import { createContext, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState, } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import useScopeValue from '../../../shared/context/util/scope-value-hook' import { useProjectContext } from '../../../shared/context/project-context' import getMeta from '../../../utils/meta' import { deleteJSON, postJSON } from '../../../infrastructure/fetch-json' import usePersistedState from '../../../shared/hooks/use-persisted-state' import { buildLogEntryAnnotations, handleOutputFiles, } from '../util/output-files' import { debounce } from 'lodash' import { useIdeContext } from '../../../shared/context/ide-context' import { send, sendMB, sendMBSampled, } from '../../../infrastructure/event-tracking' import { useEditorContext } from '../../../shared/context/editor-context' import { isMainFile } from '../util/editor-files' import useAbortController from '../../../shared/hooks/use-abort-controller' const AUTO_COMPILE_MAX_WAIT = 5000 // We add a 1 second debounce to sending user changes to server if they aren't // collaborating with anyone. This needs to be higher than that, and allow for // client to server latency, otherwise we compile before the op reaches the server // and then again on ack. const AUTO_COMPILE_DEBOUNCE = 2000 const searchParams = new URLSearchParams( export const PdfPreviewContext = createContext(undefined) PdfPreviewProvider.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.any, } export default function PdfPreviewProvider({ children }) { const ide = useIdeContext() const { _id: projectId, rootDoc_id: rootDocId } = useProjectContext() const { hasPremiumCompile, isProjectOwner } = useEditorContext() // the URL for loading the PDF in the preview pane const [pdfUrl, setPdfUrl] = useScopeValue('pdf.url') // the URL for downloading the PDF const [pdfDownloadUrl, setPdfDownloadUrl] = useScopeValue('pdf.downloadUrl') // the log entries parsed from the compile output log const [logEntries, setLogEntries] = useScopeValue('pdf.logEntries') // the project is considered to be "uncompiled" if a doc has changed since the last compile started const [uncompiled, setUncompiled] = useScopeValue('pdf.uncompiled') // annotations for display in the editor, built from the log entries const [, setLogEntryAnnotations] = useScopeValue('pdf.logEntryAnnotations') // the id of the CLSI server which ran the compile const [clsiServerId, setClsiServerId] = useScopeValue('ide.clsiServerId') // the compile group (standard or priority) const [compileGroup, setCompileGroup] = useScopeValue('ide.compileGroup') // whether to display the editor and preview side-by-side or full-width ("flat") const [pdfLayout, setPdfLayout] = useScopeValue('ui.pdfLayout') // what to show in the "flat" view (editor or pdf) const [, setUiView] = useScopeValue('ui.view') // whether a compile is in progress const [compiling, setCompiling] = useState(false) // whether the project has been compiled yet const [compiledOnce, setCompiledOnce] = useState(false) // whether the cache is being cleared const [clearingCache, setClearingCache] = useState(false) // whether the logs should be visible const [showLogs, setShowLogs] = useState(false) // an error that occurred const [error, setError] = useState() // the list of files that can be downloaded const [fileList, setFileList] = useState() // the raw contents of the log file const [rawLog, setRawLog] = useState() // validation issues from CLSI const [validationIssues, setValidationIssues] = useState() // whether autocompile is switched on const [autoCompile, _setAutoCompile] = usePersistedState( `autocompile_enabled:${projectId}`, false, true ) // whether the compile should run in draft mode const [draft, setDraft] = usePersistedState(`draft:${projectId}`, false, true) // whether compiling should be prevented if there are linting errors const [stopOnValidationError, setStopOnValidationError] = usePersistedState( `stop_on_validation_error:${projectId}`, true, true ) // the id of the currently open document in the editor const [currentDocId] = useScopeValue('editor.open_doc_id') // the Document currently open in the editor? const [currentDoc] = useScopeValue('editor.sharejs_doc') // whether the PDF view is hidden const [pdfHidden] = useScopeValue('ui.pdfHidden') // whether the editor linter found errors const [hasLintingError, setHasLintingError] = useScopeValue('hasLintingError') // whether syntax validation is enabled globally const [syntaxValidation] = useScopeValue('settings.syntaxValidation') // the timestamp that a doc was last changed or saved const [changedAt, setChangedAt] = useState(0) const { signal } = useAbortController() // pass the "uncompiled" value up into the scope for use outside this context provider useEffect(() => { setUncompiled(changedAt > 0) }, [setUncompiled, changedAt]) // record changes to the autocompile setting const setAutoCompile = useCallback( value => { _setAutoCompile(value) sendMB('autocompile-setting-changed', { value }) }, [_setAutoCompile] ) // parse the text of the current doc in the editor // if it contains "\documentclass" then use this as the root doc const getRootDocOverrideId = useCallback(() => { if (currentDocId === rootDocId) { return null // no need to override when in the root doc itself } if (currentDoc) { const doc = currentDoc.getSnapshot() if (doc) { return isMainFile(doc) } } return null }, [currentDoc, currentDocId, rootDocId]) // TODO: remove this? const sendCompileMetrics = useCallback(() => { if (compiledOnce && !error && !window.user.alphaProgram) { const metadata = { errors: logEntries.errors.length, warnings: logEntries.warnings.length, typesetting: logEntries.typesetting.length, newPdfPreview: true, } sendMBSampled('compile-result', metadata, 0.01) } }, [compiledOnce, error, logEntries]) // handle the data returned from a compile request const handleCompileData = useCallback( (data, options) => { if (data.clsiServerId) { setClsiServerId(data.clsiServerId) } if (data.compileGroup) { setCompileGroup(data.compileGroup) } if (data.outputFiles) { handleOutputFiles(projectId, data).then(result => { setLogEntryAnnotations( buildLogEntryAnnotations(result.logEntries.all, ide.fileTreeManager) ) setLogEntries(result.logEntries) setFileList(result.fileList) setPdfDownloadUrl(result.pdfDownloadUrl) setPdfUrl(result.pdfUrl) setRawLog(result.log) }) } switch (data.status) { case 'success': setError(undefined) setShowLogs(false) // TODO: always? break case 'clsi-maintenance': case 'compile-in-progress': case 'exited': case 'failure': case 'project-too-large': case 'terminated': case 'too-recently-compiled': setError(data.status) break case 'timedout': setError('timedout') if (!hasPremiumCompile && isProjectOwner) { send( 'subscription-funnel', 'editor-click-feature', 'compile-timeout' ) sendMB('paywall-prompt', { 'paywall-type': 'compile-timeout', }) } break case 'autocompile-backoff': if (!options.isAutoCompileOnLoad) { setError('autocompile-disabled') setAutoCompile(false) sendMB('autocompile-rate-limited', { hasPremiumCompile }) } break case 'unavailable': setError('clsi-unavailable') break case 'validation-problems': setError('validation-problems') setValidationIssues(data.validationProblems) break default: setError('error') break } }, [ hasPremiumCompile, ide.fileTreeManager, isProjectOwner, projectId, setAutoCompile, setClsiServerId, setCompileGroup, setLogEntries, setLogEntryAnnotations, setPdfDownloadUrl, setPdfUrl, ] ) const buildCompileParams = useCallback( options => { const params = new URLSearchParams() if (clsiServerId) { params.set('clsiserverid', clsiServerId) } if (options.isAutoCompileOnLoad || options.isAutoCompileOnChange) { params.set('auto_compile', 'true') } if (getMeta('ol-enablePdfCaching')) { params.set('enable_pdf_caching', 'true') } if (searchParams.get('file_line_errors') === 'true') { params.file_line_errors = 'true' } return params }, [clsiServerId] ) // run a compile const recompile = useCallback( (options = {}) => { if (compiling) { return } sendMBSampled('editor-recompile-sampled', options) setChangedAt(0) // NOTE: this sets uncompiled to false setCompiling(true) setValidationIssues(undefined) window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('flush-changes')) // TODO: wait for this? postJSON(`/project/${projectId}/compile?${buildCompileParams(options)}`, { body: { rootDoc_id: getRootDocOverrideId(), draft, check: 'silent', // NOTE: 'error' and 'validate' are possible, but unused // use incremental compile for all users but revert to a full compile // if there was previously a server error incrementalCompilesEnabled: !error, }, signal, }) .then(data => { handleCompileData(data, options) }) .catch(error => { // console.error(error) setError( === 429 ? 'rate-limited' : 'error') }) .finally(() => { setCompiling(false) sendCompileMetrics() }) }, [ compiling, projectId, buildCompileParams, getRootDocOverrideId, draft, error, handleCompileData, sendCompileMetrics, signal, ] ) // switch to logs if there's an error useEffect(() => { if (error) { setShowLogs(true) } }, [error]) // recompile on key press useEffect(() => { const listener = event => { recompile(event.detail) } window.addEventListener('pdf:recompile', listener) return () => { window.removeEventListener('pdf:recompile', listener) } }, [recompile]) // always compile the PDF once, when joining the project useEffect(() => { const listener = () => { if (!compiledOnce) { setCompiledOnce(true) recompile({ isAutoCompileOnLoad: true }) } } window.addEventListener('project:joined', listener) return () => { window.removeEventListener('project:joined', listener) } }, [compiledOnce, recompile]) // whether there has been an autocompile linting error, if syntax validation is switched on const autoCompileLintingError = Boolean( autoCompile && syntaxValidation && hasLintingError ) // the project has visible changes const hasChanges = Boolean( autoCompile && uncompiled && compiledOnce && !(stopOnValidationError && autoCompileLintingError) ) // the project is available for auto-compiling const canAutoCompile = Boolean( autoCompile && !compiling && !pdfHidden && !(stopOnValidationError && autoCompileLintingError) ) // a debounced wrapper around the recompile function, used for auto-compile const [debouncedAutoCompile] = useState(() => { return debounce( () => { recompile({ isAutoCompileOnChange: true }) }, AUTO_COMPILE_DEBOUNCE, { maxWait: AUTO_COMPILE_MAX_WAIT, } ) }) // call the debounced recompile function if the project is available for auto-compiling and it has changed useEffect(() => { if (canAutoCompile && changedAt > 0) { debouncedAutoCompile() } else { debouncedAutoCompile.cancel() } }, [canAutoCompile, debouncedAutoCompile, recompile, changedAt]) // cancel debounced recompile on unmount useEffect(() => { return () => { debouncedAutoCompile.cancel() } }, [debouncedAutoCompile]) // record doc changes when notified by the editor useEffect(() => { const listener = () => { setChangedAt( } window.addEventListener('doc:changed', listener) window.addEventListener('doc:saved', listener) return () => { window.removeEventListener('doc:changed', listener) window.removeEventListener('doc:saved', listener) } }, []) // send a request to stop the current compile const stopCompile = useCallback(() => { // TODO: stoppingCompile state? const params = new URLSearchParams() if (clsiServerId) { params.set('clsiserverid', clsiServerId) } return postJSON(`/project/${projectId}/compile/stop?${params}`, { signal }) .catch(error => { setError(error) }) .finally(() => { setCompiling(false) }) }, [projectId, clsiServerId, signal]) const clearCache = useCallback(() => { setClearingCache(true) const params = new URLSearchParams() if (clsiServerId) { params.set('clsiserverid', clsiServerId) } return deleteJSON(`/project/${projectId}/output?${params}`, { signal }) .catch(error => { console.error(error) setError('clear-cache') }) .finally(() => { setClearingCache(false) }) }, [clsiServerId, projectId, setError, signal]) // clear the cache then run a compile, triggered by a menu item const recompileFromScratch = useCallback(() => { setClearingCache(true) clearCache().then(() => { setClearingCache(false) recompile() }) }, [clearCache, recompile]) // switch to either side-by-side or flat (full-width) layout const switchLayout = useCallback(() => { setPdfLayout(layout => { const newLayout = layout === 'sideBySide' ? 'flat' : 'sideBySide' setUiView(newLayout === 'sideBySide' ? 'editor' : 'pdf') setPdfLayout(newLayout) window.localStorage.setItem('pdf.layout', newLayout) }) }, [setPdfLayout, setUiView]) // the context value, memoized to minimize re-rendering const value = useMemo(() => { return { autoCompile, autoCompileLintingError, clearCache, clearingCache, clsiServerId, compileGroup, compiledOnce, compiling, draft, error, fileList, hasChanges, hasLintingError, logEntries, pdfDownloadUrl, pdfLayout, pdfUrl, rawLog, recompile, recompileFromScratch, setAutoCompile, setClsiServerId, setCompileGroup, setCompiledOnce, setDraft, setError, setHasLintingError, // for story setLogEntries, setPdfDownloadUrl, setPdfLayout, setPdfUrl, setShowLogs, setStopOnValidationError, setUiView, showLogs, stopCompile, stopOnValidationError, switchLayout, uncompiled, validationIssues, } }, [ autoCompile, autoCompileLintingError, clearCache, clearingCache, clsiServerId, compileGroup, compiledOnce, compiling, draft, error, fileList, hasChanges, hasLintingError, logEntries, pdfDownloadUrl, pdfLayout, pdfUrl, rawLog, recompile, recompileFromScratch, setAutoCompile, setClsiServerId, setCompileGroup, setCompiledOnce, setDraft, setError, setHasLintingError, setLogEntries, setPdfDownloadUrl, setPdfLayout, setPdfUrl, setStopOnValidationError, setUiView, showLogs, stopCompile, stopOnValidationError, switchLayout, uncompiled, validationIssues, ]) return ( {children} ) } PdfPreviewContext.Provider.propTypes = { value: PropTypes.shape({ autoCompile: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, autoCompileLintingError: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, clearCache: PropTypes.func.isRequired, clearingCache: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, clsiServerId: PropTypes.string, compileGroup: PropTypes.string, compiledOnce: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, compiling: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, draft: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, error: PropTypes.string, fileList: PropTypes.object, hasChanges: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, hasLintingError: PropTypes.bool, logEntries: PropTypes.object, pdfDownloadUrl: PropTypes.string, pdfLayout: PropTypes.string, pdfUrl: PropTypes.string, rawLog: PropTypes.string, recompile: PropTypes.func.isRequired, recompileFromScratch: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setAutoCompile: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setClsiServerId: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setCompileGroup: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setCompiledOnce: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setDraft: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setError: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setHasLintingError: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // only for storybook setLogEntries: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setPdfDownloadUrl: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setPdfLayout: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setPdfUrl: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setShowLogs: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setStopOnValidationError: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setUiView: PropTypes.func.isRequired, showLogs: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, stopCompile: PropTypes.func.isRequired, stopOnValidationError: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, switchLayout: PropTypes.func.isRequired, uncompiled: PropTypes.bool, validationIssues: PropTypes.object, }), } export function usePdfPreviewContext() { const context = useContext(PdfPreviewContext) if (!context) { throw new Error( 'usePdfPreviewContext is only available inside PdfPreviewProvider' ) } return context }