should = require('chai').should() SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') assert = require('assert') path = require('path') sinon = require('sinon') modulePath = path.join __dirname, '../../../../app/js/Features/Templates/TemplatesController' describe 'Templates Controller', -> project_id = "213432" beforeEach -> @request = sinon.stub() @request.returns pipe:-> @fs = { unlink : sinon.stub() createWriteStream : sinon.stub().returns(on:(_, cb)->cb()) } @ProjectUploadManager = {createProjectFromZipArchive : sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, null, {_id:project_id})} @dumpFolder = "dump/path" @ProjectOptionsHandler = {setCompiler:sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2)} @uuid = "1234" @TemplatesPublisher = publish: sinon.stub() unpublish:sinon.stub() @controller = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: '../Uploads/ProjectUploadManager':@ProjectUploadManager '../Project/ProjectOptionsHandler':@ProjectOptionsHandler './TemplatesPublisher':@TemplatesPublisher "logger-sharelatex": log:-> "settings-sharelatex": path: dumpFolder:@dumpFolder siteUrl: "http://localhost:3000" "node-uuid":v4:=>@uuid "request": @request "fs":@fs @zipUrl = "" @templateName = "project name here" @user_id = "1234" @req = session: user: _id:@user_id templateData: zipUrl: @zipUrl, templateName: @templateName @redirect = {} describe 'reciving a request to create project from', -> it 'should take the zip url and write it to disk', (done)-> redirect = => @ProjectUploadManager.createProjectFromZipArchive.calledWith(@user_id, @templateName, "#{@dumpFolder}/#{@uuid}").should.equal true @request.calledWith("http://#{@zipUrl}").should.equal true @fs.unlink.calledWith("#{@dumpFolder}/#{@uuid}").should.equal true done() res = redirect:redirect @controller.createProjectFromZipTemplate @req, res describe 'reciving a request to create project from non specified domain', -> it 'should default to', (done)-> @zipUrl = "/templates/cv/" @req.session.templateData.zipUrl = @zipUrl redirect = => @request.calledWith("{@zipUrl}").should.equal true done() res = redirect:redirect @controller.createProjectFromZipTemplate @req, res it 'should use the different domain if specified', (done)-> @zipUrl = "" @req.session.templateData.zipUrl = @zipUrl redirect = => @request.calledWith("http://#{@zipUrl}").should.equal true done() res = redirect:redirect @controller.createProjectFromZipTemplate @req, res describe 'publishProject', (done)-> beforeEach -> @user_id = "sdijdlsakjlkajdklaj" @project_id = "23213kl2j13lk1" it 'should pass the user id and project id to the handler', (done)-> @TemplatesPublisher.publish.callsArgWith(2) @controller.publishProject @user_id, @project_id, => @TemplatesPublisher.publish.calledWith(@user_id, @project_id).should.equal true done() it 'should pass the error back', (done)-> error = "error" @TemplatesPublisher.publish.callsArgWith(2, error) @controller.publishProject @user_id, @project_id, (passedError)=> passedError.should.equal error done() describe 'unpublish Project', (done)-> beforeEach -> @user_id = "sdijdlsakjlkajdklaj" @project_id = "23213kl2j13lk1" it 'should pass the user id and project id to the handler', (done)-> @TemplatesPublisher.unpublish.callsArgWith(2) @controller.unPublishProject @user_id, @project_id, => @TemplatesPublisher.unpublish.calledWith(@user_id, @project_id).should.equal true done() it 'should pass the error back', (done)-> error = "error" @TemplatesPublisher.unpublish.callsArgWith(2, error) @controller.unPublishProject @user_id, @project_id, (passedError)=> passedError.should.equal error done() describe 'settings the compiler from the query string', -> it 'should use the said compiler', (done)-> @req.session.templateData.compiler = "xelatex" redirect = => @ProjectOptionsHandler.setCompiler.calledWith(project_id, "xelatex").should.equal true done() res = redirect:redirect @controller.createProjectFromZipTemplate @req, res it 'should not call the options handler if there is not set compiler', (done)-> redirect = => @ProjectOptionsHandler.setCompiler.called.should.equal false done() res = redirect:redirect @controller.createProjectFromZipTemplate @req, res describe '', ->