should = require('chai').should() SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') assert = require('assert') path = require('path') sinon = require('sinon') modulePath = path.join __dirname, "./" expect = require("chai").expect describe "index", -> beforeEach -> @settings = {} @sentinelClient = set:-> @normalRedisClient = get: -> @sentinel = createClient: sinon.stub().returns(@sentinelClient) @normalRedis = createClient: sinon.stub().returns(@normalRedisClient) @redis = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "redis-sentinel":@sentinel "redis":@normalRedis @auth_pass = "1234 pass" @endpoints = [ {host: '', port: 26379}, {host: '', port: 26380} ] describe "sentinel", -> beforeEach -> @masterName = "my master" @sentinelOptions = endpoints:@endpoints masterName:@masterName auth_pass:@auth_pass it "should use sentinal if the first argument in an array", -> client = @redis.createClient @sentinelOptions @sentinel.createClient.called.should.equal true @normalRedis.createClient.called.should.equal false client.should.equal @sentinelClient it "should pass the options correctly though", -> client = @redis.createClient @sentinelOptions @sentinel.createClient.calledWith(@endpoints, @masterName, auth_pass:@auth_pass).should.equal true client.should.equal @sentinelClient describe "normal redis", -> beforeEach -> @standardOpts = auth_pass: @auth_pass port: 1234 host: "redis.mysite.env" it "should use the normal redis driver if a non array is passed", -> client = @redis.createClient @standardOpts @sentinel.createClient.called.should.equal false @normalRedis.createClient.called.should.equal true client.should.equal @normalRedisClient it "should use the normal redis driver if a non array is passed", -> client = @redis.createClient @standardOpts @normalRedis.createClient.calledWith(@standardOpts.port,, auth_pass:@auth_pass).should.equal true describe "setting the password", -> beforeEach -> @standardOpts = password: @auth_pass port: 1234 host: "redis.mysite.env" @sentinelOptions = endpoints:@endpoints masterName:@masterName password: @auth_pass it "should set the auth_pass from password if password exists for normal redis", -> client = @redis.createClient @standardOpts @normalRedis.createClient.calledWith(@standardOpts.port,, auth_pass:@auth_pass).should.equal true it "should set the auth_pass from password if password exists for sentinal", -> client = @redis.createClient @sentinelOptions @sentinel.createClient.calledWith(@endpoints, @masterName, auth_pass:@auth_pass).should.equal true