/* eslint-disable no-return-assign, no-unused-vars, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const sinon = require('sinon') const modulePath = require('path').join(__dirname, '../../../app/js/UrlCache') const { EventEmitter } = require('events') describe('UrlCache', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.callback = sinon.stub() this.url = 'www.example.com/file' this.project_id = 'project-id-123' return (this.UrlCache = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { './db': {}, './UrlFetcher': (this.UrlFetcher = {}), '@overleaf/settings': (this.Settings = { path: { clsiCacheDir: '/cache/dir' }, }), fs: (this.fs = { copyFile: sinon.stub().yields() }), }, })) }) describe('_doesUrlNeedDownloading', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.lastModified = new Date() return (this.lastModifiedRoundedToSeconds = new Date( Math.floor(this.lastModified.getTime() / 1000) * 1000 )) }) describe('when URL does not exist in cache', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.UrlCache._findUrlDetails = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, null) return this.UrlCache._doesUrlNeedDownloading( this.project_id, this.url, this.lastModified, this.callback ) }) return it('should return the callback with true', function () { return this.callback.calledWith(null, true).should.equal(true) }) }) return describe('when URL does exist in cache', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.urlDetails = {} return (this.UrlCache._findUrlDetails = sinon .stub() .callsArgWith(2, null, this.urlDetails)) }) describe('when the modified date is more recent than the cached modified date', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.urlDetails.lastModified = new Date( this.lastModified.getTime() - 1000 ) return this.UrlCache._doesUrlNeedDownloading( this.project_id, this.url, this.lastModified, this.callback ) }) it('should get the url details', function () { return this.UrlCache._findUrlDetails .calledWith(this.project_id, this.url) .should.equal(true) }) return it('should return the callback with true', function () { return this.callback.calledWith(null, true).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('when the cached modified date is more recent than the modified date', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.urlDetails.lastModified = new Date( this.lastModified.getTime() + 1000 ) return this.UrlCache._doesUrlNeedDownloading( this.project_id, this.url, this.lastModified, this.callback ) }) return it('should return the callback with false', function () { return this.callback.calledWith(null, false).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('when the cached modified date is equal to the modified date', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.urlDetails.lastModified = this.lastModified return this.UrlCache._doesUrlNeedDownloading( this.project_id, this.url, this.lastModified, this.callback ) }) return it('should return the callback with false', function () { return this.callback.calledWith(null, false).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('when the provided modified date does not exist', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.lastModified = null return this.UrlCache._doesUrlNeedDownloading( this.project_id, this.url, this.lastModified, this.callback ) }) return it('should return the callback with true', function () { return this.callback.calledWith(null, true).should.equal(true) }) }) return describe('when the URL does not have a modified date', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.urlDetails.lastModified = null return this.UrlCache._doesUrlNeedDownloading( this.project_id, this.url, this.lastModified, this.callback ) }) return it('should return the callback with true', function () { return this.callback.calledWith(null, true).should.equal(true) }) }) }) }) describe('_ensureUrlIsInCache', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.UrlFetcher.pipeUrlToFileWithRetry = sinon.stub().callsArg(2) return (this.UrlCache._updateOrCreateUrlDetails = sinon .stub() .callsArg(3)) }) describe('when the URL needs updating', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.UrlCache._doesUrlNeedDownloading = sinon .stub() .callsArgWith(3, null, true) return this.UrlCache._ensureUrlIsInCache( this.project_id, this.url, this.lastModified, this.callback ) }) it('should check that the url needs downloading', function () { return this.UrlCache._doesUrlNeedDownloading .calledWith( this.project_id, this.url, this.lastModifiedRoundedToSeconds ) .should.equal(true) }) it('should download the URL to the cache file', function () { return this.UrlFetcher.pipeUrlToFileWithRetry .calledWith( this.url, this.UrlCache._cacheFilePathForUrl(this.project_id, this.url) ) .should.equal(true) }) it('should update the database entry', function () { return this.UrlCache._updateOrCreateUrlDetails .calledWith( this.project_id, this.url, this.lastModifiedRoundedToSeconds ) .should.equal(true) }) return it('should return the callback with the cache file path', function () { return this.callback .calledWith( null, this.UrlCache._cacheFilePathForUrl(this.project_id, this.url) ) .should.equal(true) }) }) return describe('when the URL does not need updating', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.UrlCache._doesUrlNeedDownloading = sinon .stub() .callsArgWith(3, null, false) return this.UrlCache._ensureUrlIsInCache( this.project_id, this.url, this.lastModified, this.callback ) }) it('should not download the URL to the cache file', function () { return this.UrlFetcher.pipeUrlToFileWithRetry.called.should.equal(false) }) return it('should return the callback with the cache file path', function () { return this.callback .calledWith( null, this.UrlCache._cacheFilePathForUrl(this.project_id, this.url) ) .should.equal(true) }) }) }) describe('downloadUrlToFile', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.cachePath = 'path/to/cached/url' this.destPath = 'path/to/destination' this.UrlCache._ensureUrlIsInCache = sinon .stub() .callsArgWith(3, null, this.cachePath) return this.UrlCache.downloadUrlToFile( this.project_id, this.url, this.destPath, this.lastModified, this.callback ) }) it('should ensure the URL is downloaded and updated in the cache', function () { return this.UrlCache._ensureUrlIsInCache .calledWith(this.project_id, this.url, this.lastModified) .should.equal(true) }) it('should copy the file to the new location', function () { return this.fs.copyFile .calledWith(this.cachePath, this.destPath) .should.equal(true) }) return it('should call the callback', function () { return this.callback.called.should.equal(true) }) }) describe('_deleteUrlCacheFromDisk', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.fs.unlink = sinon.stub().callsArg(1) return this.UrlCache._deleteUrlCacheFromDisk( this.project_id, this.url, this.callback ) }) it('should delete the cache file', function () { return this.fs.unlink .calledWith( this.UrlCache._cacheFilePathForUrl(this.project_id, this.url) ) .should.equal(true) }) return it('should call the callback', function () { return this.callback.called.should.equal(true) }) }) describe('_clearUrlFromCache', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.UrlCache._deleteUrlCacheFromDisk = sinon.stub().callsArg(2) this.UrlCache._clearUrlDetails = sinon.stub().callsArg(2) return this.UrlCache._clearUrlFromCache( this.project_id, this.url, this.callback ) }) it('should delete the file on disk', function () { return this.UrlCache._deleteUrlCacheFromDisk .calledWith(this.project_id, this.url) .should.equal(true) }) it('should clear the entry in the database', function () { return this.UrlCache._clearUrlDetails .calledWith(this.project_id, this.url) .should.equal(true) }) return it('should call the callback', function () { return this.callback.called.should.equal(true) }) }) return describe('clearProject', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.urls = ['www.example.com/file1', 'www.example.com/file2'] this.UrlCache._findAllUrlsInProject = sinon .stub() .callsArgWith(1, null, this.urls) this.UrlCache._clearUrlFromCache = sinon.stub().callsArg(2) return this.UrlCache.clearProject(this.project_id, this.callback) }) it('should clear the cache for each url in the project', function () { return Array.from(this.urls).map(url => this.UrlCache._clearUrlFromCache .calledWith(this.project_id, url) .should.equal(true) ) }) return it('should call the callback', function () { return this.callback.called.should.equal(true) }) }) })