define [], () -> ONEHOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60 class ConnectionManager disconnectAfterMs: ONEHOUR * 24 lastUserAction : new Date() constructor: (@ide, @$scope) -> if !io? console.error " javascript not loaded. Please check that the real-time service is running and accessible." @ide.socket = on: () -> $scope.$apply () => @$scope.state.error = "Could not connect to websocket server :(" return setInterval(() => @disconnectIfInactive() , ONEHOUR) # trigger a reconnect immediately if network comes back online window.addEventListener 'online', => sl_console.log "[online] browser notified online" if !@connected @tryReconnectWithRateLimit({force:true}) @userIsLeavingPage = false window.addEventListener 'beforeunload', => @userIsLeavingPage = true return # Don't return true or it will show a pop up @connected = false @userIsInactive = false @gracefullyReconnecting = false @$scope.connection = reconnecting: false # If we need to force everyone to reload the editor forced_disconnect: false inactive_disconnect: false @$scope.tryReconnectNow = () => # user manually requested reconnection via "Try now" button @tryReconnectWithRateLimit({force:true}) @$scope.$on 'cursor:editor:update', () => @lastUserAction = new Date() # time of last edit if !@connected # user is editing, try to reconnect @tryReconnectWithRateLimit() document.querySelector('body').addEventListener 'click', (e) => if !@connected and != 'try-reconnect-now-button' # user is editing, try to reconnect @tryReconnectWithRateLimit() @ide.socket = io.connect null, reconnect: false 'connect timeout': 30 * 1000 "force new connection": true # The "connect" event is the first event we get back. It only # indicates that the websocket is connected, we still need to # pass authentication to join a project. @ide.socket.on "connect", () => sl_console.log "[ connect] Connected" # The next event we should get is an authentication response # from the server, either "connectionAccepted" or # "connectionRejected". @ide.socket.on 'connectionAccepted', (message) => sl_console.log "[ connectionAccepted] allowed to connect" @connected = true @gracefullyReconnecting = false @ide.pushEvent("connected") @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.connection.reconnecting = false @$scope.connection.inactive_disconnect = false if @$scope.state.loading @$scope.state.load_progress = 70 # we have passed authentication so we can now join the project setTimeout(() => @joinProject() , 100) @ide.socket.on 'connectionRejected', (err) => sl_console.log "[ connectionRejected] session not valid or other connection error" # we have failed authentication, usually due to an invalid session cookie return @reportConnectionError(err) # Alternatively the attempt to connect can fail completely, so # we never get into the "connect" state. @ide.socket.on "connect_failed", () => @connected = false $scope.$apply () => @$scope.state.error = "Unable to connect, please view the connection problems guide to fix the issue." # We can get a "disconnect" event at any point after the # "connect" event. @ide.socket.on 'disconnect', () => sl_console.log "[ disconnect] Disconnected" @connected = false @ide.pushEvent("disconnected") @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.connection.reconnecting = false if !$scope.connection.forced_disconnect and !@userIsInactive and !@gracefullyReconnecting @startAutoReconnectCountdown() # Site administrators can send the forceDisconnect event to all users @ide.socket.on 'forceDisconnect', (message) => @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.permissions.write = false @$scope.connection.forced_disconnect = true @ide.socket.disconnect() @ide.showGenericMessageModal("Please Refresh", """ We're performing maintenance on ShareLaTeX and you need to refresh the editor. Sorry for any inconvenience. The editor will refresh in automatically in 10 seconds. """) setTimeout () -> location.reload() , 10 * 1000 @ide.socket.on "reconnectGracefully", () => sl_console.log "Reconnect gracefully" @reconnectGracefully() # Error reporting, which can reload the page if appropriate reportConnectionError: (err) -> sl_console.log "[] reporting connection error" if err?.message == "not authorized" or err?.message == "invalid session" window.location = "/login?redir=#{encodeURI(window.location.pathname)}" else @ide.socket.disconnect() @ide.showGenericMessageModal("Something went wrong connecting", """ Something went wrong connecting to your project. Please refresh if this continues to happen. """) joinProject: () -> sl_console.log "[joinProject] joining..." # Note: if the "joinProject" message doesn't reach the server # (e.g. if we are in a disconnected state at this point) the # callback will never be executed data = { project_id: @ide.project_id } if window.anonymousAccessToken data.anonymousAccessToken = window.anonymousAccessToken @ide.socket.emit 'joinProject', data, (err, project, permissionsLevel, protocolVersion) => if err? or !project? return @reportConnectionError(err) if @$scope.protocolVersion? and @$scope.protocolVersion != protocolVersion location.reload(true) @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.protocolVersion = protocolVersion @$scope.project = project @$scope.permissionsLevel = permissionsLevel @$scope.state.load_progress = 100 @$scope.state.loading = false @$scope.$broadcast "project:joined" reconnectImmediately: () -> @disconnect() @tryReconnect() disconnect: () -> sl_console.log "[] disconnecting client" @ide.socket.disconnect() startAutoReconnectCountdown: () -> sl_console.log "[ConnectionManager] starting autoreconnect countdown" twoMinutes = 2 * 60 * 1000 if @lastUserAction? and new Date() - @lastUserAction > twoMinutes # between 1 minute and 3 minutes countdown = 60 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 120) else countdown = 3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) if @userIsLeavingPage #user will have pressed refresh or back etc return @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.connection.reconnecting = false @$scope.connection.reconnection_countdown = countdown setTimeout(=> if !@connected @timeoutId = setTimeout (=> @decreaseCountdown()), 1000 , 200) cancelReconnect: () -> # clear timeout and set to null so we know there is no countdown running if @timeoutId? sl_console.log "[ConnectionManager] cancelling existing reconnect timer" clearTimeout @timeoutId @timeoutId = null decreaseCountdown: () -> @timeoutId = null return if !@$scope.connection.reconnection_countdown? sl_console.log "[ConnectionManager] decreasing countdown", @$scope.connection.reconnection_countdown @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.connection.reconnection_countdown-- if @$scope.connection.reconnection_countdown <= 0 @$scope.$apply () => @tryReconnect() else @timeoutId = setTimeout (=> @decreaseCountdown()), 1000 tryReconnect: () -> sl_console.log "[ConnectionManager] tryReconnect" @cancelReconnect() delete @$scope.connection.reconnection_countdown return if @connected @$scope.connection.reconnecting = true # use connect() here to make a single attempt, the # reconnect() method makes multiple attempts @ide.socket.socket.connect() # record the time of the last attempt to connect @lastConnectionAttempt = new Date() setTimeout (=> @startAutoReconnectCountdown() if !@connected), 2000 MIN_RETRY_INTERVAL: 1000 # ms, rate limit on reconnects for user clicking "try now" BACKGROUND_RETRY_INTERVAL : 5 * 1000 # ms, rate limit on reconnects for other user activity (e.g. cursor moves) tryReconnectWithRateLimit: (options) -> # bail out if the reconnect is already in progress return if @$scope.connection?.reconnecting # bail out if we are going to reconnect soon anyway reconnectingSoon = @$scope.connection?.reconnection_countdown? and @$scope.connection.reconnection_countdown <= 5 clickedTryNow = options?.force # user requested reconnection return if reconnectingSoon and not clickedTryNow # bail out if we tried reconnecting recently allowedInterval = if clickedTryNow then @MIN_RETRY_INTERVAL else @BACKGROUND_RETRY_INTERVAL return if @lastConnectionAttempt? and new Date() - @lastConnectionAttempt < allowedInterval @tryReconnect() disconnectIfInactive: ()-> @userIsInactive = (new Date() - @lastUserAction) > @disconnectAfterMs if @userIsInactive and @connected @disconnect() @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.connection.inactive_disconnect = true RECONNECT_GRACEFULLY_RETRY_INTERVAL: 5000 # ms MAX_RECONNECT_GRACEFULLY_INTERVAL: 60 * 5 * 1000 # 5 minutes reconnectGracefully: () -> @reconnectGracefullyStarted ?= new Date() userIsInactive = (new Date() - @lastUserAction) > @RECONNECT_GRACEFULLY_RETRY_INTERVAL maxIntervalReached = (new Date() - @reconnectGracefullyStarted) > @MAX_RECONNECT_GRACEFULLY_INTERVAL if userIsInactive or maxIntervalReached sl_console.log "[reconnectGracefully] User didn't do anything for last 5 seconds, reconnecting" @_reconnectGracefullyNow() else sl_console.log "[reconnectGracefully] User is working, will try again in 5 seconds" setTimeout () => @reconnectGracefully() , @RECONNECT_GRACEFULLY_RETRY_INTERVAL _reconnectGracefullyNow: () -> @gracefullyReconnecting = true @reconnectGracefullyStarted = null # Clear cookie so we don't go to the same backend server $.cookie("SERVERID", "", { expires: -1, path: "/" }) @reconnectImmediately()