SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') assert = require('assert') require('chai').should() expect = require('chai').expect sinon = require('sinon') modulePath = require('path').join __dirname, '../../../../app/js/Features/SudoMode/SudoModeHandler' describe 'SudoModeHandler', -> beforeEach -> @userId = 'some_user_id' @rclient = {get: sinon.stub(), set: sinon.stub(), del: sinon.stub()} @RedisWrapper = client: () => @rclient @SudoModeHandler = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: '../../infrastructure/RedisWrapper': @RedisWrapper 'logger-sharelatex': @logger = {log: sinon.stub(), err: sinon.stub()} describe '_buildKey', -> it 'should build a properly formed key', -> expect(@SudoModeHandler._buildKey('123')).to.equal 'SudoMode:{123}' describe 'activateSudoMode', -> beforeEach -> @call = (cb) => @SudoModeHandler.activateSudoMode @userId, cb describe 'when all goes well', -> beforeEach -> @rclient.set = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null) it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(err).to.equal null done() it 'should set a value in redis', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(@rclient.set.callCount).to.equal 1 expect(@rclient.set.calledWith( 'SudoMode:{some_user_id}', '1', 'EX', 60*60 )).to.equal true done() describe 'when user id is not supplied', -> beforeEach -> @call = (cb) => @SudoModeHandler.activateSudoMode null, cb it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error done() it 'should not set value in redis', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(@rclient.set.callCount).to.equal 0 done() describe 'when rclient.set produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @rclient.set = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error done() describe 'clearSudoMode', -> beforeEach -> @rclient.del = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null) @call = (cb) => @SudoModeHandler.clearSudoMode @userId, cb it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(err).to.equal null done() it 'should delete key from redis', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(@rclient.del.callCount).to.equal 1 expect(@rclient.del.calledWith( 'SudoMode:{some_user_id}' )).to.equal true done() describe 'when rclient.del produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @rclient.del = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error done() describe 'when user id is not supplied', -> beforeEach -> @call = (cb) => @SudoModeHandler.clearSudoMode null, cb it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error done() it 'should not delete value in redis', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(@rclient.del.callCount).to.equal 0 done() describe 'isSudoModeActive', -> beforeEach -> @call = (cb) => @SudoModeHandler.isSudoModeActive @userId, cb describe 'when sudo-mode is active for that user', -> beforeEach -> @rclient.get = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, '1') it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, isActive) => expect(err).to.equal null done() it 'should get the value from redis', (done) -> @call (err, isActive) => expect(@rclient.get.callCount).to.equal 1 expect(@rclient.get.calledWith('SudoMode:{some_user_id}')).to.equal true done() it 'should produce a true result', (done) -> @call (err, isActive) => expect(isActive).to.equal true done() describe 'when sudo-mode is not active for that user', -> beforeEach -> @rclient.get = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, null) it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, isActive) => expect(err).to.equal null done() it 'should get the value from redis', (done) -> @call (err, isActive) => expect(@rclient.get.callCount).to.equal 1 expect(@rclient.get.calledWith('SudoMode:{some_user_id}')).to.equal true done() it 'should produce a false result', (done) -> @call (err, isActive) => expect(isActive).to.equal false done() describe 'when rclient.get produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @rclient.get = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, isActive) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error expect(isActive) [null, undefined] done() describe 'when user id is not supplied', -> beforeEach -> @call = (cb) => @SudoModeHandler.isSudoModeActive null, cb it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error done() it 'should not get value in redis', (done) -> @call (err) => expect(@rclient.get.callCount).to.equal 0 done()