const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const sinon = require('sinon') const { expect } = require('chai') const modulePath = require('path').join(__dirname, '../../../app/js/DocManager') const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb') const Errors = require('../../../app/js/Errors') describe('DocManager', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.MongoManager = { promises: { findDoc: sinon.stub(), getDocVersion: sinon.stub(), getProjectsDocs: sinon.stub(), patchDoc: sinon.stub().resolves(), upsertIntoDocCollection: sinon.stub().resolves(), setDocVersion: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.DocArchiveManager = { promises: { unarchiveDoc: sinon.stub(), unArchiveAllDocs: sinon.stub(), archiveDoc: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.RangeManager = { jsonRangesToMongo(r) { return r }, shouldUpdateRanges: sinon.stub().returns(false), } this.settings = { docstore: {} } this.DocManager = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { './MongoManager': this.MongoManager, './DocArchiveManager': this.DocArchiveManager, './RangeManager': this.RangeManager, '@overleaf/settings': this.settings, './Errors': Errors, }, }) this.doc_id = ObjectId().toString() this.project_id = ObjectId().toString() this.another_project_id = ObjectId().toString() this.stubbedError = new Error('blew up') }) describe('getFullDoc', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc = sinon.stub() this.doc = { _id: this.doc_id, lines: ['2134'], } }) it('should call get doc with a quick filter', async function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc.resolves(this.doc) const doc = await this.DocManager.promises.getFullDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id ) doc.should.equal(this.doc) this.DocManager.promises._getDoc .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id, { lines: true, rev: true, deleted: true, version: true, ranges: true, inS3: true, }) .should.equal(true) }) it('should return error when get doc errors', async function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc.rejects(this.stubbedError) await expect( this.DocManager.promises.getFullDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id) ) }) }) describe('getRawDoc', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc = sinon.stub() this.doc = { lines: ['2134'] } }) it('should call get doc with a quick filter', async function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc.resolves(this.doc) const doc = await this.DocManager.promises.getDocLines( this.project_id, this.doc_id ) doc.should.equal(this.doc) this.DocManager.promises._getDoc .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id, { lines: true, inS3: true, }) .should.equal(true) }) it('should return error when get doc errors', async function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc.rejects(this.stubbedError) await expect( this.DocManager.promises.getDocLines(this.project_id, this.doc_id) ) }) }) describe('getDoc', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.project = { name: 'mock-project' } this.doc = { _id: this.doc_id, project_id: this.project_id, lines: ['mock-lines'], } this.version = 42 this.MongoManager.promises.getDocVersion.resolves(this.version) }) describe('when using a filter', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.MongoManager.promises.findDoc.resolves(this.doc) }) it('should error if inS3 is not set to true', async function () { await expect( this.DocManager.promises._getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, { inS3: false, }) ) }) it('should always get inS3 even when no filter is passed', async function () { await expect( this.DocManager.promises._getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id) ) this.MongoManager.promises.findDoc.called.should.equal(false) }) it('should not error if inS3 is set to true', async function () { await this.DocManager.promises._getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, { inS3: true, }) }) }) describe('when the doc is in the doc collection', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.MongoManager.promises.findDoc.resolves(this.doc) this.result = await this.DocManager.promises._getDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, { version: true, inS3: true } ) }) it('should get the doc from the doc collection', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.findDoc .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id) .should.equal(true) }) it('should get the doc version from the docOps collection', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.getDocVersion .calledWith(this.doc_id) .should.equal(true) }) it('should return the callback with the doc with the version', function () { this.result.lines.should.equal(this.doc.lines) this.result.version.should.equal(this.version) }) }) describe('without the version filter', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.MongoManager.promises.findDoc.resolves(this.doc) await this.DocManager.promises._getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, { version: false, inS3: true, }) }) it('should not get the doc version from the docOps collection', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.getDocVersion.called.should.equal(false) }) }) describe('when MongoManager.findDoc errors', function () { it('should return the error', async function () { this.MongoManager.promises.findDoc.rejects(this.stubbedError) await expect( this.DocManager.promises._getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, { version: true, inS3: true, }) ) }) }) describe('when the doc is archived', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.doc = { _id: this.doc_id, project_id: this.project_id, inS3: true, } this.unarchivedDoc = { _id: this.doc_id, project_id: this.project_id, lines: ['mock-lines'], inS3: false, } this.MongoManager.promises.findDoc.resolves(this.doc) this.DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc.callsFake( async (projectId, docId) => { this.MongoManager.promises.findDoc.resolves(this.unarchivedDoc) } ) this.result = await this.DocManager.promises._getDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, { version: true, inS3: true, } ) }) it('should call the DocArchive to unarchive the doc', function () { this.DocArchiveManager.promises.unarchiveDoc .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id) .should.equal(true) }) it('should look up the doc twice', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.findDoc.calledTwice.should.equal(true) }) it('should return the doc', function () { expect(this.result).to.deep.equal(this.unarchivedDoc) }) }) describe('when the doc does not exist in the docs collection', function () { it('should return a NotFoundError', async function () { this.MongoManager.promises.findDoc.resolves(null) await expect( this.DocManager.promises._getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, { version: true, inS3: true, }) ) `No such doc: ${this.doc_id} in project ${this.project_id}` ) }) }) }) describe('getAllNonDeletedDocs', function () { describe('when the project exists', function () { beforeEach(async function () { = [ { _id: this.doc_id, project_id: this.project_id, lines: ['mock-lines'], }, ] this.MongoManager.promises.getProjectsDocs.resolves( this.DocArchiveManager.promises.unArchiveAllDocs.resolves( this.filter = { lines: true } this.result = await this.DocManager.promises.getAllNonDeletedDocs( this.project_id, this.filter, this.callback ) }) it('should get the project from the database', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.getProjectsDocs.should.have.been.calledWith( this.project_id, { include_deleted: false }, this.filter ) }) it('should return the docs', function () { expect(this.result).to.deep.equal( }) }) describe('when there are no docs for the project', function () { it('should return a NotFoundError', async function () { this.MongoManager.promises.getProjectsDocs.resolves(null) this.DocArchiveManager.promises.unArchiveAllDocs.resolves(null) await expect( this.DocManager.promises.getAllNonDeletedDocs( this.project_id, this.filter ) )`No docs for project ${this.project_id}`) }) }) }) describe('patchDoc', function () { describe('when the doc exists', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.lines = ['mock', 'doc', 'lines'] this.rev = 77 this.MongoManager.promises.findDoc.resolves({ _id: ObjectId(this.doc_id), }) this.meta = {} }) describe('standard path', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.DocManager.promises.patchDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.meta ) }) it('should get the doc', function () { expect(this.MongoManager.promises.findDoc).to.have.been.calledWith( this.project_id, this.doc_id ) }) it('should persist the meta', function () { expect(this.MongoManager.promises.patchDoc).to.have.been.calledWith( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.meta ) }) }) describe('background flush disabled and deleting a doc', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.settings.docstore.archiveOnSoftDelete = false this.meta.deleted = true await this.DocManager.promises.patchDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.meta ) }) it('should not flush the doc out of mongo', function () { expect(this.DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveDoc).to.not.have.been .called }) }) describe('background flush enabled and not deleting a doc', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.settings.docstore.archiveOnSoftDelete = false this.meta.deleted = false await this.DocManager.promises.patchDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.meta ) }) it('should not flush the doc out of mongo', function () { expect(this.DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveDoc).to.not.have.been .called }) }) describe('background flush enabled and deleting a doc', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.settings.docstore.archiveOnSoftDelete = true this.meta.deleted = true }) describe('when the background flush succeeds', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.DocManager.promises.patchDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.meta ) }) it('should not log a warning', function () { expect(this.logger.warn).to.not.have.been.called }) it('should flush the doc out of mongo', function () { expect( this.DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveDoc ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id) }) }) describe('when the background flush fails', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.err = new Error('foo') this.DocArchiveManager.promises.archiveDoc.rejects(this.err) await this.DocManager.promises.patchDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.meta ) }) it('should log a warning', function () { expect(this.logger.warn).to.have.been.calledWith( sinon.match({ projectId: this.project_id, docId: this.doc_id, err: this.err, }), 'archiving a single doc in the background failed' ) }) }) }) }) describe('when the doc does not exist', function () { it('should return a NotFoundError', async function () { this.MongoManager.promises.findDoc.resolves(null) await expect( this.DocManager.promises.patchDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, {}) ) `No such project/doc to delete: ${this.project_id}/${this.doc_id}` ) }) }) }) describe('updateDoc', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.oldDocLines = ['old', 'doc', 'lines'] this.newDocLines = ['new', 'doc', 'lines'] this.originalRanges = { changes: [ { id: ObjectId().toString(), op: { i: 'foo', p: 3 }, meta: { user_id: ObjectId().toString(), ts: new Date().toString(), }, }, ], } this.newRanges = { changes: [ { id: ObjectId().toString(), op: { i: 'bar', p: 6 }, meta: { user_id: ObjectId().toString(), ts: new Date().toString(), }, }, ], } this.version = 42 this.doc = { _id: this.doc_id, project_id: this.project_id, lines: this.oldDocLines, rev: (this.rev = 5), version: this.version, ranges: this.originalRanges, } this.DocManager.promises._getDoc = sinon.stub() }) describe('when only the doc lines have changed', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc = sinon.stub().resolves(this.doc) this.result = await this.DocManager.promises.updateDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.newDocLines, this.version, this.originalRanges ) }) it('should get the existing doc', function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id, { version: true, rev: true, lines: true, ranges: true, inS3: true, }) .should.equal(true) }) it('should upsert the document to the doc collection', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.rev, { lines: this.newDocLines, }) .should.equal(true) }) it('should not update the version', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.setDocVersion.called.should.equal(false) }) it('should return the new rev', function () { expect(this.result).to.deep.equal({ modified: true, rev: this.rev + 1 }) }) }) describe('when the doc ranges have changed', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc = sinon.stub().resolves(this.doc) this.RangeManager.shouldUpdateRanges.returns(true) this.result = await this.DocManager.promises.updateDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.oldDocLines, this.version, this.newRanges ) }) it('should upsert the ranges', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.rev, { ranges: this.newRanges, }) .should.equal(true) }) it('should not update the version', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.setDocVersion.called.should.equal(false) }) it('should return the new rev', function () { expect(this.result).to.deep.equal({ modified: true, rev: this.rev + 1 }) }) }) describe('when only the version has changed', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc = sinon.stub().resolves(this.doc) this.result = await this.DocManager.promises.updateDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.oldDocLines, this.version + 1, this.originalRanges ) }) it('should not change the lines or ranges', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection.called.should.equal( false ) }) it('should update the version', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.setDocVersion .calledWith(this.doc_id, this.version + 1) .should.equal(true) }) it('should return the callback with the old rev', function () { expect(this.result).to.deep.equal({ modified: true, rev: this.rev }) }) }) describe('when the doc has not changed at all', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc = sinon.stub().resolves(this.doc) this.result = await this.DocManager.promises.updateDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.oldDocLines, this.version, this.originalRanges ) }) it('should not update the ranges or lines', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection.called.should.equal( false ) }) it('should not update the version', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.setDocVersion.called.should.equal(false) }) it('should return the callback with the old rev and modified == false', function () { expect(this.result).to.deep.equal({ modified: false, rev: this.rev }) }) }) describe('when the version is null', function () { it('should return an error', async function () { await expect( this.DocManager.promises.updateDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.newDocLines, null, this.originalRanges ) )'no lines, version or ranges provided') }) }) describe('when the lines are null', function () { it('should return an error', async function () { await expect( this.DocManager.promises.updateDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, null, this.version, this.originalRanges, this.callback ) )'no lines, version or ranges provided') }) }) describe('when the ranges are null', function () { it('should return an error', async function () { await expect( this.DocManager.promises.updateDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.newDocLines, this.version, null ) )'no lines, version or ranges provided') }) }) describe('when there is a generic error getting the doc', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.error = new Error('doc could not be found') this.DocManager.promises._getDoc = sinon.stub().rejects(this.error) await expect( this.DocManager.promises.updateDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.newDocLines, this.version, this.originalRanges ) ) }) it('should not upsert the document to the doc collection', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection.should.not.have.been .called }) }) describe('when the version was decremented', function () { it('should return an error', async function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc = sinon.stub().resolves(this.doc) await expect( this.DocManager.promises.updateDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.newDocLines, this.version - 1, this.originalRanges ) ) }) }) describe('when the doc lines have not changed', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc = sinon.stub().resolves(this.doc) this.result = await this.DocManager.promises.updateDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.oldDocLines.slice(), this.version, this.originalRanges, this.callback ) }) it('should not update the doc', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection.called.should.equal( false ) }) it('should return the callback with the existing rev', function () { expect(this.result).to.deep.equal({ modified: false, rev: this.rev }) }) }) describe('when the doc does not exist', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc = sinon.stub().resolves(null) this.result = await this.DocManager.promises.updateDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.newDocLines, this.version, this.originalRanges ) }) it('should upsert the document to the doc collection', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection .calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id, undefined, { lines: this.newDocLines, ranges: this.originalRanges, }) .should.equal(true) }) it('should set the version', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.setDocVersion .calledWith(this.doc_id, this.version) .should.equal(true) }) it('should return the callback with the new rev', function () { expect(this.result).to.deep.equal({ modified: true, rev: 1 }) }) }) describe('when another update is racing', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.DocManager.promises._getDoc = sinon.stub().resolves(this.doc) this.MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection .onFirstCall() .rejects(new Errors.DocRevValueError()) this.RangeManager.shouldUpdateRanges.returns(true) this.result = await this.DocManager.promises.updateDoc( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.newDocLines, this.version + 1, this.newRanges ) }) it('should upsert the doc twice', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection.should.have.been.calledWith( this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.rev, { ranges: this.newRanges, lines: this.newDocLines, } ) this.MongoManager.promises.upsertIntoDocCollection.should.have.been .calledTwice }) it('should update the version once', function () { this.MongoManager.promises.setDocVersion.should.have.been.calledOnce }) it('should return the callback with the new rev', function () { expect(this.result).to.deep.equal({ modified: true, rev: this.rev + 1 }) }) }) }) })