const _ = require('lodash') const { Readable } = require('stream') const OError = require('@overleaf/o-error') const fetch = require('node-fetch') const http = require('http') const https = require('https') /** * Make a request and return the parsed JSON response. * * @param {string | URL} url - request URL * @param {object} opts - fetch options * @return {Promise} the parsed JSON response * @throws {RequestFailedError} if the response has a failure status code */ async function fetchJson(url, opts = {}) { const { json } = await fetchJsonWithResponse(url, opts) return json } async function fetchJsonWithResponse(url, opts = {}) { const { fetchOpts } = parseOpts(opts) fetchOpts.headers = fetchOpts.headers ?? {} fetchOpts.headers.Accept = 'application/json' const response = await performRequest(url, fetchOpts) if (!response.ok) { const body = await maybeGetResponseBody(response) throw new RequestFailedError(url, opts, response, body) } const json = await response.json() return { json, response } } /** * Make a request and return a stream. * * If the response body is destroyed, the request is aborted. * * @param {string | URL} url - request URL * @param {object} opts - fetch options * @return {Promise} * @throws {RequestFailedError} if the response has a failure status code */ async function fetchStream(url, opts = {}) { const { stream } = await fetchStreamWithResponse(url, opts) return stream } async function fetchStreamWithResponse(url, opts = {}) { const { fetchOpts, abortController } = parseOpts(opts) const response = await performRequest(url, fetchOpts) if (!response.ok) { const body = await maybeGetResponseBody(response) throw new RequestFailedError(url, opts, response, body) } abortOnDestroyedResponse(abortController, response) const stream = response.body return { stream, response } } /** * Make a request and discard the response. * * @param {string | URL} url - request URL * @param {object} opts - fetch options * @return {Promise} * @throws {RequestFailedError} if the response has a failure status code */ async function fetchNothing(url, opts = {}) { const { fetchOpts } = parseOpts(opts) const response = await performRequest(url, fetchOpts) if (!response.ok) { const body = await maybeGetResponseBody(response) throw new RequestFailedError(url, opts, response, body) } await discardResponseBody(response) return response } /** * Make a request and extract the redirect from the response. * * @param {string | URL} url - request URL * @param {object} opts - fetch options * @return {Promise} * @throws {RequestFailedError} if the response has a non redirect status code or missing Location header */ async function fetchRedirect(url, opts = {}) { const { fetchOpts } = parseOpts(opts) fetchOpts.redirect = 'manual' const response = await performRequest(url, fetchOpts) if (response.status < 300 || response.status >= 400) { const body = await maybeGetResponseBody(response) throw new RequestFailedError(url, opts, response, body) } const location = response.headers.get('Location') if (!location) { const body = await maybeGetResponseBody(response) throw new RequestFailedError(url, opts, response, body).withCause( new OError('missing Location response header on 3xx response', { headers: Object.fromEntries(response.headers.entries()), }) ) } await discardResponseBody(response) return location } /** * Make a request and return a string. * * @param {string | URL} url - request URL * @param {object} opts - fetch options * @return {Promise} * @throws {RequestFailedError} if the response has a failure status code */ async function fetchString(url, opts = {}) { const { body } = await fetchStringWithResponse(url, opts) return body } async function fetchStringWithResponse(url, opts = {}) { const { fetchOpts } = parseOpts(opts) const response = await performRequest(url, fetchOpts) if (!response.ok) { const body = await maybeGetResponseBody(response) throw new RequestFailedError(url, opts, response, body) } const body = await response.text() return { body, response } } class RequestFailedError extends OError { constructor(url, opts, response, body) { super('request failed', { url, method: opts.method ?? 'GET', status: response.status, }) this.response = response if (body != null) { this.body = body } } } function parseOpts(opts) { const fetchOpts = _.omit(opts, ['json', 'signal', 'basicAuth']) if (opts.json) { setupJsonBody(fetchOpts, opts.json) } if (opts.basicAuth) { setupBasicAuth(fetchOpts, opts.basicAuth) } const abortController = new AbortController() fetchOpts.signal = abortController.signal if (opts.signal) { abortOnSignal(abortController, opts.signal) } if (opts.body instanceof Readable) { abortOnDestroyedRequest(abortController, fetchOpts.body) } return { fetchOpts, abortController } } function setupJsonBody(fetchOpts, json) { fetchOpts.body = JSON.stringify(json) fetchOpts.headers = fetchOpts.headers ?? {} fetchOpts.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' } function setupBasicAuth(fetchOpts, basicAuth) { fetchOpts.headers = fetchOpts.headers ?? {} fetchOpts.headers.Authorization = 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(`${basicAuth.user}:${basicAuth.password}`).toString('base64') } function abortOnSignal(abortController, signal) { const listener = () => { abortController.abort(signal.reason) } if (signal.aborted) { abortController.abort(signal.reason) } signal.addEventListener('abort', listener) } function abortOnDestroyedRequest(abortController, stream) { stream.on('close', () => { if (!stream.readableEnded) { abortController.abort() } }) } function abortOnDestroyedResponse(abortController, response) { response.body.on('close', () => { if (!response.bodyUsed) { abortController.abort() } }) } async function performRequest(url, fetchOpts) { let response try { response = await fetch(url, fetchOpts) } catch (err) { if (fetchOpts.body instanceof Readable) { fetchOpts.body.destroy() } throw OError.tag(err, err.message, { url, method: fetchOpts.method ?? 'GET', }) } if (fetchOpts.body instanceof Readable) { response.body.on('close', () => { if (!fetchOpts.body.readableEnded) { fetchOpts.body.destroy() } }) } return response } async function discardResponseBody(response) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const chunk of response.body) { // discard the body } } /** * @typedef {import('node-fetch').Response} Response * * @param {Response} response */ async function maybeGetResponseBody(response) { try { return await response.text() } catch (err) { return null } } // Define custom http and https agents with support for connect timeouts class ConnectTimeoutError extends OError { constructor(options) { super('connect timeout', options) } } function withTimeout(createConnection, options, callback) { if (options.connectTimeout) { // Wrap createConnection in a timeout const timer = setTimeout(() => { socket.destroy(new ConnectTimeoutError(options)) }, options.connectTimeout) const socket = createConnection(options, (err, stream) => { clearTimeout(timer) callback(err, stream) }) return socket } else { // Fallback to default createConnection return createConnection(options, callback) } } class CustomHttpAgent extends http.Agent { createConnection(options, callback) { return withTimeout(super.createConnection.bind(this), options, callback) } } class CustomHttpsAgent extends https.Agent { createConnection(options, callback) { return withTimeout(super.createConnection.bind(this), options, callback) } } module.exports = { fetchJson, fetchJsonWithResponse, fetchStream, fetchStreamWithResponse, fetchNothing, fetchRedirect, fetchString, fetchStringWithResponse, RequestFailedError, ConnectTimeoutError, CustomHttpAgent, CustomHttpsAgent, }