const sinon = require('sinon') const chai = require('chai') const { expect } = chai const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const Errors = require('../../../app/js/Errors') chai.use(require('sinon-chai')) chai.use(require('chai-as-promised')) const modulePath = '../../../app/js/FSPersistorManager.js' describe('FSPersistorManagerTests', function() { const stat = { size: 4, isFile: sinon.stub().returns(true) } const fd = 1234 const readStream = 'readStream' const writeStream = 'writeStream' const remoteStream = 'remoteStream' const tempFile = '/tmp/potato.txt' const location = '/foo' const error = new Error('guru meditation error') const files = ['animals/wombat.tex', 'vegetables/potato.tex'] const globs = [`${location}/${files[0]}`, `${location}/${files[1]}`] const filteredFilenames = ['animals_wombat.tex', 'vegetables_potato.tex'] let fs, rimraf, stream, LocalFileWriter, FSPersistorManager, glob beforeEach(function() { fs = { createReadStream: sinon.stub().returns(readStream), createWriteStream: sinon.stub().returns(writeStream), unlink: sinon.stub().yields(), open: sinon.stub().yields(null, fd), stat: sinon.stub().yields(null, stat) } glob = sinon.stub().yields(null, globs) rimraf = sinon.stub().yields() stream = { pipeline: sinon.stub().yields() } LocalFileWriter = { promises: { writeStream: sinon.stub().resolves(tempFile), deleteFile: sinon.stub().resolves() } } FSPersistorManager = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { './LocalFileWriter': LocalFileWriter, 'logger-sharelatex': { log() {}, err() {} }, './Errors': Errors, fs, glob, rimraf, stream }, globals: { console } }) }) describe('sendFile', function() { const localFilesystemPath = '/path/to/local/file' it('should copy the file', async function() { await FSPersistorManager.promises.sendFile( location, files[0], localFilesystemPath ) expect(fs.createReadStream).to.have.been.calledWith(localFilesystemPath) expect(fs.createWriteStream).to.have.been.calledWith( `${location}/${filteredFilenames[0]}` ) expect(stream.pipeline).to.have.been.calledWith(readStream, writeStream) }) it('should return an error if the file cannot be stored', async function() { stream.pipeline.yields(error) await expect( FSPersistorManager.promises.sendFile( location, files[0], localFilesystemPath ) )'cause', error) }) }) describe('sendStream', function() { it('should send the stream to LocalFileWriter', async function() { await FSPersistorManager.promises.sendStream( location, files[0], remoteStream ) expect(LocalFileWriter.promises.writeStream).to.have.been.calledWith( remoteStream ) }) it('should delete the temporary file', async function() { await FSPersistorManager.promises.sendStream( location, files[0], remoteStream ) expect(LocalFileWriter.promises.deleteFile).to.have.been.calledWith( tempFile ) }) it('should return the error from LocalFileWriter', async function() { LocalFileWriter.promises.writeStream.rejects(error) await expect( FSPersistorManager.promises.sendStream(location, files[0], remoteStream) ) }) it('should send the temporary file to the filestore', async function() { await FSPersistorManager.promises.sendStream( location, files[0], remoteStream ) expect(fs.createReadStream).to.have.been.calledWith(tempFile) }) }) describe('getFileStream', function() { it('should use correct file location', async function() { await FSPersistorManager.promises.getFileStream(location, files[0], {}) expect( `${location}/${filteredFilenames[0]}` ) }) it('should pass the options to createReadStream', async function() { await FSPersistorManager.promises.getFileStream(location, files[0], { start: 0, end: 8 }) expect(fs.createReadStream).to.have.been.calledWith(null, { start: 0, end: 8, fd }) }) it('should give a NotFoundError if the file does not exist', async function() { const err = new Error() err.code = 'ENOENT' await expect( FSPersistorManager.promises.getFileStream(location, files[0], {}) )'cause', err) }) it('should wrap any other error', async function() { await expect( FSPersistorManager.promises.getFileStream(location, files[0], {}) )'failed to open file for streaming')'cause', error) }) }) describe('getFileSize', function() { const badFilename = 'neenaw.tex' const size = 65536 const noentError = new Error('not found') noentError.code = 'ENOENT' beforeEach(function() { fs.stat .yields(error) .withArgs(`${location}/${filteredFilenames[0]}`) .yields(null, { size }) .withArgs(`${location}/${badFilename}`) .yields(noentError) }) it('should return the file size', async function() { expect( await FSPersistorManager.promises.getFileSize(location, files[0]) ).to.equal(size) }) it('should throw a NotFoundError if the file does not exist', async function() { await expect( FSPersistorManager.promises.getFileSize(location, badFilename) ) }) it('should wrap any other error', async function() { await expect(FSPersistorManager.promises.getFileSize(location, 'raccoon'))'cause', error) }) }) describe('copyFile', function() { it('Should open the source for reading', async function() { await FSPersistorManager.promises.copyFile(location, files[0], files[1]) expect(fs.createReadStream).to.have.been.calledWith( `${location}/${filteredFilenames[0]}` ) }) it('Should open the target for writing', async function() { await FSPersistorManager.promises.copyFile(location, files[0], files[1]) expect(fs.createWriteStream).to.have.been.calledWith( `${location}/${filteredFilenames[1]}` ) }) it('Should pipe the source to the target', async function() { await FSPersistorManager.promises.copyFile(location, files[0], files[1]) expect(stream.pipeline).to.have.been.calledWith(readStream, writeStream) }) }) describe('deleteFile', function() { it('Should call unlink with correct options', async function() { await FSPersistorManager.promises.deleteFile(location, files[0]) expect(fs.unlink).to.have.been.calledWith( `${location}/${filteredFilenames[0]}` ) }) it('Should propagate the error', async function() { fs.unlink.yields(error) await expect( FSPersistorManager.promises.deleteFile(location, files[0]) )'cause', error) }) }) describe('deleteDirectory', function() { it('Should call rmdir(rimraf) with correct options', async function() { await FSPersistorManager.promises.deleteDirectory(location, files[0]) expect(rimraf).to.have.been.calledWith( `${location}/${filteredFilenames[0]}` ) }) it('Should propagate the error', async function() { rimraf.yields(error) await expect( FSPersistorManager.promises.deleteDirectory(location, files[0]) )'cause', error) }) }) describe('checkIfFileExists', function() { const badFilename = 'pototo' const noentError = new Error('not found') noentError.code = 'ENOENT' beforeEach(function() { fs.stat .yields(error) .withArgs(`${location}/${filteredFilenames[0]}`) .yields(null, {}) .withArgs(`${location}/${badFilename}`) .yields(noentError) }) it('Should call stat with correct options', async function() { await FSPersistorManager.promises.checkIfFileExists(location, files[0]) expect(fs.stat).to.have.been.calledWith( `${location}/${filteredFilenames[0]}` ) }) it('Should return true for existing files', async function() { expect( await FSPersistorManager.promises.checkIfFileExists(location, files[0]) ).to.equal(true) }) it('Should return false for non-existing files', async function() { expect( await FSPersistorManager.promises.checkIfFileExists( location, badFilename ) ).to.equal(false) }) it('should wrap the error if there is a problem', async function() { await expect( FSPersistorManager.promises.checkIfFileExists(location, 'llama') )'cause', error) }) }) describe('directorySize', function() { it('should wrap the error', async function() { glob.yields(error) await expect( FSPersistorManager.promises.directorySize(location, files[0]) ) .and.include({ cause: error })'info') .which.includes({ location, name: files[0] }) }) it('should filter the directory name', async function() { await FSPersistorManager.promises.directorySize(location, files[0]) expect(glob).to.have.been.calledWith( `${location}/${filteredFilenames[0]}_*` ) }) it('should sum directory files size', async function() { expect( await FSPersistorManager.promises.directorySize(location, files[0]) ).to.equal(stat.size * files.length) }) }) })