SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') sinon = require('sinon') require('chai').should() expect = require('chai').expect modulePath = require('path').join __dirname, '../../../app/js/RangeManager' ObjectId = require("mongojs").ObjectId assert = require("chai").assert _ = require "underscore" describe "RangeManager", -> beforeEach -> @RangeManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "./mongojs": ObjectId: ObjectId describe "jsonRangesToMongo", -> it "should convert ObjectIds and dates to proper objects", -> change_id = ObjectId().toString() comment_id = ObjectId().toString() user_id = ObjectId().toString() thread_id = ObjectId().toString() ts = new Date().toJSON() @RangeManager.jsonRangesToMongo({ changes: [{ id: change_id op: { i: "foo", p: 3 } metadata: user_id: user_id ts: ts }] comments: [{ id: comment_id op: { c: "foo", p: 3, t: thread_id } }] }).should.deep.equal { changes: [{ id: ObjectId(change_id) op: { i: "foo", p: 3 } metadata: user_id: ObjectId(user_id) ts: new Date(ts) }] comments: [{ id: ObjectId(comment_id) op: { c: "foo", p: 3, t: ObjectId(thread_id) } }] } it "should leave malformed ObjectIds as they are", -> change_id = "foo" comment_id = "bar" user_id = "baz" @RangeManager.jsonRangesToMongo({ changes: [{ id: change_id metadata: user_id: user_id }] comments: [{ id: comment_id }] }).should.deep.equal { changes: [{ id: change_id metadata: user_id: user_id }] comments: [{ id: comment_id }] } it "should be consistent when transformed through json -> mongo -> json", -> change_id = ObjectId().toString() comment_id = ObjectId().toString() user_id = ObjectId().toString() thread_id = ObjectId().toString() ts = new Date().toJSON() ranges1 = { changes: [{ id: change_id op: { i: "foo", p: 3 } metadata: user_id: user_id ts: ts }] comments: [{ id: comment_id op: { c: "foo", p: 3, t: thread_id } }] } ranges1_copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ranges1)) # jsonRangesToMongo modifies in place ranges2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(@RangeManager.jsonRangesToMongo(ranges1_copy))) ranges1.should.deep.equal ranges2 describe "shouldUpdateRanges", -> beforeEach () -> @ranges = { changes: [{ id: ObjectId() op: { i: "foo", p: 3 } metadata: user_id: ObjectId() ts: new Date() }] comments: [{ id: ObjectId() op: { c: "foo", p: 3, t: ObjectId() } }] } @ranges_copy = @RangeManager.jsonRangesToMongo(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(@ranges))) describe "with a blank new range", -> it "should throw an error", -> expect(() => @RangeManager.shouldUpdateRanges(@ranges, null) ).to.throw(Error) describe "with a blank old range", -> it "should treat it like {}", -> @RangeManager.shouldUpdateRanges(null, {}).should.equal false @RangeManager.shouldUpdateRanges(null, @ranges).should.equal true describe "with no changes", -> it "should return false", -> @RangeManager.shouldUpdateRanges(@ranges, @ranges_copy).should.equal false describe "with changes", -> it "should return true when the change id changes", -> @ranges_copy.changes[0].id = ObjectId() @RangeManager.shouldUpdateRanges(@ranges, @ranges_copy).should.equal true it "should return true when the change user id changes", -> @ranges_copy.changes[0].metadata.user_id = ObjectId() @RangeManager.shouldUpdateRanges(@ranges, @ranges_copy).should.equal true it "should return true when the change ts changes", -> @ranges_copy.changes[0].metadata.ts = new Date( + 1000) @RangeManager.shouldUpdateRanges(@ranges, @ranges_copy).should.equal true it "should return true when the change op changes", -> @ranges_copy.changes[0].op.i = "bar" @RangeManager.shouldUpdateRanges(@ranges, @ranges_copy).should.equal true it "should return true when the comment id changes", -> @ranges_copy.comments[0].id = ObjectId() @RangeManager.shouldUpdateRanges(@ranges, @ranges_copy).should.equal true it "should return true when the comment offset changes", -> @ranges_copy.comments[0].op.p = 17 @RangeManager.shouldUpdateRanges(@ranges, @ranges_copy).should.equal true it "should return true when the comment content changes", -> @ranges_copy.comments[0].op.c = "bar" @RangeManager.shouldUpdateRanges(@ranges, @ranges_copy).should.equal true