logger.fatal(attributes, message) if (this.sentryManager) { this.sentryManager.captureException(attributes, message, 'fatal') } }, _getOutputStreamConfig() { switch (process.env.LOGGING_FORMAT) { case 'gke': { const stream = new Stream.Writable({ objectMode: true, write(entry, encoding, callback) { const gcpEntry = GCPManager.convertLogEntry(entry) // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(JSON.stringify(gcpEntry, bunyan.safeCycles())) setImmediate(callback) }, }) return { level: this.defaultLevel, type: 'raw', stream } } case 'gce': { const { LoggingBunyan } = require('@google-cloud/logging-bunyan') return new LoggingBunyan({ logName: this.loggerName, serviceContext: { service: this.loggerName }, }).stream(this.defaultLevel) } default: { return { level: this.defaultLevel, stream: process.stdout } } } }, _setupRingBuffer() { this.ringBufferSize = parseInt(process.env.LOG_RING_BUFFER_SIZE) || 0 if (this.ringBufferSize > 0) { this.ringBuffer = new bunyan.RingBuffer({ limit: this.ringBufferSize }) this.logger.addStream({ level: 'trace', type: 'raw', stream: this.ringBuffer, }) } else { this.ringBuffer = null } }, _setupLogLevelChecker() { const logLevelSource = ( process.env.LOG_LEVEL_SOURCE || 'file' ).toLowerCase() if (this.logLevelChecker) { this.logLevelChecker.stop() this.logLevelChecker = null } if (this.isProduction) { switch (logLevelSource) { case 'file': this.logLevelChecker = new FileLogLevelChecker( this.logger, this.defaultLevel ) break case 'gce_metadata': this.logLevelChecker = new GCEMetadataLogLevelChecker( this.logger, this.defaultLevel ) break case 'none': break default: // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(`Unrecognised log level source: ${logLevelSource}`) } if (this.logLevelChecker) { this.logLevelChecker.start() } } }, } LoggingManager.initialize('default') function handleWarning(err) { LoggingManager.warn({ err }, 'Warning details') } process.on('warning', handleWarning) LoggingManager.removeWarningHandler = () => {'warning', handleWarning) } module.exports = LoggingManager