// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Sanity-check the conversion and remove this comment. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ const childProcess = require('child_process') const logger = require('logger-sharelatex') const metrics = require('@overleaf/metrics') const _ = require('underscore') const OError = require('@overleaf/o-error') const BATCH_SIZE = 100 class ASpellWorker { constructor(language) { this.language = language this.count = 0 this.closeReason = '' this.pipe = childProcess.spawn('aspell', [ 'pipe', '-t', '--encoding=utf-8', '-d', language, ]) logger.info( { process: this.pipe.pid, lang: this.language }, 'starting new aspell worker' ) metrics.inc('aspellWorker', 1, { status: 'start', method: this.language }) this.pipe.on('exit', () => { this.state = 'killed' logger.info( { process: this.pipe.pid, lang: this.language }, 'aspell worker has exited' ) metrics.inc('aspellWorker', 1, { status: 'exit', method: this.language, }) }) this.pipe.on('close', () => { const previousWorkerState = this.state if (this.state !== 'killed') { this.state = 'closed' } if (this.callback != null) { const err = new OError( 'aspell worker closed output streams with uncalled callback', { process: this.pipe.pid, lang: this.language, stdout: output.slice(-1024), stderr: error.slice(-1024), workerState: this.state, previousWorkerState, closeReason: this.closeReason, } ) this.callback(err, []) this.callback = null } }) this.pipe.on('error', err => { const previousWorkerState = this.state if (this.state !== 'killed') { this.state = 'error' } OError.tag(err, 'aspell worker error', { process: this.pipe.pid, stdout: output.slice(-1024), stderr: error.slice(-1024), lang: this.language, workerState: this.state, previousWorkerState, closeReason: this.closeReason, }) if (this.callback != null) { this.callback(err, []) this.callback = null } else { logger.warn(err) } }) this.pipe.stdin.on('error', err => { const previousWorkerState = this.state if (this.state !== 'killed') { this.state = 'error' } OError.tag(err, 'aspell worker error on stdin', { process: this.pipe.pid, stdout: output.slice(-1024), stderr: error.slice(-1024), lang: this.language, workerState: this.state, previousWorkerState, closeReason: this.closeReason, }) if (this.callback != null) { this.callback(err, []) this.callback = null } else { logger.warn(err) } }) this.pipe.stdout.setEncoding('utf8') // ensure utf8 output is handled correctly var output = '' const endMarkerRegex = new RegExp('^[a-z][a-z]', 'gm') this.pipe.stdout.on('data', data => { // We receive the language code from Aspell as the end of data marker in // the data. The input is a utf8 encoded string. const oldPos = output.length output = output + data // The end marker may cross the end of a chunk, so we optimise the search // using the regex lastIndex property. endMarkerRegex.lastIndex = oldPos > 2 ? oldPos - 2 : 0 if (endMarkerRegex.test(output)) { if (this.callback != null) { this.callback(null, output.slice()) this.callback = null // only allow one callback in use } else { logger.err( new OError( 'end of data marker received when callback already used', { process: this.pipe.pid, lang: this.language, workerState: this.state, } ) ) } this.state = 'ready' output = '' } }) var error = '' this.pipe.stderr.on('data', chunk => { return (error = error + chunk) }) this.pipe.stdout.on('end', () => { // process has ended return (this.state = 'end') }) } isReady() { return this.state === 'ready' } check(words, callback) { // we will now send data to aspell, and be ready again when we // receive the end of data marker this.state = 'busy' if (this.callback != null) { // only allow one callback in use return this.callback( new OError('Aspell callback already in use - SHOULD NOT HAPPEN', { process: this.pipe.pid, lang: this.language, workerState: this.state, }) ) } this.callback = _.once(callback) // extra defence against double callback this.setTerseMode() this.write(words) return this.flush() } write(words) { let i = 0 return (() => { const result = [] while (i < words.length) { // batch up the words to check for efficiency const batch = words.slice(i, i + BATCH_SIZE) this.sendWords(batch) result.push((i += BATCH_SIZE)) } return result })() } flush() { // get aspell to send an end of data marker "*" when ready // @sendCommand("%") # take the aspell pipe out of terse mode so we can look for a '*' // @sendCommand("^ENDOFSTREAMMARKER") # send our marker which will generate a '*' // @sendCommand("!") # go back into terse mode return this.sendCommand('$$l') } shutdown(reason) { logger.info({ process: this.pipe.pid, reason }, 'shutting down') this.state = 'closing' this.closeReason = reason return this.pipe.stdin.end() } kill(reason) { logger.info({ process: this.pipe.pid, reason }, 'killing') this.closeReason = reason if (this.state === 'killed') { return } return this.pipe.kill('SIGKILL') } setTerseMode() { return this.sendCommand('!') } sendWord(word) { return this.sendCommand(`^${word}`) } sendWords(words) { // Aspell accepts multiple words to check on the same line // ^word1 word2 word3 ... // See aspell.info, writing programs to use Aspell Through A Pipe this.sendCommand(`^${words.join(' ')}`) return this.count++ } sendCommand(command) { // Sanitize user input. Reject line feed characters. command = command.replace(/[\r\n]/g, '') return this.pipe.stdin.write(command + '\n') } } module.exports = ASpellWorker