import { startWith } from './helpers/config' import { ensureUserExists, login } from './helpers/login' import { createProject } from './helpers/project' import git from 'isomorphic-git' import http from 'isomorphic-git/http/web' import LightningFS from '@isomorphic-git/lightning-fs' import { throttledRecompile } from './helpers/compile' describe('git-bridge', function () { const ENABLED_VARS = { GIT_BRIDGE_ENABLED: 'true', GIT_BRIDGE_HOST: 'git-bridge', GIT_BRIDGE_PORT: '8000', V1_HISTORY_URL: 'http://sharelatex:3100/api', } const gitBridgePublicHost = Cypress.env('GIT_BRIDGE_PUBLIC_HOST') || 'sharelatex' describe('enabled in Server Pro', function () { startWith({ pro: true, vars: ENABLED_VARS, }) ensureUserExists({ email: '' }) function clearAllTokens() { cy.get('button.linking-git-bridge-revoke-button').each(el => { cy.wrap(el).click() cy.findByText('Delete token').click() }) } function maybeClearAllTokens() { cy.visit('/user/settings') cy.findByText('Git Integration') cy.get('button') .contains(/Generate token|Add another token/) .then(btn => { if (btn.text() === 'Add another token') { clearAllTokens() } }) } beforeEach(function () { login('') maybeClearAllTokens() }) it('should render the git-bridge UI in the settings', () => { cy.visit('/user/settings') cy.findByText('Git Integration') cy.get('button').contains('Generate token').click() cy.get('code') .contains(/olp_[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}/) .as('newToken') cy.findAllByText('Close').last().click() cy.get('@newToken').then(token => { // There can be more than one token with the same prefix when retrying cy.findAllByText( `${token.text().slice(0, 'olp_1234'.length)}${'*'.repeat(12)}` ).should('', 1) }) cy.get('button').contains('Generate token').should('not.exist') cy.get('button').contains('Add another token').should('exist') clearAllTokens() cy.get('button').contains('Generate token').should('exist') cy.get('button').contains('Add another token').should('not.exist') }) it('should render the git-bridge UI in the editor', function () { cy.visit('/project') createProject('git').as('projectId') cy.get('header').findByText('Menu').click() cy.findByText('Sync') cy.findByText('Git').click() cy.findByRole('dialog').within(() => { cy.get('@projectId').then(id => { cy.get('code').contains( `git clone http://git@${gitBridgePublicHost}/git/${id}` ) }) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Generate token', }).click() cy.get('code').contains(/olp_[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}/) }) // Re-open cy.url().then(url => cy.visit(url)) cy.get('header').findByText('Menu').click() cy.findByText('Git').click() cy.findByRole('dialog').within(() => { cy.get('@projectId').then(id => { cy.get('code').contains( `git clone http://git@${gitBridgePublicHost}/git/${id}` ) }) cy.findByText('Generate token').should('not.exist') cy.findByText(/generate a new one in Account Settings/) cy.findByText('Go to settings') .should('have.attr', 'target', '_blank') .and('have.attr', 'href', '/user/settings') }) }) it('should expose interface for git', () => { cy.visit('/project') createProject('git').as('projectId') const recompile = throttledRecompile() cy.get('header').findByText('Menu').click() cy.findByText('Sync') cy.findByText('Git').click() cy.get('@projectId').then(projectId => { cy.findByRole('dialog').within(() => { cy.get('code').contains( `git clone http://git@${gitBridgePublicHost}/git/${projectId}` ) }) cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Generate token', }).click() cy.get('code') .contains(/olp_[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}/) .then(async tokenEl => { const token = tokenEl.text() // close Git modal cy.findAllByText('Close').last().click() // close editor menu cy.get('#left-menu-modal').click() // check history cy.findAllByText('History').last().click() cy.findByText('(via Git)').should('not.exist') cy.findAllByText('Back to editor').last().click() const fs = new LightningFS('fs') const dir = `/${projectId}` async function readFile(path: string) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readFile(path, { encoding: 'utf8' }, (err, blob) => { if (err) return reject(err) resolve(blob) }) }) } async function writeFile(path: string, data: string) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.writeFile(path, data, undefined, err => { if (err) return reject(err) resolve() }) }) } const commonOptions = { dir, fs, } const httpOptions = { http, url: `http://sharelatex/git/${projectId}`, headers: { Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(`git:${token}`).toString('base64')}`, }, } const authorOptions = { author: { name: 'user', email: '' }, committer: { name: 'user', email: '' }, } // Clone cy.then({ timeout: 10_000 }, async () => { await git.clone({ ...commonOptions, ...httpOptions, }) }) const mainTex = `${dir}/main.tex` const text = ` \\documentclass{article} \\begin{document} Hello world \\end{document} ` // Make a change cy.then(async () => { await writeFile(mainTex, text) await git.add({ ...commonOptions, filepath: 'main.tex', }) await git.commit({ ...commonOptions, ...authorOptions, message: 'Swap main.tex', }) await git.push({ ...commonOptions, ...httpOptions, }) }) // check push in editor cy.findByText(/\\documentclass/) .parent() .parent() .should('have.text', text.replaceAll('\n', '')) // Wait for history sync - trigger flush by toggling the UI cy.findAllByText('History').last().click() cy.findAllByText('Back to editor').last().click() // check push in history cy.findAllByText('History').last().click() cy.findByText(/Hello world/) cy.findByText('(via Git)').should('exist') // Back to the editor cy.findAllByText('Back to editor').last().click() cy.findByText(/\\documentclass/) .parent() .parent() .click() .type('% via editor{enter}') // Trigger flush via compile recompile() // Back into the history, check what we just added cy.findAllByText('History').last().click() cy.findByText(/% via editor/) // Pull the change cy.then(async () => { await git.pull({ ...commonOptions, ...httpOptions, ...authorOptions, }) expect(await readFile(mainTex)).to.equal(text + '% via editor\n') }) }) }) }) }) function checkDisabled() { ensureUserExists({ email: '' }) it('should not render the git-bridge UI in the settings', () => { login('') cy.visit('/user/settings') cy.findByText('Git Integration').should('not.exist') }) it('should not render the git-bridge UI in the editor', function () { login('') cy.visit('/project') createProject('maybe git') cy.get('header').findByText('Menu').click() cy.findByText('Word Count') // wait for lazy loading cy.findByText('Sync').should('not.exist') cy.findByText('Git').should('not.exist') }) } describe('disabled in Server Pro', () => { startWith({ pro: true, }) checkDisabled() }) describe('unavailable in CE', () => { startWith({ pro: false, vars: ENABLED_VARS, }) checkDisabled() }) })