'use strict' const _ = require('lodash') const assert = require('check-types').assert const OError = require('@overleaf/o-error') const pMap = require('p-map') const File = require('./file') const safePathname = require('./safe_pathname') class PathnameError extends OError {} class NonUniquePathnameError extends PathnameError { constructor(pathnames) { super('pathnames are not unique: ' + pathnames, { pathnames }) this.pathnames = pathnames } } class BadPathnameError extends PathnameError { constructor(pathname) { super(pathname + ' is not a valid pathname', { pathname }) this.pathname = pathname } } class PathnameConflictError extends PathnameError { constructor(pathname) { super(`pathname '${pathname}' conflicts with another file`, { pathname }) this.pathname = pathname } } class FileNotFoundError extends PathnameError { constructor(pathname) { super(`file ${pathname} does not exist`, { pathname }) this.pathname = pathname } } /** * A set of {@link File}s. Several properties are enforced on the pathnames: * * 1. File names and paths are case sensitive and can differ by case alone. This * is consistent with most Linux file systems, but it is not consistent with * Windows or OS X. Ideally, we would be case-preserving and case insensitive, * like they are. And we used to be, but it caused too many incompatibilities * with the old system, which was case sensitive. See * https://github.com/overleaf/overleaf-ot-prototype/blob/ * 19ed046c09f5a4d14fa12b3ea813ce0d977af88a/editor/core/lib/file_map.js * for an implementation of this map with those properties. * * 2. Uniqueness: No two pathnames are the same. * * 3. No type conflicts: A pathname cannot refer to both a file and a directory * within the same snapshot. That is, you can't have pathnames `a` and `a/b` in * the same file map; {@see FileMap#wouldConflict}. */ class FileMap { static PathnameError = PathnameError static NonUniquePathnameError = NonUniquePathnameError static BadPathnameError = BadPathnameError static PathnameConflictError = PathnameConflictError static FileNotFoundError = FileNotFoundError /** * @param {Object.} files */ constructor(files) { // create bare object for use as Map // http://ryanmorr.com/true-hash-maps-in-javascript/ this.files = Object.create(null) _.assign(this.files, files) checkPathnamesAreUnique(this.files) checkPathnamesDoNotConflict(this) } static fromRaw(raw) { assert.object(raw, 'bad raw files') return new FileMap(_.mapValues(raw, File.fromRaw)) } /** * Convert to raw object for serialization. * * @return {Object} */ toRaw() { function fileToRaw(file) { return file.toRaw() } return _.mapValues(this.files, fileToRaw) } /** * Create the given file. * * @param {string} pathname * @param {File} file */ addFile(pathname, file) { checkPathname(pathname) assert.object(file, 'bad file') checkNewPathnameDoesNotConflict(this, pathname) addFile(this.files, pathname, file) } /** * Remove the given file. * * @param {string} pathname */ removeFile(pathname) { checkPathname(pathname) const key = findPathnameKey(this.files, pathname) if (!key) { throw new FileMap.FileNotFoundError(pathname) } delete this.files[key] } /** * Move or remove a file. If the origin file does not exist, or if the old * and new paths are identical, this has no effect. * * @param {string} pathname * @param {string} newPathname if a blank string, {@link FileMap#removeFile} */ moveFile(pathname, newPathname) { if (pathname === newPathname) return if (newPathname === '') return this.removeFile(pathname) checkPathname(pathname) checkPathname(newPathname) checkNewPathnameDoesNotConflict(this, newPathname, pathname) const key = findPathnameKey(this.files, pathname) if (!key) { throw new FileMap.FileNotFoundError(pathname) } const file = this.files[key] delete this.files[key] addFile(this.files, newPathname, file) } /** * The number of files in the file map. * * @return {number} */ countFiles() { return _.size(this.files) } /** * Get a file by its pathname. * * @param {string} pathname * @return {File | null | undefined} */ getFile(pathname) { const key = findPathnameKey(this.files, pathname) return key && this.files[key] } /** * Whether the given pathname conflicts with any file in the map. * * Paths conflict in type if one path is a strict prefix of the other path. For * example, 'a/b' conflicts with 'a', because in the former case 'a' is a * folder, but in the latter case it is a file. Similarly, the pathname 'a/b/c' * conflicts with 'a' and 'a/b', but it does not conflict with 'a/b/c', 'a/x', * or 'a/b/x'. (In our case, identical paths don't conflict, because AddFile * and MoveFile overwrite existing files.) * * @param {string} pathname * @param {string} [ignoredPathname] pretend this pathname does not exist */ wouldConflict(pathname, ignoredPathname) { checkPathname(pathname) assert.maybe.string(ignoredPathname) const pathnames = this.getPathnames() const dirname = pathname + '/' // Check the filemap to see whether the supplied pathname is a // parent of any entry, or any entry is a parent of the pathname. for (let i = 0; i < pathnames.length; i++) { // First check if pathname is a strict prefix of pathnames[i] (and that // pathnames[i] is not ignored) if ( pathnames[i].startsWith(dirname) && !pathnamesEqual(pathnames[i], ignoredPathname) ) { return true } // Now make the reverse check, whether pathnames[i] is a strict prefix of // pathname. To avoid expensive string concatenation on each pathname we // first perform a partial check with a.startsWith(b), and then do the // full check for a subsequent '/' if this passes. This saves about 25% // of the runtime. Again only return a conflict if pathnames[i] is not // ignored. if ( pathname.startsWith(pathnames[i]) && pathname.length > pathnames[i].length && pathname[pathnames[i].length] === '/' && !pathnamesEqual(pathnames[i], ignoredPathname) ) { return true } } // No conflicts - after excluding ignoredPathname, there were no entries // which were a strict prefix of pathname, and pathname was not a strict // prefix of any entry. return false } /** @see Snapshot#getFilePathnames */ getPathnames() { return _.keys(this.files) } /** * Map the files in this map to new values. * @param {function} iteratee * @return {Object} */ map(iteratee) { return _.mapValues(this.files, iteratee) } /** * Map the files in this map to new values asynchronously, with an optional * limit on concurrency. * @param {function} iteratee like for _.mapValues * @param {number} [concurrency] * @return {Promise} */ async mapAsync(iteratee, concurrency) { assert.maybe.number(concurrency, 'bad concurrency') const pathnames = this.getPathnames() const files = await pMap( pathnames, file => { return iteratee(this.getFile(file), file, pathnames) }, { concurrency: concurrency || 1 } ) return _.zipObject(pathnames, files) } } function pathnamesEqual(pathname0, pathname1) { return pathname0 === pathname1 } function pathnamesAreUnique(files) { const keys = _.keys(files) return _.uniqWith(keys, pathnamesEqual).length === keys.length } function checkPathnamesAreUnique(files) { if (pathnamesAreUnique(files)) return throw new FileMap.NonUniquePathnameError(_.keys(files)) } function checkPathname(pathname) { assert.nonEmptyString(pathname, 'bad pathname') if (safePathname.isClean(pathname)) return throw new FileMap.BadPathnameError(pathname) } function checkNewPathnameDoesNotConflict(fileMap, pathname, ignoredPathname) { if (fileMap.wouldConflict(pathname, ignoredPathname)) { throw new FileMap.PathnameConflictError(pathname) } } function checkPathnamesDoNotConflict(fileMap) { const pathnames = fileMap.getPathnames() // check pathnames for validity first pathnames.forEach(checkPathname) // convert pathnames to candidate directory names const dirnames = [] for (let i = 0; i < pathnames.length; i++) { dirnames[i] = pathnames[i] + '/' } // sort in lexical order and check if one directory contains another dirnames.sort() for (let i = 0; i < dirnames.length - 1; i++) { if (dirnames[i + 1].startsWith(dirnames[i])) { // strip trailing slash to get original pathname const conflictPathname = dirnames[i + 1].substr(0, -1) throw new FileMap.PathnameConflictError(conflictPathname) } } } // // This function is somewhat vestigial: it was used when this map used // case-insensitive pathname comparison. We could probably simplify some of the // logic in the callers, but in the hope that we will one day return to // case-insensitive semantics, we've just left things as-is for now. // function findPathnameKey(files, pathname) { // we can check for the key without worrying about properties // in the prototype because we are now using a bare object/ if (pathname in files) return pathname } function addFile(files, pathname, file) { const key = findPathnameKey(files, pathname) if (key) delete files[key] files[pathname] = file } module.exports = FileMap