\documentclass[12pt]{article} % Use this form to include EPS (latex) or PDF (pdflatex) files: \usepackage{asymptote} % Use this form with latex or pdflatex to include inline LaTeX code by default: %\usepackage[inline]{asymptote} % Use this form with latex or pdflatex to create PDF attachments by default: %\usepackage[attach]{asymptote} % Enable this line to support the attach option: %\usepackage[dvips]{attachfile2} \begin{document} % Optional subdirectory for asy files (no spaces): \def\asydir{} \begin{asydef} // Global Asymptote definitions can be put here. import three; usepackage("bm"); texpreamble("\def\V#1{\bm{#1}}"); // One can globally override the default toolbar settings here: // settings.toolbar=true; \end{asydef} Here is a venn diagram produced with Asymptote, drawn to width 4cm: \def\A{A} \def\B{\V{B}} %\begin{figure} \begin{center} \begin{asy} size(4cm,0); pen colour1=red; pen colour2=green; pair z0=(0,0); pair z1=(-1,0); pair z2=(1,0); real r=1.5; path c1=circle(z1,r); path c2=circle(z2,r); fill(c1,colour1); fill(c2,colour2); picture intersection=new picture; fill(intersection,c1,colour1+colour2); clip(intersection,c2); add(intersection); draw(c1); draw(c2); //draw("$\A$",box,z1); // Requires [inline] package option. //draw(Label("$\B$","$B$"),box,z2); // Requires [inline] package option. draw("$A$",box,z1); draw("$\V{B}$",box,z2); pair z=(0,-2); real m=3; margin BigMargin=Margin(0,m*dot(unit(z1-z),unit(z0-z))); draw(Label("$A\cap B$",0),conj(z)--z0,Arrow,BigMargin); draw(Label("$A\cup B$",0),z--z0,Arrow,BigMargin); draw(z--z1,Arrow,Margin(0,m)); draw(z--z2,Arrow,Margin(0,m)); shipout(bbox(0.25cm)); \end{asy} %\caption{Venn diagram}\label{venn} \end{center} %\end{figure} Each graph is drawn in its own environment. One can specify the width and height to \LaTeX\ explicitly. This 3D example can be viewed interactively either with Adobe Reader or Asymptote's fast OpenGL-based renderer. To support {\tt latexmk}, 3D figures should specify \verb+inline=true+. It is sometimes desirable to embed 3D files as annotated attachments; this requires the \verb+attach=true+ option as well as the \verb+attachfile2+ \LaTeX\ package. \begin{center} \begin{asy}[height=4cm,inline=true,attach=false,viewportwidth=\linewidth] currentprojection=orthographic(5,4,2); draw(unitcube,blue); label("$V-E+F=2$",(0,1,0.5),3Y,blue+fontsize(17pt)); \end{asy} \end{center} One can also scale the figure to the full line width: \begin{center} \begin{asy}[width=\the\linewidth,inline=true] pair z0=(0,0); pair z1=(2,0); pair z2=(5,0); pair zf=z1+0.75*(z2-z1); draw(z1--z2); dot(z1,red+0.15cm); dot(z2,darkgreen+0.3cm); label("$m$",z1,1.2N,red); label("$M$",z2,1.5N,darkgreen); label("$\hat{\ }$",zf,0.2*S,fontsize(24pt)+blue); pair s=-0.2*I; draw("$x$",z0+s--z1+s,N,red,Arrows,Bars,PenMargins); s=-0.5*I; draw("$\bar{x}$",z0+s--zf+s,blue,Arrows,Bars,PenMargins); s=-0.95*I; draw("$X$",z0+s--z2+s,darkgreen,Arrows,Bars,PenMargins); \end{asy} \end{center} \end{document}