const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb') const _ = require('lodash') const { promisify } = require('util') const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const ENGINE_TO_COMPILER_MAP = { latex_dvipdf: 'latex', pdflatex: 'pdflatex', xelatex: 'xelatex', lualatex: 'lualatex', } module.exports = { compilerFromV1Engine, isArchived, isTrashed, isArchivedOrTrashed, calculateArchivedArray, ensureNameIsUnique, getAllowedImagesForUser, promises: { ensureNameIsUnique: promisify(ensureNameIsUnique), }, } function compilerFromV1Engine(engine) { return ENGINE_TO_COMPILER_MAP[engine] } function isArchived(project, userId) { userId = ObjectId(userId) if (Array.isArray(project.archived)) { return project.archived.some(id => id.equals(userId)) } else { return !!project.archived } } function isTrashed(project, userId) { userId = ObjectId(userId) if (project.trashed) { return project.trashed.some(id => id.equals(userId)) } else { return false } } function isArchivedOrTrashed(project, userId) { return isArchived(project, userId) || isTrashed(project, userId) } function _allCollaborators(project) { return _.unionWith( [project.owner_ref], project.collaberator_refs, project.readOnly_refs, project.tokenAccessReadAndWrite_refs, project.tokenAccessReadOnly_refs, _objectIdEquals ) } function calculateArchivedArray(project, userId, action) { let archived = project.archived userId = ObjectId(userId) if (archived === true) { archived = _allCollaborators(project) } else if (!archived) { archived = [] } if (action === 'ARCHIVE') { archived = _.unionWith(archived, [userId], _objectIdEquals) } else if (action === 'UNARCHIVE') { archived = archived.filter(id => !_objectIdEquals(id, userId)) } else { throw new Error('Unrecognised action') } return archived } function ensureNameIsUnique(nameList, name, suffixes, maxLength, callback) { // create a set of all project names if (suffixes == null) { suffixes = [] } const allNames = new Set(nameList) const isUnique = x => !allNames.has(x) // check if the supplied name is already unique if (isUnique(name)) { return callback(null, name) } // the name already exists, try adding the user-supplied suffixes to generate a unique name for (const suffix of suffixes) { const candidateName = _addSuffixToProjectName(name, suffix, maxLength) if (isUnique(candidateName)) { return callback(null, candidateName) } } // if there are no (more) suffixes, use a numeric one const uniqueName = _addNumericSuffixToProjectName(name, allNames, maxLength) if (uniqueName != null) { callback(null, uniqueName) } else { callback(new Error(`Failed to generate a unique name for: ${name}`)) } } function _objectIdEquals(firstVal, secondVal) { // For use as a comparator for unionWith return firstVal.toString() === secondVal.toString() } function _addSuffixToProjectName(name, suffix, maxLength) { // append the suffix and truncate the project title if needed if (suffix == null) { suffix = '' } const truncatedLength = maxLength - suffix.length return name.substr(0, truncatedLength) + suffix } function _addNumericSuffixToProjectName(name, allProjectNames, maxLength) { const NUMERIC_SUFFIX_MATCH = / \((\d+)\)$/ const suffixedName = function (basename, number) { const suffix = ` (${number})` return basename.substr(0, maxLength - suffix.length) + suffix } const match = name.match(NUMERIC_SUFFIX_MATCH) let basename = name let n = 1 const last = allProjectNames.size + n if (match != null) { basename = name.replace(NUMERIC_SUFFIX_MATCH, '') n = parseInt(match[1]) } const prefixMatcher = new RegExp(`^${basename} \\(\\d+\\)$`) const projectNamesWithSamePrefix = Array.from(allProjectNames).filter(name => prefixMatcher.test(name) ) const nIsLikelyAYear = n > 1000 && projectNamesWithSamePrefix.length < n / 2 if (nIsLikelyAYear) { basename = name n = 1 } while (n <= last) { const candidate = suffixedName(basename, n) if (!allProjectNames.has(candidate)) { return candidate } n += 1 } return null } function getAllowedImagesForUser(sessionUser) { const images = Settings.allowedImageNames || [] if (sessionUser && sessionUser.isAdmin) { return images } else { return images.filter(image => !image.adminOnly) } }