/* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ let Metrics; console.log("using prometheus"); const ExpressCompression = require('compression'); const prom = require('./prom_wrapper'); const { collectDefaultMetrics } = prom; let appname = "unknown"; const hostname = require('os').hostname(); const destructors = []; require("./uv_threadpool_size"); module.exports = (Metrics = { register: prom.registry, initialize(_name, opts) { if (opts == null) { opts = {}; } appname = _name; collectDefaultMetrics({ timeout: 5000, prefix: Metrics.buildPromKey()}); if (opts.ttlInMinutes) { prom.ttlInMinutes = opts.ttlInMinutes; } console.log(`ENABLE_TRACE_AGENT set to ${process.env['ENABLE_TRACE_AGENT']}`); if (process.env['ENABLE_TRACE_AGENT'] === "true") { console.log("starting google trace agent"); const traceAgent = require('@google-cloud/trace-agent'); const traceOpts = {ignoreUrls: [/^\/status/, /^\/health_check/]}; traceAgent.start(traceOpts); } console.log(`ENABLE_DEBUG_AGENT set to ${process.env['ENABLE_DEBUG_AGENT']}`); if (process.env['ENABLE_DEBUG_AGENT'] === "true") { console.log("starting google debug agent"); const debugAgent = require('@google-cloud/debug-agent'); debugAgent.start({ allowExpressions: true, serviceContext: { service: appname, version: process.env['BUILD_VERSION'] } }); } console.log(`ENABLE_PROFILE_AGENT set to ${process.env['ENABLE_PROFILE_AGENT']}`); if (process.env['ENABLE_PROFILE_AGENT'] === "true") { console.log("starting google profile agent"); const profiler = require('@google-cloud/profiler'); profiler.start({ serviceContext: { service: appname, version: process.env['BUILD_VERSION'] } }); } return Metrics.inc("process_startup"); }, registerDestructor(func) { return destructors.push(func); }, injectMetricsRoute(app) { return app.get('/metrics', ExpressCompression({ level: parseInt(process.env.METRICS_COMPRESSION_LEVEL || '1', 10) }), function (req, res) { res.set('Content-Type', prom.registry.contentType); return res.end(prom.registry.metrics()); }); }, buildPromKey(key){ if (key == null) { key = ""; } return key.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "_"); }, sanitizeValue(value) { return parseFloat(value); }, set(key, value, sampleRate){ if (sampleRate == null) { sampleRate = 1; } return console.log("counts are not currently supported"); }, inc(key, sampleRate, opts){ if (sampleRate == null) { sampleRate = 1; } if (opts == null) { opts = {}; } key = Metrics.buildPromKey(key); opts.app = appname; opts.host = hostname; prom.metric('counter', key).inc(opts); if (process.env['DEBUG_METRICS']) { return console.log("doing inc", key, opts); } }, count(key, count, sampleRate, opts){ if (sampleRate == null) { sampleRate = 1; } if (opts == null) { opts = {}; } key = Metrics.buildPromKey(key); opts.app = appname; opts.host = hostname; prom.metric('counter', key).inc(opts, count); if (process.env['DEBUG_METRICS']) { return console.log("doing count/inc", key, opts); } }, summary(key, value, opts){ if (opts == null) { opts = {}; } key = Metrics.buildPromKey(key); opts.app = appname; opts.host = hostname; prom.metric('summary', key).observe(opts, value); if (process.env['DEBUG_METRICS']) { return console.log("doing summary", key, value, opts); } }, timing(key, timeSpan, sampleRate, opts){ if (opts == null) { opts = {}; } key = Metrics.buildPromKey("timer_" + key); opts.app = appname; opts.host = hostname; prom.metric('summary', key).observe(opts, timeSpan); if (process.env['DEBUG_METRICS']) { return console.log("doing timing", key, opts); } }, Timer : class { constructor(key, sampleRate, opts){ if (sampleRate == null) { sampleRate = 1; } this.start = new Date(); key = Metrics.buildPromKey(key); this.key = key; this.sampleRate = sampleRate; this.opts = opts; } done() { const timeSpan = new Date - this.start; Metrics.timing(this.key, timeSpan, this.sampleRate, this.opts); return timeSpan; } }, gauge(key, value, sampleRate, opts){ if (sampleRate == null) { sampleRate = 1; } key = Metrics.buildPromKey(key); prom.metric('gauge', key).set({app: appname, host: hostname, status: (opts != null ? opts.status : undefined)}, this.sanitizeValue(value)); if (process.env['DEBUG_METRICS']) { return console.log("doing gauge", key, opts); } }, globalGauge(key, value, sampleRate, opts){ if (sampleRate == null) { sampleRate = 1; } key = Metrics.buildPromKey(key); return prom.metric('gauge', key).set({app: appname, status: (opts != null ? opts.status : undefined)},this.sanitizeValue(value)); }, mongodb: require("./mongodb"), http: require("./http"), open_sockets: require("./open_sockets"), event_loop: require("./event_loop"), memory: require("./memory"), timeAsyncMethod: require('./timeAsyncMethod'), close() { return Array.from(destructors).map((func) => func()); } });