sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/Compile/CompileController.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') MockRequest = require "../helpers/MockRequest" MockResponse = require "../helpers/MockResponse" describe "CompileController", -> beforeEach -> @CompileManager = compile: sinon.stub() @CompileController = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "settings-sharelatex": @settings = apis: clsi: url: "" "request": @request = {} "../../models/Project": Project: @Project = {} "logger-sharelatex": @logger = { log: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub() } "../../infrastructure/Metrics": @Metrics = { inc: sinon.stub() } "./CompileManager":@CompileManager @project_id = "project-id" @next = sinon.stub() @req = new MockRequest() @res = new MockResponse() describe "downloadPdf", -> beforeEach -> @req.params = Project_id: @project_id @project = getSafeProjectName: () => @safe_name = "safe-name" @Project.findById = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @project) describe "when downloading for embedding", -> beforeEach -> @project.useClsi2 = true @CompileController.proxyToClsi = sinon.stub() @CompileController.downloadPdf(@req, @res, @next) it "should look up the project", -> @Project.findById .calledWith(@project_id, {name: 1}) .should.equal true it "should set the content-type of the response to application/pdf", -> @res.contentType .calledWith("application/pdf") .should.equal true it "should set the content-disposition header with the project name", -> @res.header .calledWith("Content-Disposition", "filename=#{@safe_name}.pdf") .should.equal true it "should increment the pdf-downloads metric", -> .calledWith("pdf-downloads") .should.equal true it "should proxy the PDF from the CLSI", -> @CompileController.proxyToClsi .calledWith("/project/#{@project_id}/output/output.pdf", @req, @res, @next) .should.equal true describe "proxyToClsi", -> beforeEach -> @request.get = sinon.stub().returns(@proxy = { pipe: sinon.stub() on: sinon.stub() }) @CompileController.proxyToClsi(@url = "/test", @req, @res, @next) it "should open a request to the CLSI", -> @request.get .calledWith(url: "#{@settings.apis.clsi.url}#{@url}", timeout: 60 * 1000) .should.equal true it "should pass the request on to the client", -> @proxy.pipe .calledWith(@res) .should.equal true it "should bind an error handle to the request proxy", -> @proxy.on.calledWith("error").should.equal true describe "compileAndDownloadPdf", -> beforeEach -> @req = params: project_id:@project_id @CompileManager.compile.callsArgWith(3) @CompileController.proxyToClsi = sinon.stub() @res = send:=> it "should call compile in the compile manager", (done)-> @CompileController.compileAndDownloadPdf @req, @res @CompileManager.compile.calledWith(@project_id).should.equal true done() it "should proxy the res to the clsi with correct url", (done)-> @CompileController.compileAndDownloadPdf @req, @res @CompileController.proxyToClsi.calledWith("/project/#{@project_id}/output/output.pdf", @req, @res).should.equal true done()