define [ "base" ], (App) -> App.controller "AccountSettingsController", ["$scope", "$http", "$modal", ($scope, $http, $modal) -> $scope.subscribed = true $scope.unsubscribe = () -> $scope.unsubscribing = true $http({ method: "DELETE" url: "/user/newsletter/unsubscribe" headers: "X-CSRF-Token": window.csrfToken }) .then () -> $scope.unsubscribing = false $scope.subscribed = false .catch () -> $scope.unsubscribing = true $scope.deleteAccount = () -> modalInstance = $ templateUrl: "deleteAccountModalTemplate" controller: "DeleteAccountModalController", scope: $scope ) ] App.controller "DeleteAccountModalController", [ "$scope", "$modalInstance", "$timeout", "$http", ($scope, $modalInstance, $timeout, $http) -> $scope.state = isValid : false deleteText: "" password: "" inflight: false error: false invalidCredentials: false $modalInstance.opened.then () -> $timeout () -> $scope.$broadcast "open" , 700 $scope.checkValidation = -> $scope.state.isValid = $scope.state.deleteText == $ and $scope.state.password.length > 0 $scope.delete = () -> $scope.state.inflight = true $scope.state.error = false $scope.state.invalidCredentials = false $http({ method: "POST" url: "/user/delete" headers: "X-CSRF-Token": window.csrfToken "Content-Type": 'application/json' data: password: $scope.state.password disableAutoLoginRedirect: true # we want to handle errors ourselves }) .then () -> $modalInstance.close() $scope.state.inflight = false $scope.state.error = false $scope.state.invalidCredentials = false setTimeout( () -> window.location = "/login" , 1000 ) .catch (response) -> { data, status } = response $scope.state.inflight = false if status == 403 $scope.state.invalidCredentials = true else $scope.state.error = true $scope.cancel = () -> $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel') ]