sinon = require "sinon" chai = require("chai") chai.should() Settings = require('settings-sharelatex') rclient_history = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(Settings.redis.history) ProjectHistoryKeys = Settings.redis.project_history.key_schema MockProjectHistoryApi = require "./helpers/MockProjectHistoryApi" MockWebApi = require "./helpers/MockWebApi" DocUpdaterClient = require "./helpers/DocUpdaterClient" describe "Applying updates to a project's structure", -> before -> @user_id = 'user-id-123' describe "renaming a file", -> before (done) -> @project_id = DocUpdaterClient.randomId() @fileUpdate = id: DocUpdaterClient.randomId() pathname: '/file-path' newPathname: '/new-file-path' @fileUpdates = [ @fileUpdate ] DocUpdaterClient.sendProjectUpdate @project_id, @user_id, [], @fileUpdates, (error) -> throw error if error? setTimeout done, 200 it "should push the applied file renames to the project history api", (done) -> rclient_history.lrange ProjectHistoryKeys.projectHistoryOps({@project_id}), 0, -1, (error, updates) => throw error if error? update = JSON.parse(updates[0]) update.file.should.equal update.pathname.should.equal '/file-path' update.new_pathname.should.equal '/new-file-path' update.meta.user_id.should.equal @user_id'string') done() describe "renaming a document", -> before -> @docUpdate = id: DocUpdaterClient.randomId() pathname: '/doc-path' newPathname: '/new-doc-path' @docUpdates = [ @docUpdate ] describe "when the document is not loaded", -> before (done) -> @project_id = DocUpdaterClient.randomId() DocUpdaterClient.sendProjectUpdate @project_id, @user_id, @docUpdates, [], (error) -> throw error if error? setTimeout done, 200 it "should push the applied doc renames to the project history api", (done) -> rclient_history.lrange ProjectHistoryKeys.projectHistoryOps({@project_id}), 0, -1, (error, updates) => throw error if error? update = JSON.parse(updates[0]) update.doc.should.equal update.pathname.should.equal '/doc-path' update.new_pathname.should.equal '/new-doc-path' update.meta.user_id.should.equal @user_id'string') done() describe "when the document is loaded", -> before (done) -> @project_id = DocUpdaterClient.randomId() MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id,, {} DocUpdaterClient.preloadDoc @project_id,, (error) => throw error if error? sinon.spy MockWebApi, "getDocument" DocUpdaterClient.sendProjectUpdate @project_id, @user_id, @docUpdates, [], (error) -> throw error if error? setTimeout done, 200 after -> MockWebApi.getDocument.restore() it "should update the doc", (done) -> DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id,, (error, res, doc) => doc.pathname.should.equal @docUpdate.newPathname done() it "should push the applied doc renames to the project history api", (done) -> rclient_history.lrange ProjectHistoryKeys.projectHistoryOps({@project_id}), 0, -1, (error, updates) => throw error if error? update = JSON.parse(updates[0]) update.doc.should.equal update.pathname.should.equal '/doc-path' update.new_pathname.should.equal '/new-doc-path' update.meta.user_id.should.equal @user_id'string') done() describe "adding a file", -> before (done) -> @project_id = DocUpdaterClient.randomId() @fileUpdate = id: DocUpdaterClient.randomId() pathname: '/file-path' url: '' @fileUpdates = [ @fileUpdate ] DocUpdaterClient.sendProjectUpdate @project_id, @user_id, [], @fileUpdates, (error) -> throw error if error? setTimeout done, 200 it "should push the file addition to the project history api", (done) -> rclient_history.lrange ProjectHistoryKeys.projectHistoryOps({@project_id}), 0, -1, (error, updates) => throw error if error? update = JSON.parse(updates[0]) update.file.should.equal update.pathname.should.equal '/file-path' update.url.should.equal '' update.meta.user_id.should.equal @user_id'string') done() describe "adding a doc", -> before (done) -> @project_id = DocUpdaterClient.randomId() @docUpdate = id: DocUpdaterClient.randomId() pathname: '/file-path' docLines: 'a\nb' @docUpdates = [ @docUpdate ] DocUpdaterClient.sendProjectUpdate @project_id, @user_id, @docUpdates, [], (error) -> throw error if error? setTimeout done, 200 it "should push the doc addition to the project history api", (done) -> rclient_history.lrange ProjectHistoryKeys.projectHistoryOps({@project_id}), 0, -1, (error, updates) => throw error if error? update = JSON.parse(updates[0]) update.doc.should.equal update.pathname.should.equal '/file-path' update.docLines.should.equal 'a\nb' update.meta.user_id.should.equal @user_id'string') done() describe "with enough updates to flush to the history service", -> before (done) -> @project_id = DocUpdaterClient.randomId() @user_id = DocUpdaterClient.randomId() updates = [] for v in [0..599] # Should flush after 500 ops updates.push id: DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), pathname: '/file-' + v docLines: 'a\nb' sinon.spy MockProjectHistoryApi, "flushProject" # Send updates in chunks to causes multiple flushes projectId = @project_id userId = @project_id DocUpdaterClient.sendProjectUpdate projectId, userId, updates.slice(0, 250), [], (error) -> throw error if error? DocUpdaterClient.sendProjectUpdate projectId, userId, updates.slice(250), [], (error) -> throw error if error? setTimeout done, 2000 after -> MockProjectHistoryApi.flushProject.restore() it "should flush project history", -> MockProjectHistoryApi.flushProject.calledWith(@project_id).should.equal true