sinon = require 'sinon' chai = require 'chai' should = chai.should() describe "ASpell", -> beforeEach -> @ASpell = require("../../../app/js/ASpell") describe "a correctly spelled word", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ASpell.checkWords "en", ["word"], (error, @result) => done() it "should not correct the word", -> @result.length.should.equal 0 describe "a misspelled word", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ASpell.checkWords "en", ["bussines"], (error, @result) => done() it "should correct the word", -> @result.length.should.equal 1 @result[0].suggestions.indexOf("business").should.not.equal -1 describe "multiple words", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ASpell.checkWords "en", ["bussines", "word", "neccesary"], (error, @result) => done() it "should correct the incorrect words", -> @result[0].index.should.equal 0 @result[0].suggestions.indexOf("business").should.not.equal -1 @result[1].index.should.equal 2 @result[1].suggestions.indexOf("necessary").should.not.equal -1 describe "without a valid language", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ASpell.checkWords "notALang", ["banana"], (@error, @result) => done() it "should return an error", -> should.exist @error describe "when there are no suggestions", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ASpell.checkWords "en", ["asdkfjalkdjfadhfkajsdhfashdfjhadflkjadhflajsd"], (@error, @result) => done() it "should return a blank array", -> @result.length.should.equal 1 @result[0].suggestions.should.deep.equal [] describe "when the request times out", -> beforeEach (done) -> words = ("abcdefg" for i in [0..1000000]) @ASpell.ASPELL_TIMEOUT = 100 @start = new Date() @ASpell.checkWords "en", words, (error, @result) => done() it "should return in reasonable time", (done) -> done()