/* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */ import { packageSuggestionsForCommands, packageSuggestionsForEnvironments, } from './HumanReadableLogsPackageSuggestions' interface Rule { ruleId: string types?: string[] cascadesFrom?: string[] newMessage?: string regexToMatch: RegExp contentRegex?: RegExp improvedTitle?: ( currentTitle: string, details?: [string] ) => string | [string, JSX.Element] package?: string } const rules: Rule[] = [ { ruleId: 'hint_misplaced_alignment_tab_character', regexToMatch: /Misplaced alignment tab character &/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_extra_alignment_tab_has_been_changed', regexToMatch: /Extra alignment tab has been changed to \\cr/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_display_math_should_end_with', regexToMatch: /Display math should end with \$\$/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_inserted', regexToMatch: /Missing [{$] inserted\./, }, { ruleId: 'hint_reference_undefined', regexToMatch: /Reference.+undefined/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_there_were_undefined_references', regexToMatch: /There were undefined references/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_citation_on_page_undefined_on_input_line', regexToMatch: /Citation .+ on page .+ undefined on input line .+/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_label_multiply_defined_labels', regexToMatch: /(Label .+)? multiply[ -]defined( labels)?/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_float_specifier_changed', regexToMatch: /`!?h' float specifier changed to `!?ht/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_positions_in_optional_float_specifier', regexToMatch: /No positions in optional float specifier/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_undefined_control_sequence', regexToMatch: /Undefined control sequence/, // Match the last control sequence in the line contentRegex: /^[^\n]*(\\\S+)\s*[\n]/, improvedTitle: (currentTitle: string, details?: [string]) => { if (details?.length && packageSuggestionsForCommands.has(details[0])) { const command = details[0] const suggestion = packageSuggestionsForCommands.get(command) return [ `Is ${suggestion.command} missing?`, // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key Is {suggestion.command} missing? , ] } return currentTitle }, }, { ruleId: 'hint_undefined_environment', regexToMatch: /LaTeX Error: Environment .+ undefined/, contentRegex: /\\begin\{(\S+)\}/, improvedTitle: (currentTitle: string, details?: [string]) => { if ( details?.length && packageSuggestionsForEnvironments.has(details[0]) ) { const environment = details[0] const suggestion = packageSuggestionsForEnvironments.get(environment) return [ `Is ${suggestion.command} missing?`, // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key Is {suggestion.command} missing? , ] } return currentTitle }, }, { ruleId: 'hint_file_not_found', regexToMatch: /File .+ not found/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_unknown_graphics_extension', regexToMatch: /LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: \..+/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_unknown_float_option_h', regexToMatch: /LaTeX Error: Unknown float option `H/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_unknown_float_option_q', regexToMatch: /LaTeX Error: Unknown float option `q/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_math_allowed_only_in_math_mode', regexToMatch: /LaTeX Error: \\math.+ allowed only in math mode/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_mismatched_environment', types: ['environment'], regexToMatch: /Error: `([^']{2,})' expected, found `([^']{2,})'.*/, newMessage: 'Error: environment does not match \\begin{$1} ... \\end{$2}', }, { ruleId: 'hint_mismatched_brackets', types: ['environment'], regexToMatch: /Error: `([^a-zA-Z0-9])' expected, found `([^a-zA-Z0-9])'.*/, newMessage: "Error: brackets do not match, found '$2' instead of '$1'", }, { ruleId: 'hint_can_be_used_only_in_preamble', regexToMatch: /LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_right_inserted', regexToMatch: /Missing \\right inserted/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_double_superscript', regexToMatch: /Double superscript/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_double_subscript', regexToMatch: /Double subscript/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_author_given', regexToMatch: /No \\author given/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_somethings_wrong_perhaps_a_missing_item', regexToMatch: /LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \\item/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_misplaced_noalign', regexToMatch: /Misplaced \\noalign/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_line_here_to_end', regexToMatch: /LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_verb_ended_by_end_of_line', regexToMatch: /LaTeX Error: \\verb ended by end of line/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_illegal_unit_of_measure_pt_inserted', regexToMatch: /Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted)/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_extra_right', regexToMatch: /Extra \\right/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_begin_document', regexToMatch: /Missing \\begin{document}/, }, { ruleId: 'hint_mismatched_environment2', types: ['environment'], cascadesFrom: ['environment'], regexToMatch: /Error: `\\end\{([^\}]+)\}' expected but found `\\end\{([^\}]+)\}'.*/, newMessage: 'Error: environments do not match: \\begin{$1} ... \\end{$2}', }, { ruleId: 'hint_mismatched_environment3', types: ['environment'], cascadesFrom: ['environment'], regexToMatch: /Warning: No matching \\end found for `\\begin\{([^\}]+)\}'.*/, newMessage: 'Warning: No matching \\end found for \\begin{$1}', }, { ruleId: 'hint_mismatched_environment4', types: ['environment'], cascadesFrom: ['environment'], regexToMatch: /Error: Found `\\end\{([^\}]+)\}' without corresponding \\begin.*/, newMessage: 'Error: found \\end{$1} without a corresponding \\begin{$1}', }, ] const errors: Rule[] = [ { ruleId: 'hint_character_invalid_at_this_point', regexToMatch: /^Package calc error: `(.+?)' invalid at this point/, package: 'calc', }, { ruleId: 'hint_command_allowed_only_in_math_mode', regexToMatch: /^Package amsmath error: (.+?) allowed only in math mode/, package: 'amsmath', }, { ruleId: 'hint_command_undefined', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: (.+?) undefined/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_lt_in_mid_line', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: \\< in mid line/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_a_box_was_supposed_to_be_here', regexToMatch: /^A was supposed to be here/i, // note: can be package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_accent_not_provided_by_font_family', regexToMatch: /^Package textcomp error: Accent (.+?) not provided by font family (.+)/, package: 'textcomp', }, { ruleId: 'hint_argument_of_has_an_extra', regexToMatch: /^Argument of (.+?) has an extra }/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_bad_line_or_vector_argument', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Bad \\line or \\vector argument/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_bad_math_environment_delimiter', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Bad math environment delimiter/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_begin_env_allowed_only_in_paragraph_mode', regexToMatch: /^Package amsmath error: \\begin{(.+?)} allowed only in paragraph mode/, package: 'amsmath', }, { ruleId: 'hint_begin_env_on_input_line_x_ended_by_end_x', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: \\begin{(.+?)} on input line (.+?) ended by \\end{(.+?)}/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_begin_split_wont_work_here', regexToMatch: /^Package amsmath error: \\begin{split} won't work here/, package: 'amsmath', }, { ruleId: 'hint_can_be_used_only_in_preamble', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Can be used only in preamble/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_cannot_be_used_in_preamble', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Cannot be used in preamble/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_cannot_define_unicode_char_value_lt_00a0', regexToMatch: /^Package inputenc error: Cannot define Unicode char value < 00A0/, package: 'inputenc', }, { ruleId: 'hint_cannot_determine_size_of_graphic_in_file', regexToMatch: /^Package (graphics|graphicx) error: Cannot determine size of graphic in (.+)/, package: 'graphics/graphicx', }, { ruleId: 'hint_cannot_include_graphics_of_type', regexToMatch: /^Package (graphics|graphicx) error: Cannot include graphics of type\s*: (.+)/, package: 'graphics/graphicx', }, { ruleId: 'hint_caption_outside_float', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: \\caption outside float/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_command_already_defined', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Command (.+?) already defined/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_command_invalid_in_math_mode', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Command (.+?) invalid in math mode/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_command_not_defined_as_a_math_alphabet', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Command (.+?) not defined as a math alphabet/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_corrupted_nfss_tables', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Corrupted NFSS tables/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_counter_too_large', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Counter too large/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_dimension_too_large', regexToMatch: /^Dimension too large/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_displaybreak_cannot_be_applied_here', regexToMatch: /^Package amsmath error: \\displaybreak cannot be applied here/, package: 'amsmath', }, { ruleId: 'hint_division_by_0', regexToMatch: /^Package (graphics|graphicx) error: Division by 0/, package: 'graphics/graphicx', }, { ruleId: 'hint_double_subscript', regexToMatch: /^Double subscript/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_double_superscript', regexToMatch: /^Double superscript/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_encoding_file_not_found', regexToMatch: /^Package fontenc error: Encoding file `(.+?)' not found/, package: 'fontenc', }, { ruleId: 'hint_encoding_scheme_unknown', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Encoding scheme `(.+?)' unknown/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_environment_undefined', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Environment (.+?) undefined/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_erroneous_nesting_of_equation_structures', regexToMatch: /^Package amsmath error: Erroneous nesting of equation structures/, package: 'amsmath', }, { ruleId: 'hint_extra_on_this_line', regexToMatch: /^Package amsmath error: Extra & on this line/, package: 'amsmath', }, { ruleId: 'hint_extra_alignment_tab_has_been_changed_to_cr', regexToMatch: /^Extra alignment tab has been changed to \\cr/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_extra_endgroup', regexToMatch: /^Extra \\endgroup/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_extra_or', regexToMatch: /^Extra \\or/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_extra_right', regexToMatch: /^Extra \\right/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_extra_or_forgotten', regexToMatch: /^Extra }, or forgotten \$/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_extra_or_forgotten_endgroup', regexToMatch: /^Extra }, or forgotten \\endgroup/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_file_not_found', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: File `(.+?)' not found/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_file_ended_while_scanning', regexToMatch: /^File ended while scanning (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_float_lost', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Float\(s\) lost/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_font_family_unknown', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Font family `(.+?)\+(.+?)' unknown/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_font_not_found', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Font (.+?) not found/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_font_not_loaded_not_enough_room_left', regexToMatch: /^Font (.+?)=(.+?) not loaded: Not enough room left/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_font_shape_not_found', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Font shape (.+?) not found/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_i_cant_find_file', regexToMatch: /^I can't find file `(.+?)'/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_i_cant_write_on_file', regexToMatch: /^I can't write on file `(.+?)'/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_illegal_character_in_array_arg', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Illegal character in array arg/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_illegal_parameter_number_in_definition_of', regexToMatch: /^Illegal parameter number in definition of (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_illegal_unit_of_measure_pt_inserted', regexToMatch: /^Illegal unit of measure \(pt inserted\)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_improper_argument_for_math_accent', regexToMatch: /^Package amsmath error: Improper argument for math accent/, package: 'amsmath', }, { ruleId: 'hint_improper_discretionary_list', regexToMatch: /^Improper discretionary list/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_improper_hyphenation', regexToMatch: /^Improper \\hyphenation/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_improper_prevdepth', regexToMatch: /^Improper \\prevdepth/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_improper_spacefactor', regexToMatch: /^Improper \\spacefactor/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_include_cannot_be_nested', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: \\include cannot be nested/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_incompatible_list_cant_be_unboxed', regexToMatch: /^Incompatible list can't be unboxed/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_incomplete_all_text_was_ignored_after_line', regexToMatch: /^Incomplete (.+?); all text was ignored after line (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_infinite_glue_shrinkage_found', regexToMatch: /^Infinite glue shrinkage found (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_interruption', regexToMatch: /^Interruption/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_invalid_use_of_commande', regexToMatch: /^Package amsmath error: Invalid use of (.+)/, package: 'amsmath', }, { ruleId: 'hint_keyboard_character_used_is_undefined_in_input_encoding', regexToMatch: /^Package inputenc error: Keyboard character used is undefined in input encoding (.+)/, package: 'inputenc', }, { ruleId: 'hint_language_definition_file_not_found', regexToMatch: /^Package babel error: Language definition file (.+?)\.ldf not found /, package: 'babel', }, { ruleId: 'hint_limit_controls_must_follow_a_math_operator', regexToMatch: /^Limit controls must follow a math operator/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_loadclass_in_package_file', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: \\LoadClass in package file/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_lonely_item_perhaps_a_missing_list_environment', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Lonely \\item--perhaps a missing list environment/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_math_alphabet_identifier_is_undefined_in_math_version', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Math alphabet identifier (.+?) is undefined in math version (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_math_version_is_not_defined', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Math version (.+?) is not defined/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_misplaced_alignment_tab_character', regexToMatch: /^Misplaced alignment tab character &/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_misplaced_cr', regexToMatch: /^Misplaced \\cr/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_misplaced_crcr', regexToMatch: /^Misplaced \\crcr/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_misplaced_noalign', regexToMatch: /^Misplaced \\noalign/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_misplaced_omit', regexToMatch: /^Misplaced \\omit/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_begin_document', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Missing \\begin{document}/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_control_sequence_inserted', regexToMatch: /^Missing control sequence inserted/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_cr_inserted', regexToMatch: /^Missing \\cr inserted/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_delimiter_inserted', regexToMatch: /^Missing delimiter \(. inserted\)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_endcsname_inserted', regexToMatch: /^Missing \\endcsname inserted/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_number_treated_as_zero', regexToMatch: /^Missing number, treated as zero/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_p_arg_in_array_arg', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Missing p-arg in array arg/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_exp_in_array_arg', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Missing @-exp in array arg/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_inserted_in_alignment_preamble', regexToMatch: /^Missing # inserted in alignment preamble/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_inserted_for_ifnum', regexToMatch: /^Missing = inserted for \\ifnum/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_inserted_for_ifdim', regexToMatch: /^Missing = inserted for \\ifdim/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_inserted', regexToMatch: /^Missing \$ inserted/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_endgroup_inserted', regexToMatch: /^Missing \\endgroup inserted/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_right_inserted', regexToMatch: /^Missing \\right\. inserted/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_inserted', regexToMatch: /^Missing \{ inserted/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_inserted', regexToMatch: /^Missing } inserted/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_multiple_labels_label_tiquette_will_be_lost', regexToMatch: /^Package amsmath error: Multiple \\label's: label (.+?) will be lost/, package: 'amsmath', }, { ruleId: 'hint_multiple_tag', regexToMatch: /^Package amsmath error: Multiple \\tag/, package: 'amsmath', }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_counter_defined', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: No counter '(.+?)' defined/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_cyrillic_encoding_definition_files_were_found', regexToMatch: /^Package babel error: No Cyrillic encoding definition files were found/, package: 'babel', }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_declaration_for_shape', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: No declaration for shape (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_driver_specified', regexToMatch: /^Package (color|graphics|graphicx) error: No driver specified/, package: 'color/graphics/graphicx', }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_room_for_a_new_register', regexToMatch: /^No room for a new (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_title_given', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: No \\title given/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_not_a_letter', regexToMatch: /^Not a letter/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_not_in_outer_par_mode', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Not in outer par mode/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_number_too_big', regexToMatch: /^Number too big/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_ok_see_the_transcript_file', regexToMatch: /^OK \(see the transcript file\)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_old_form_should_be_begin', regexToMatch: /^Package amsmath error: Old form (.+?) should be \\begin{(.+?)} /, package: 'amsmath', }, { ruleId: 'hint_only_one_is_allowed_per_tab', regexToMatch: /^Only one # is allowed per tab/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_option_clash_for_package', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Option clash for package (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_page_height_already_too_large', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: Page height already too large/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_paragraph_ended_before_command_was_complete', regexToMatch: /^Paragraph ended before (.+?) was complete/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_please_type_a_command_or_say_end', regexToMatch: /^\(Please type a command or say `\\end'\)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_pushtabs_and_poptabs_dont_match', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: \\pushtabs and \\poptabs don't match/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_requirepackage_or_loadclass_in_options_section', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX error: \\RequirePackage or \\LoadClass in Options Section/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_rotation_not_supported', regexToMatch: /^Package (graphics|graphicx) error: Rotation not supported/, package: 'graphics/graphicx', }, { ruleId: 'hint_runaway', regexToMatch: /^Runaway (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_you_havent_specified_a_language_option', regexToMatch: /^Package babel error: You haven't specified a language option/, package: 'babel', }, ] const warnings: Rule[] = [ { ruleId: 'hint_calculating_math_sizes_for_size', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Calculating math sizes for size (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_checking_defaults_for', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Checking defaults for (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_citation_on_page_undefined', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Citation `(.+?)' on page (.+?) undefined/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_command_invalid_in_math_mode', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Command (.+?) invalid in math mode/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_document_class', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Document Class\s*: (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_empty_thebibliography_environment', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Empty `thebibliography' environment/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_encoding_has_changed_to_for', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Encoding (.+?) has changed to (.+?) for/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_end_occurred_inside_a_group_at_level', regexToMatch: /^\(\\end occurred inside a group at level (.+)\)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_when_condition_on_line_was_incomplete', regexToMatch: /^\(\\end occurred when (.+?) on line (.+) was incomplete\)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_external_font_loaded_for_size', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): External font (.+?) loaded for size (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_faking_for_font_family_in_ts1_encoding', regexToMatch: /^Package TeXtcomp (Warning|Info): Faking (.+?) for font family (.+?) in TS1 encoding/, package: 'TeXtcomp', }, { ruleId: 'hint_file_already_exists_on_the_system_not_generating_it_from_this_source', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): File `(.+?)' already exists on the system\.\nNot generating it from this source\./, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_file', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): File\s*: (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_file_font_definition', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): File\s*: (.+?)\.fd (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_float_too_large_for_page_by', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Float too large for page by (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_font_shape_in_size_not_available_external_font_used', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Font shape (.+?) in size (.+?) not available\nexternal font (.+?) used/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_font_shape_in_size_not_available_size_substituted', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Font shape (.+?) in size (.+?) not available\nsize (.+?) substituted/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_font_shape_in_size_not_available_shape_forme_tried', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Font shape (.+?) in size (.+?) not available\nshape (.+?) tried/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_font_shape_forme_undefined_using_autre_forme_instead', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Font shape (.+?) undefined\. Using `(.+?)' instead/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_font_shape_forme_will_be_scaled_to_size_taille_', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Font shape (.+?) will be scaled to size (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_foreign_command', regexToMatch: /^Package amsmath (Warning|Info): Foreign command (.+?);/, package: 'amsmath', }, { ruleId: 'hint_form_feed_has_been_converted_to_blank_line', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Form feed has been converted to Blank Line/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_float_specifier_changed', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): `(.+?)' float specifier changed to `(.+?)'/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_ignoring_text_after_end', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Ignoring text `(.+?)' after \\end{(.+?)}/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_label_multiply_defined', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Label `(.+?)' multiply defined/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_labels_may_have_changed_rerun_to_get_cross_references_right', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Label\(s\) may have changed\. Rerun to get cross-references right\./, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_loose_hbox_badness', regexToMatch: /^Loose \\hbox \(badness (.+?)\) (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_loose_vbox_badness', regexToMatch: /^Loose \\vbox \(badness (.+?)\) (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_making_an_active_character', regexToMatch: /^Package babel (Warning|Info): Making (.+?) an active character/, package: 'babel', }, { ruleId: 'hint_marginpar_on_page_moved', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Marginpar on page (.+?) moved/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_missing_character_there_is_no_in_font', regexToMatch: /^Missing character\s*: There is no (.+?) in font (.+?)!/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_author_given', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): No \\author given/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_auxiliary_output_files', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): No auxiliary output files/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_characters_defined_by_input_encoding_change_to', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): No characters defined by input encoding change to (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_file', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): No file (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_hyphenation_patterns_were_loaded_for_the_language', regexToMatch: /^Package babel (Warning|Info): No hyphenation patterns were loaded for the language `(.+?)'/, package: 'babel', }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_input_encoding_specified_for_language', regexToMatch: /^Package babel (Warning|Info): No input encoding specified for (.+?) language/, package: 'babel', }, { ruleId: 'hint_no_positions_in_optional_float_specifier', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): No positions in optional float specifier\./, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_oldstyle_digits_unavailable_for_family', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Oldstyle digits unavailable for family (.+)/, package: 'Textcomp', }, { ruleId: 'hint_optional_argument_of_twocolumn_too_tall_on_page', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Optional argument of \\twocolumn too tall on page (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_oval_circle_or_line_size_unavailable', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): \\oval, \\circle, or \\line size unavailable/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_overfull_hbox_too_wide_quelque_part_', regexToMatch: /^Overfull \\hbox \((.+?)pt too wide\) (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_overfull_vbox_pt_too_wide', regexToMatch: /^Overfull \\vbox \((.+?)pt too wide\)\) (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_overwriting_encoding_scheme_quelque_chose_defaults', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Overwriting encoding scheme (.+?) defaults/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_overwriting_in_version', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Overwriting (.+?) in version `(.+)'/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_package', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Package: (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_redeclaring_font_encoding', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Redeclaring font encoding (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_redeclaring_math_accent', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Redeclaring math accent (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_redeclaring_math_alphabet', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Redeclaring math alphabet (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_redeclaring_math_symbol', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Redeclaring math symbol (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_redeclaring_math_version', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Redeclaring math version (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_redeclaring_symbol_font', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Redeclaring symbol font (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_reference_on_page_undefined', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Reference `(.+?)' on page (.+?) undefined/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_size_substitutions_with_differences_up_to_have_occurred', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Size substitutions with differences up to (.+?) have occurred/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_some_font_shapes_were_not_available_defaults_substituted', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_tab_has_been_converted_to_blank_space', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Tab has been converted to Blank Space/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_text_page_contains_only_floats', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): text page (.+?) contains only floats/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_there_were_multiply_defined_labels', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): There were multiply-defined labels/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_there_were_undefined_references', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): There were undefined references/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_tight_hbox_badness', regexToMatch: /^Tight \\hbox \(badness (.+?)\) (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_tight_vbox_badness', regexToMatch: /^Tight \\vbox \(badness (.+?)\) (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_try_loading_font_information_for', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Try loading font information for (.+?)\+(.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_unable_to_redefine_math_accent', regexToMatch: /^Package amsmath (Warning|Info): Unable to redefine math accent (.+)/, package: 'amsmath', }, { ruleId: 'hint_hbox_badness_detected_at_line', regexToMatch: /^Underfull \\hbox \(badness (.+?)\) (.+?) detected at line (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_hbox_badness_has_occurred_while_output_is_active', regexToMatch: /^Underfull \\hbox \(badness (.+?)\) (.+?) has occurred while \\output is active/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_hbox_badness_in_alignment_at_lines', regexToMatch: /^Underfull \\hbox \(badness (.+?)\) (.+?) in alignment at lines (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_hbox_badness_in_paragraph_at_lines', regexToMatch: /^Underfull \\hbox \(badness (.+?)\) (.+?) in paragraph at lines (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_vbox_badness_detected_at_line', regexToMatch: /^Underfull \\vbox \(badness (.+?)\) (.+?) detected at line (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_vbox_badness_has_occurred_while_output_is_active', regexToMatch: /^Underfull \\vbox \(badness (.+?)\) (.+?) has occurred while \\output is active/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_vbox_badness_in_alignment_at_lines', regexToMatch: /^Underfull \\vbox \(badness (.+?)\) (.+?) in alignment at lines (.+)/, package: 'TeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_unused_global_options', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Unused global option\(s\)\s*: \[(.+?)]/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_writing_file', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Writing file `(.+?)'/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_writing_text_before_end_as_last_line_of', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): Writing text `(.+?)' before \\end{(.+?)} as last line of (.+)/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_you_have_more_than_once_selected_the_attribute_for_language', regexToMatch: /^Package babel (Warning|Info): You have more than once selected the attribute `(.+?)' for language (.+)/, package: 'babel', }, { ruleId: 'hint_you_have_requested_package_or_class_but_the_package_or_class_provides', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): You have requested (package|class) `(.+?)', but the (package|class) provides `(.+?)'/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_you_have_requested_release_date_of_latex_but_only_release_ancienne_date_is_available', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): You have requested release `(.+?)' of LaTeX, but only release `(.+?)' is available/, package: 'LaTeX', }, { ruleId: 'hint_you_have_requested_on_line_version_of_but_only_version_is_available', regexToMatch: /^LaTeX (Font )?(Warning|Info): You have requested, on line (.+?), version `(.+?)' of (.+?), but only version `(.+?)' is available/, package: 'LaTeX', }, ] export default [...rules, ...errors, ...warnings]