import { createContext, useContext, useCallback, useMemo, useEffect, Dispatch, SetStateAction, FC, } from 'react' import useScopeValue from '../hooks/use-scope-value' import useDetachLayout from '../hooks/use-detach-layout' import localStorage from '../../infrastructure/local-storage' import getMeta from '../../utils/meta' import { debugConsole } from '@/utils/debugging' import { BinaryFile } from '@/features/file-view/types/binary-file' export type IdeLayout = 'sideBySide' | 'flat' export type IdeView = 'editor' | 'file' | 'pdf' | 'history' type LayoutContextValue = { reattach: () => void detach: () => void detachIsLinked: boolean detachRole: 'detacher' | 'detached' | null changeLayout: (newLayout: IdeLayout, newView?: IdeView) => void view: IdeView setView: (view: IdeView) => void chatIsOpen: boolean setChatIsOpen: Dispatch> reviewPanelOpen: boolean setReviewPanelOpen: Dispatch< SetStateAction > leftMenuShown: boolean setLeftMenuShown: Dispatch< SetStateAction > loadingStyleSheet: boolean setLoadingStyleSheet: Dispatch< SetStateAction > pdfLayout: IdeLayout pdfPreviewOpen: boolean } const debugPdfDetach = getMeta('ol-debugPdfDetach') export const LayoutContext = createContext( undefined ) function setLayoutInLocalStorage(pdfLayout: IdeLayout) { localStorage.setItem( 'pdf.layout', pdfLayout === 'sideBySide' ? 'split' : 'flat' ) } export const LayoutProvider: FC = ({ children }) => { // what to show in the "flat" view (editor or pdf) const [view, _setView] = useScopeValue('ui.view') const [toggleHistory] = useScopeValue<() => void>('toggleHistory') const [openFile] = useScopeValue('openFile') const setView = useCallback( (value: IdeView) => { _setView(oldValue => { // ensure that the "history:toggle" event is broadcast when switching in or out of history view if (value === 'history' || oldValue === 'history') { toggleHistory() } if (value === 'editor' && openFile) { // if a file is currently opened, ensure the view is 'file' instead of // 'editor' when the 'editor' view is requested. This is to ensure // that the entity selected in the file tree is the one visible and // that docs don't take precedence over files. return 'file' } return value }) }, [_setView, openFile, toggleHistory] ) // whether the chat pane is open const [chatIsOpen, setChatIsOpen] = useScopeValue('ui.chatOpen') // whether the review pane is open const [reviewPanelOpen, setReviewPanelOpen] = useScopeValue('ui.reviewPanelOpen') // whether the menu pane is open const [leftMenuShown, setLeftMenuShown] = useScopeValue('ui.leftMenuShown') // whether to display the editor and preview side-by-side or full-width ("flat") const [pdfLayout, setPdfLayout] = useScopeValue('ui.pdfLayout') // whether stylesheet on theme is loading const [loadingStyleSheet, setLoadingStyleSheet] = useScopeValue( 'ui.loadingStyleSheet' ) const changeLayout = useCallback( (newLayout: IdeLayout, newView: IdeView = 'editor') => { setPdfLayout(newLayout) setView(newLayout === 'sideBySide' ? 'editor' : newView) setLayoutInLocalStorage(newLayout) }, [setPdfLayout, setView] ) const { reattach, detach, isLinking: detachIsLinking, isLinked: detachIsLinked, role: detachRole, isRedundant: detachIsRedundant, } = useDetachLayout() const pdfPreviewOpen = pdfLayout === 'sideBySide' || view === 'pdf' || detachRole === 'detacher' useEffect(() => { if (debugPdfDetach) { debugConsole.warn('Layout Effect', { detachIsRedundant, detachRole, detachIsLinking, detachIsLinked, }) } if (detachRole !== 'detacher') return // not in a PDF detacher layout if (detachIsRedundant) { changeLayout('sideBySide') return } if (detachIsLinking || detachIsLinked) { // the tab is linked to a detached tab (or about to be linked); show // editor only changeLayout('flat', 'editor') } }, [ detachIsRedundant, detachRole, detachIsLinking, detachIsLinked, changeLayout, ]) const value = useMemo( () => ({ reattach, detach, detachIsLinked, detachRole, changeLayout, chatIsOpen, leftMenuShown, pdfLayout, pdfPreviewOpen, reviewPanelOpen, loadingStyleSheet, setChatIsOpen, setLeftMenuShown, setPdfLayout, setReviewPanelOpen, setLoadingStyleSheet, setView, view, }), [ reattach, detach, detachIsLinked, detachRole, changeLayout, chatIsOpen, leftMenuShown, pdfLayout, pdfPreviewOpen, reviewPanelOpen, loadingStyleSheet, setChatIsOpen, setLeftMenuShown, setPdfLayout, setReviewPanelOpen, setLoadingStyleSheet, setView, view, ] ) return ( {children} ) } export function useLayoutContext() { const context = useContext(LayoutContext) if (!context) { throw new Error('useLayoutContext is only available inside LayoutProvider') } return context }